Scalar Triple Product Formula
In mathematics, the product of three vectors refers to the scalar triple product of vectors. Scalar quantities are derived from this formula and are expressed as (a x b).c. The dot and cross in this formula can be interchanged, that is, (a x b).c = a.(b x c). The purpose of this article is to teach students about the definition, formula, properties and more of the scalar triple product and vector triple product.
A Proof of Scalar Triple Products
Using a scalar triple product formula, we combine the cross product of two of the vectors and the dot product of one of the vectors. We can write it as follows:
abc= (a x b).c
This formula indicates the volume of a parallelepiped with three coterminous edges, for example, a, b, and c. In terms of the volume, the cross product of two vectors (let a and b be the vectors) results in the volume of the base. As a result, we get a perpendicular direction to both vectors. By calculating the height along the direction of the resultant cross product we can find the third vector (say c).
In other words, the parallelogram's area is a product of |a x b|, and the direction the vector faces is perpendicular to the base.
The height is denoted by |c| cos cos Ф, where Ф denotes the angle between a x b and c.
The diagram above shows that the direction of the vector |a x b| is perpendicular to the base of the diagram, and denotes the height as |c| cos cos Ф.
By defining the expansion of vector cross products, calculating the scalar triple product proof becomes a breeze.
Let a= a\[_{1}\]\[\hat{i}\] + a\[_{2}\]\[\hat{j}\] + a\[_{3}\]\[\hat{k}\], b= b\[_{1}\]\[\hat{i}\] + b\[_{2}\]\[\hat{j}\] + b\[_{3}\]\[\hat{k}\], c = c\[_{1}\]\[\hat{i}\] + c\[_{2}\]\[\hat{j}\] + c\[_{3}\]\[\hat{k}\]
Now, (a x b) . c = \[\begin{vmatrix} \hat{i} & \hat{j} & \hat{k}\\ a_{1} & a_{2} & a_{3}\\ b_{1} & b_{2} & b_{3} \end{vmatrix}\]. (c\[_{1}\] \[\hat{i}\] + c\[_{2}\]\[\hat{j}\] + c\[_{3}\]\[\hat{k}\])
(a x b). c = \[\begin{vmatrix}\hat{i}.(c_{1} \hat{i} + c_{2}\hat{j} + c_{3}\hat{k}) & \hat{j}. (c_{1} \hat{i} + c_{2}\hat{j} + c_{3}\hat{k}) & \hat{k}.(c_{1} \hat{i} + c_{2}\hat{j} + c_{3}\hat{k})\\ a_{1} & a_{2} & a_{3}\\ b_{1} & b_{2} & b_{3} \end{vmatrix}\]
From the properties of the dot product of vectors:
\[\hat{i}\]. \[\hat{i}\] = \[\hat{j}\]. \[\hat{j}\] = \[\hat{k}\]. \[\hat{k}\] = 1 (cos 0 = 1)
It implies \[\hat{i}\]. (c\[_{1}\] \[\hat{i}\] + c\[_{2}\]\[\hat{j}\] + c\[_{3}\]\[\hat{k}\]) = c\[_{1}\]
\[\hat{j}\]. (c\[_{1}\] \[\hat{i}\] + c\[_{2}\]\[\hat{j}\] + c\[_{3}\]\[\hat{k}\]) = c\[_{2}\]
\[\hat{k}\]. (c\[_{1}\] \[\hat{i}\] + c\[_{2} \hat{j}\] + c\[_{3}\]\[\hat{k}\]) = c\[_{3}\]
(a x b) . c = \[\begin{vmatrix} c_{1} & c_{2} & c_{3}\\ a_{1} & a_{2} & a_{3}\\ b_{1} & b_{2} & b_{3} \end{vmatrix}\]
(a x b) . c = \[\begin{vmatrix} c_{1} & c_{2} & c_{3}\\ a_{1} & a_{2} & a_{3}\\ b_{1} & b_{2} & b_{3} \end{vmatrix}\]
Scalar Triple Product Properties
The scalar triple product is cyclic; that is;
abc = bca = cab = -bac = -cba = -acb
If the vectors taken in scalar triple product definition, say a, b, and c are cyclically permuted, then:
(a x b).c = a.(b x c)
If the scalar triple product of three vectors comes out to be zero, then it shows that given vectors are coplanar.
For any k that belongs to Real number,
Ka kb kc = kabc
(a+b)cd = (a+b).(c+d)
= a.(cxd)+b.(cxd)
= acd + bcd
Analysing the scalar triple product formula, some conclusions can be drawn:
Scalar triple products always produce scalar quantities as their resultant.
Scalar triple product formulas are determined by calculating cross products of two vectors. Thereafter, the dot product of the remaining vector and the resultant vector is calculated.
This suggests one of the three vectors taken is equal to zero magnitudes if the triple product is zero.
A parallelepiped can be easily calculated by using this method.
FAQs on Scalar Triple Product
1. Can Dot Product and Cross Product be Interchanged in the Scalar Triple Product?
The scalar triple product is denoted by (a x b).c. Here, dot product and cross product can be used interchangeably, without changing the order of vector occurrences. Using this interchangeability property, various properties of the scalar triple product can be derived:
Associative property: (a x b).c = a. (b x c)
Commutative property: (a x b).c = (b x c).a = (c x a).b
Moreover, if any two vectors taken in scalar and vector triple product are interchanged with respect to their position, then the value comes out to be (-1) of the original result:
[a b c] = [b c a] = [c a b] = -[a c b] = -[c b a] = -[b a c]
2. What is the formula for a vector triple product?
Vector triple product formula is as follows:
a × (b × c) = (a . c) b – (b . c)a
3. When two vectors are combined, what is the scalar product?
Mathematically speaking, a dot product or scalar product is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually coordinate vectors) and returns only one number.
As a result, the scalar product of vectors a = [a1, a2, a3,...an] and b = [b1, b2, b3,..., bn] is given by: a.b = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3 + …. + anbn
4. What does the vector triple product represent?
By taking the cross product of a vector with the cross product of the two other vectors, one can obtain the value of the vector triple product. Vector triple products are discussed in the discussion of rotational motion, and the vector formulas are generally simplified using vector triple products.
5. What is the purpose of the triple scalar product?
Three coterminous edges of a parallelepiped volume represent the three vectors a, b and c, and is given by the scalar triple product formula.
6. Is it possible for a scalar triple product to be negative?
There are no rules determining whether the scalar triple product of vectors should be positive, negative or zero.