MP Board (MPBSE) Class 12 Physics Previous Year Question Paper 2019 with Solutions - Free PDF Download
Class 12 is one of the major and crucial hurdles of the academic journey of the students where every student wants to get a good percentage so that he or she can get a college of his or her choice where they will focus on their respective careers. Physics is a separate branch of Science and also serves as an important and compulsory subject in Class 12. This paper includes practical, viva, theoretical questions, and practical problems. While preparing this paper for board exams, students need to align their syllabus with the previous year's papers. That is why Vedantu has brought MP Board Class 12th Physics Paper 2019. The physics exam of Class 12 was conducted on March 14, 2019, by the MP Board. This question paper which we will discuss will prove to be of great help while preparing for the Class 12 Physics paper.
MP Board (MPBSE) Class 12 Physics Previous Year Question Paper 2019 with Solutions will be uploaded soon on this page.
MP Board Question Paper 2019 Class 12th Physics
Physics exam of Class 12 under MP Board consists of 100 marks out of which 30 marks are for practical and viva paper whereas 70 marks are for written examination which is of 3 hours duration. In Class 12, students get to learn various topics such as electrostatics, current electricity, magnetic effect of current and magnetism, electromagnetic induction & alternating current, electromagnetic waves, optics, dual nature of matter, atoms & nuclei, electronic devices, and communication systems. Among these topics, optics and electromagnetic induction & alternating current are the topics with a maximum weightage of 23-25 marks whereas electronic devices, current electricity & electrostatics have a combined weightage of 24 Marks. To cover these important topics and to understand how these topics are segregated among the question paper, one needs to solve the previous year's paper which students find difficult to gather. That is why Vedantu is here to help the students with MP Board Question Paper 2019 Class 12th Physics so that they can devote their actual time to solving this question paper and not in searching for it.
This set of question papers serves as a very important source that will help to revise the topics which are important and gain an insight into the pattern of questions asked over years. By practising MP Board Physics Paper 2019 will help students gain confidence in their learning and preparation as well. You can download this question paper in the pdf form which is attached along with this article and try solving it.
Why Should You Solve the MP Board Physics Paper 2019?
The solving of the previous year papers is very crucial for students who are preparing for the exam and this is because of the following significant reasons:
It helps the students to understand the pattern which is followed in the board exams. The students get an idea properly about the weightage which is allotted to different topics to make a preparation strategy following the same.
MP Board Class 12th Physics Paper 2019 helps students to understand what kind of questions are asked from each topic. There may be some topics from which the conceptual questions are asked whereas there may be others from which problem-based questions are asked in exams.
Knowing the format and pattern of the question paper in advance through previous year papers such as MP Board Physics Paper 2019 helps us in solving the paper smoothly on the main day and helps in increasing and managing our speed to write the paper.
You will come to know about some key areas through MP Board Question Paper 2019 Class 12th Physics and other papers that are repeatedly asked in the exams and you can learn those key areas properly so that you don't miss any question related to that.
By solving the previous year's papers of the board exams will help to boost our confidence. This is so because if we can solve the questions that were asked in the previous years. Then we are feeling well prepared for our exams as well.
Most importantly solving the actual question paper will help you in self-assessment and you will come to know where you are lacking and where you need more preparation.
Best Method to Practice
Whether you are going to give your final exam in any year, the importance of the previous year's paper can not be ignored at any cost and especially in Class 12 Board exams. Because Class 12 is the crucial stage to pass with a good score and Physics being both a theoretical and practical subject, you need practice. The practice of questions that came actually in earlier board exams will help you a lot in your preparation. You can go through earlier asked questions during checking your syllabus to check what and how questions are asked and even you can practice the whole paper at the end for self-assessment and revision. You can also include revision notes, mock tests of each chapter, and sample papers along with the previous year's paper. This method of studying this subject in Class 12 will help you to gain more knowledge and marks for sure.
General Tips for Physics Paper
Go through the latest syllabus of the year for Physics properly before beginning the preparation.
Check the previous year's papers to know the difficulty level and types of questions asked in the exam.
Learn the concepts of each chapter properly and also solve questions and mocks tests of each chapter separately.
Give equal importance to each topic in the beginning and then segregate the topics and your studies as per the weightage and importance of the topics.
Do read all the instructions before attempting the paper in the final board exams and take care of the time limit as well so that you do not skip any part of the paper.
Write question no. properly and check the entire paper before submitting it.
Solve the practical problems properly step by step and draw the diagrams or write formulas wherever necessary.
Whenever you are solving any previous year's paper or sample paper, do solve it as a final main exam of Physics and take it seriously and solve it honestly because only then you will be able to evaluate yourself.
Do use 3 hours duration only to solve the paper because this is the standard time you will get in exams.
To sum up we can say that, to practice such a demanding paper-like Physics every student needs to become smart along with his hard work. He must know what to study and what should not be studied and especially wherefrom it should be studied. Along with NCERTs & standard books, previous year papers play a separate crucial role in the preparation of this subject. This kind of preparation will not only help you to score a good percentage in Class 12 but also in various entrance exams as well which will open the doors of new colleges for you. Thus, keep practising these papers and upgrade your preparation with them.