MP Board (MPBSE) Last 5 Year Question Paper for Class 12 Physics with Solutions - Free PDF Download
Last 5 Year Question Paper for Madhya Pradesh Board (MPBSE) Class 12 Physics
FAQs on Last 5 Year Question Paper for Madhya Pradesh Board (MPBSE) Class 12 Physics
1. What Are the Matter Waves?
Matter waves (also known as de Broglie waves) are the core of the theory of quantum mechanics, being an example of wave-particle duality. Electrons are matter waves because a beam of electrons can be diffracted like a beam of light.
2. Can Individual Students Apply for MP Board 12th Exams?
The answer is No! The application process for the MPBSE Class 12 exams are held in offline mode in the respective schools. Individual students can’t apply for the MP Board Class 12 Exams.
3. What Is the Pass Percentage for the MPBSE 2022 Board Exam?
The passing marks in the MPBSE 2022 board exam are 72.7 percent.
4. What is MPBSE?
MP Board of Secondary Education is a Madhya Pradesh Government body. It is responsible for the following roles:
Determining the policy-related to administration.
Directing the Cognitive & Intellectual state of the Higher Educational System (HES).
Conducting Annual Examination for the Higher School Secondary Certificate (HSSC).
5. What is a Transducer?
A transducer is an electronic device that converts one form of energy to another, or converts a signal in one form of energy to another form.
Common Examples are: