CBSE Class 9 NCERT Social Science Books Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Class 9 Social Science Book PDF
1. Where can Students avail the Free PDF of Class 9 Social Science NCERT Textbooks?
Class 9 students can avail the free PDF version of Social Science NCERT textbooks from Vedantu. Vedantu is India’s most trusted platform where students can get the free PDF files of NCERT books for Class 9 Social Studies and other subjects. Online NCERT books for Class 9 Social Science subjects can be downloaded to study anytime, anywhere. Students must avail them as these are an affordable alternative to physical books. You can find online NCERT textbooks for Class 9 Social Science subjects including History, Geography, Political Science and Economics on Vedantu.
2. Does Vedantu Offer NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Subjects?
Yes, Vedantu is among many websites that provide NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science textbooks’ questions. However, students must opt for Vedantu as it is an authentic source for such materials. It offers 100% accurate solutions for Class 9 Social Studies. Vedantu offers its users chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science. These include answers to exercise questions written by experts in simple language. These are available in the free to download PDF format. Designed by subject matter experts, these solutions can be utilized for learning. Download exceptional solutions and textbooks only on Vedantu.
3. Which Textbooks are Prescribed for Class 9 Social Science?
Class 9 Social Science is divided into four subjects- History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. The textbooks are available for free PDF Download on Vedantu. Following are the names of the prescribed NCERT CBSE textbooks for Class 9 Social Science:
India and the Contemporary World - I (History)
Democratic Politics- I (Political Science)
Contemporary India-I (Geography)
4. Why should One Opt for e-books?
Online textbooks should be a preferred choice among students as these are a more economical and eco-friendly option. The e-books of CBSE NCERT textbooks are available for free on Vedantu’s site. One must opt them as these PDF textbooks are easily accessible and can be used anywhere. Students can access online textbooks for Class 9 Social Science and other subjects on their computers or mobile phones and study easily.
5. What is the History syllabus for Class 9?
There is no separate textbook for History in Class 9. History Chapters are taught as part of Social Science in Class 9 along with Economics, Political Science, and Geography. The list of Chapters that are part of the History syllabus is given below:
The French Revolution, Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution, Nazism and the Rise of Hitler, Forest Society and Colonialism, Pastoralists in the Modern World, peasants and Farmers, History and Sport: The Story of Cricket, Clothing: A Social History.