In a day there are 24 hours. Each hour has 60 minutes in total and each minute has 60 seconds in it. To multiply and divide the time you should remember this basic information. The extra seconds, minutes, and hours should be converted into the next bigger unit, if there are more than 60 seconds in your answer you will convert it into minutes and so on. We will learn the concept by the example of multiplication and division of time.
Multiplication of Time
Time can be added and subtracted as well as multiplied easily. In order to multiply time, you need to remember some rules which will help you in calculating the answer.
If after multiplication you have more than 59 seconds, then divide the number by 60. The remainder you will get is the number of seconds and the quotient would change into the number of minutes.
The same is for the minutes, here if you have more than 59 minutes then divide it by 60 and the remainder is your required minutes and the quotient you got is the number of hours.
For hours, if there are more than 23 hours then divide the number by 24 and the remainder you got will be the hours and the quotient will be the number of days.
Division of Time
The division of time can be done like it was multiplied. Here we will change the time from the largest to the smallest unit. The rules which will help you to divide time are given below.
After dividing time if you get the quotient as the decimal number then, the whole number should be counted as the number of days and the decimal point should be multiplied by 24 to get the number of hours.
If dividing the hour's quotient comes out as a decimal number then, the whole number part is counted as the number of hours, and the decimal part is multiplied by 60 to get the number of minutes.
The same needs to be done for minutes where the whole number part of the quotient will be the number of minutes and the decimal part of the number will be multiplied by 60 to get the number of seconds.
Example of Multiplication of Time
If a person travels for 6 days and takes 15 hours 40 minutes 22 seconds in a day. Then how much time did he spend traveling for 5 days?
In order to find the total time he spent on traveling for 5, we need to multiply 6 by 15 hours 40 minutes, and 22 seconds.
As there are 60 seconds which will make a minute. The result we got is 110 seconds, which means that 110 needs to be divided by 60. We will get quotient 1 and the remainder as 50. So the quotient 1 needs to be carried over to the minutes and the total number of seconds we get is 50 seconds.
Now, 200 minutes need to be divided by 60 as in an hour there are only 60 minutes. After dividing 200 by 60 we will get the quotient as 3 and the remainder will be 20. 3 would be carried over in the hour's column and 20 would be added to the extra 1 minute that we got from the second column. The total number of minutes we now have is 21 minutes.
75 hours need to be changed by dividing it by 24. The quotient we get is 3 and the remainder is also 3. So the quotient will be changed into the number of days (3 days) and the remainder obtained is our number of hours (3 hours)
So the total time he spent traveling for 5 days is 3 days 6 hours 21 minutes 50 seconds.
How Do We Divide Time in Order to Understand It?
To understand how to divide time we can take an example. Divide 20 hours 14 minutes by 5.
The division of the time is done in a way that is similar to the division of normal numbers. First, divide 20 hours 14 minutes by 5 the answer we get is 4 hours 2.8 minutes. As the minutes are in decimal numbers and we need to change them to whole numbers. The number before the decimal is considered as the whole number of minutes and the number after the decimal is the fraction part of the minute which needs to be changed into seconds.
So, we need to multiply 0.8 by 60 which will result in 48. Now we got 2 minutes and 48 seconds as the answer. So we got the final answer as 4 hours 2 minutes and 48 seconds.
The time can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided using some basic rules. There are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. In order to convert a large quantity (hours) to a smaller quantity (minutes or seconds) we need to divide and if we need to convert a small quantity (seconds) to a larger one (hours) then we need to multiply. This conversion help will help you to calculate the time correctly.
Sample Questions
1. How many minutes are there in 320 seconds?
Ans: 5
Explanation: there are 5 minutes and 20 seconds in 320 seconds. To calculate we just need to divide 320 by 60 and the quotient will be our minutes and the remainder will be our seconds.
2. How many days are there in 54 hours?
Ans: 2
Explanation: to find the number of days 54 hours divide it by 24. The quotient obtained is the number of days and the remainder is the number of hours. So, in 54 hours there are 2 days and 6 hours.
3. How many minutes are there in a day?
Ans: 1440
Explanation: To find the total number of minutes in a day we need to multiply 24 and 60. This will result in 1440.
FAQs on Time Multiply
1. What unit of time will you use to measure the time you spent studying?
Ans: As the time spent on studying in a day is larger than minutes and seconds, so we can use hours to measure the time that we spend studying.
2. How many seconds are there in an hour?
Ans: To find out the number of seconds in an hour we need to multiply 60 (minutes) by 60 (seconds) to which we will get 3600. So, there are 3600 seconds in an hour.
3. What is the smallest unit of time?
Ans: The smallest unit of time is a nanosecond which is smaller than a second.
4. Can time be added or subtracted?
Ans: Yes time can be added or subtracted simply. If the units of time exceed their basic unit then they need to be converted into the next highest unit of time by dividing them by 60 or 24.
5. How many seconds are there in a week?
Ans: There are 3600 seconds in an hour which can be calculated by multiplying 60 (minutes) and 60 (seconds). In a day there are 86400 seconds (multiply 3600 by 24). So, in a week there would be 6,04,800 seconds (86400 multiplied by 7).