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Table of 71 - Multiplication Table of 71


Multiplication Table of 71 in Maths - Multiplication Table of Seventy One - Free PDF Download

The multiplication table of 71, also known as Table of 71, represents the multiples of 71. The table of 71 includes a list of numbers that are obtained by multiplying 71 with other consecutive natural numbers. 

Table of 71 plays an important role while performing arithmetic operations like long multiplication, division, and fractions. To learn the table of 71, you can download the multiplication table of 71 free PDF through the link provided below. Learning table of 71 helps you get a deeper understanding of multiplication, which will help you to solve complex mathematical problems.

Table Chart of 71 from 1 to 10

Learn the table of 71 using the below chart.

71 1 = 71

71 6 = 426

71 2 = 142

71 7 = 497

71 3 = 213

71 8 = 568

71 4 = 284

71 9 = 639

71 5 = 355

71 10 = 710

A Key Mathematical Fact about Multiplication Table of 71 

Table of 71 expresses the repeated addition of 71 when multiplied by other consecutive natural numbers. In other words, when 71 is added to itself twice, the result obtained is equal to 71 multiplied by 2.

For example:

  • 71 + 71 = 142  or  71 2 = 142 

What does 71 Times Table Mean?

The 71 times table is nothing but a constant addition of natural numbers. Here is the list of 71 tables till 10 times. Table of 71 till 10 times is given below to help students to learn the table effectively in a shorter duration.

71 1= 71


71 2 = 142

71 + 71 = 142

71 3 = 213

71 + 71 + 71 = 213

71 4 = 284

71 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 284

71 5 = 355

71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 355

71 6 = 426

71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 426

71 7 = 497

71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 497

71 8 = 568

71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 568

71 9 = 639

71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 639

71 10 = 710

71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 710

How to Help Kids Learn the Multiplication Table of 71 Easily?

  • To remember table 71 till 9 times in an easy way, observe the pattern the table follows. Here, you can see the ones digit number (blue coloured) in 711, 71 2, and so on is increasing by 1 every time and the tens and hundred digits (pink coloured) are the multiples of 7.










  • Another way to help kids to learn table 71 is to ask them to recite the table loudly so that it remains in their memory for a longer period of time. The easiest way to grasp the table of 71 is to know the fact that when 71 is added to itself repeatedly, the resultant value will also be the multiple of 71. For example, 71 2 is the same as 71 + 71.

Solved Examples on Multiplication Table of 71

In this section, we are going to solve a few questions that can appear in the form of word problems, multiple choice, or numericals.

Word Problems on Table 71 with Practice Questions

1. What is the value of 71 times 9 plus 100?


71 times 9 = 71 9 = 639

Addition of 100 to 639 gives

639 + 100 = 739

Therefore, the value of 71 times 9 plus 100 is 739.

2. Hitesh purchased a chocolate that cost Rs. 71. What is the total cost of chocolates if he purchases 7 chocolates?


Cost of each chocolate = 71

Cost of 7 chocolates = 71 7 = 497

Hence, the cost of 7 chocolates is 497.

Practice Questions on Table of 71

1. Find out how many times we should multiply 71 to get the result 639.

Ans: 9      

2. What is the value of 71 times 5 plus 50 minus 25?

Ans: 380

MCQ Based on Table of 71 with Practice Questions

1. What is the value of 71 times 4?

  1. 71

  2. 142

  3. 213

  4. 284

Solution: The multiplication result of 71 times 4 or 71 4 = 284

Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

Practice Question

Johny makes 5 pancakes each day. How many pancakes will he make in 71 days?

  1. 142

  2. 213

  3. 284

  4. 355

Answer: d

71 Times Chart from 11 to 20

The 71 times chart from 11 to 20 is the representation of table 71, which includes multiples of 71 from 11 to 20. Learning this table helps students to understand the concepts behind the 71 times table effectively. Find the 71 times chart from 11 to 20 below. You can also download the following image in pdf format.

71 11 = 781

71 16 = 1136

71 12 = 852

71 17 = 1207

71 13 = 923

71 18 = 1278

71 14 = 994

71 19 = 1349

71 15 = 1065

71 20 = 1420

How to Read Multiplication Table of 71?

The table of 71 can be read in the following way. 

  • Seventy-one ones are seventy-one

  • Seventy-one twos are one hundred and forty-two

  • Seventy-one threes are two hundred and thirteen

  • Seventy-one fours are two hundred and eighty-four

  • Seventy-one fives are three and fifty-five

  • Seventy-one six are four hundred and twenty-six

  • Seventy-one sevens are four hundred and ninety-seven

  • Seventy-one eights are five hundred and sixty-eight

  • Seventy-one nines are six hundred and thirty-nine

  • Seventy-one tens are seven hundred and ten

Hope you have understood the 71 times table and the trick to memorise the table in an easy way. To keep the table of 71 at your fingertips, we recommend that you download the table of 71 PDF for free given on this page. Memorising a table of 71 will help you to solve tough and complicated mathematical operations easily and effectively.

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FAQs on Table of 71 - Multiplication Table of 71

1. How to build a 71 times table?

71 times table can be built using the skip counting method. In other words, we will keep adding 71 each time to the previous number. For example, if you add 71 four times, 71 + 71 + 71 + 71, it will be same as 71 4, which is 283.

2. What does the table of 71 represent?

The table of 71 represents the value we get after multiplying 71 by other consecutive natural numbers.