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NCERT Class 9 Social Science Book PDF


CBSE Class 9 NCERT Social Science Books Free Download

Vedantu is an e-learning platform that provides a potential solution for students across all boards according to their syllabuses. For CBSE students, we offer different solutions based on the NCERT study materials, as this board strictly follows it. If you need the latest NCERT books for Class 9 Social Science , you can download them from our website. Students can also download NCERT Solution PDF for all subjects to prepare for their forthcoming Exams.


Our solutions for the Class 9 Social Science  subject covers every topic and includes proper explanations that will help the students to learn the Chapters quickly.

NCERT Books For Class 9 Social Science; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science are highly recommended for students as they provide comprehensive and reliable content. The greatest advantage is that these books can be freely downloaded in PDF format, making them accessible to all. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 9 Social Science in both English and Hindi Languages. Get the link to download Class 9, Social Science NCERT Books from the table below.

NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science PDF - Free Download

If you find reading school books monotonous, then you must go for the CBSE NCERT Books download that includes exciting Exercises at the end of every Chapter. Many tasks include project activities that are fun to perform and will make your learning process enjoyable. Hence, if you want to prepare well for your Exams, then you must practice those Exercises. 

Vedantu provides an opportunity to download NCERT books PDF for free. If you want to score high marks in your Social Science  Exams, then visit our page to download the solutions. Find the Latest NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science and rest assured to ace the Exams. The Chapter-wise PDFs for all the 4 Social Science subjects have been attached to the book for your quick reference. These Chapters can be accessed in both Hindi and English. 

Section One: Democratic Politics (Political Science)

  • Chapter 1: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

  • अध्याय 1: लोकतंत्र क्या? लोकतंत्र क्यों?

  • Chapter 2: Constitutional Design

  • अध्याय 2: संविधान निर्माण

  • Chapter 3: Electoral Politics

  • अध्याय 3: चुनावी राजनीति

  • Chapter 4: Working of Institutions

  • अध्याय 4: संस्थाओं का कामकाज

  • Chapter 5: Democratic Rights

  • अध्याय 5: लोकतांत्रिक अधिकार

If you find reading school books monotonous, then you must go for the CBSE NCERT Books download that includes exciting Exercises at the end of every Chapter. Many tasks include project activities that are fun to perform and will make your learning process enjoyable. Hence, if you want to prepare well for your Exams, then you must practice those Exercises. 

Vedantu provides an opportunity to download NCERT books PDF for free. If you want to score high marks in your Social Science  Exams, then visit our page to download the solutions. Find the Latest NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science and rest assured to ace the Exams. The Chapter-wise PDFs for all the 4 Social Science subjects have been attached to the book for your quick reference. These Chapters can be accessed in both Hindi and English. 


Section One: Democratic Politics (Political Science)

  • Chapter 1: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

  • अध्याय 1: लोकतंत्र क्या? लोकतंत्र क्यों?

  • Chapter 2: Constitutional Design

  • अध्याय 2: संविधान निर्माण

  • Chapter 3: Electoral Politics

  • अध्याय 3: चुनावी राजनीति

  • Chapter 4: Working of Institutions

  • अध्याय 4: संस्थाओं का कामकाज

  • Chapter 5: Democratic Rights

  • अध्याय 5: लोकतांत्रिक अधिकार

Chapter 1: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

In this Chapter, students will get an idea of democracy and its features. Solutions provided on our website will help you to understand the features of a democratic form of government. And after practising the Exercise provided at the end of the Chapter, students will be able to prepare well for their Exams. 

Chapter 2: Constitutional Design

If you go through the NCERT textbook Class 9 Social Science, you will be able to understand the concept of constitution, its basic tenets and why a functional democratic government requires a constitution. Our experts have explained this topic in a way that the students will find it interesting and will be able to retain the learning. 

Chapter 3: Electoral Politics

This Chapter involves the importance of elections in a democratic country. Students must go through the solutions provided in the NCERT Class 9 Social Science book. It will also enable you to practice for your Exams. 

Chapter 4: Working of Institutions

Students will be able to get an idea of what kind of rules and procedures the rulers have to follow for working with or within an institution. By going through our study materials, the students will be able to grasp the topic quickly. Moreover, solving the questions of the Exercise will help you to practice effectively for your Exams.


Chapter 5: Democratic Rights

If you go through the study materials from our website, you will be able to understand the topic better. With the help of the explanation provided by our experts, you can get a piece of proper knowledge about the importance of democratic rights. It also includes live Examples that will be helpful for you to understand the topic adequately.

Section Two: Contemporary India (Geography)

  • Chapter 1: India – Size and Location

  • अध्याय 1: भारत – आकार और स्थिति

  • Chapter 2: Physical Features of India

  • अध्याय 2: भारत का भौतिक स्वरुप

  • Chapter 3: Drainage

  • अध्याय 3: अपवाह

  • Chapter 4: Climate

  • अध्याय 4: जलवायु

  • Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and WildLife

  • अध्याय 5: प्राकृतिक वनस्पति तथा वन्य प्राणी

  • Chapter 6: Population

  • अध्याय 6: जनसंख्या

Chapter 1: India - Size and Location

This Chapter includes the total geography in India, such as its longitude and latitude and its location in the world map. If you go through the Exercise at the end, then you will be able to find a map skills section. This will help you to develop your map reading skills and help you to make proper preparations for your Exams.

Chapter 2: Physical Features of India

Students will be able to learn about the different physical features of India like the Himalayan Mountains, Northern Plains, various Ghats, Plateaus, etc. You can go through our solution Latest NCERT books for Class 9 Social Science by downloading it from our websites to understand this Chapter in a better way. Moreover, there is a project activity, which includes a word game in the Exercise section of the solution that will make your learning enjoyable.

Chapter 3: Drainage

For this Chapter, if you download and study from NCERT Class 9 Social Science textbook present on our website, you will be able to get an adequate amount of knowledge on this topic. You must practice the project activities given at the end to learn more effectively.

Chapter 4: Climate

In this Chapter, you will be studying the different types of climate in India. You can also refer to the solutions provided by us in NCERT books PDF Class 9 Social Science free download for understanding the difference between weather and climate, and to get a clear idea of the reasons behind weather change.

By practising the Exercises provided at the end of the study material, you will be able to study for your Exams more efficiently. It includes project activities, map skills, learning from graphs and many more. This will make your learning process fun and effective.

Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Students can understand and learn this Chapter properly from the latest NCERT books for Class 9 Social Science provided on our website. They will be able to know about various factors that have an impact on natural vegetation and wildlife. Exercises provided at the end of the study material will enable you to retain the knowledge for a long time. Moreover, you will be able to remember the key points adequately.


Chapter 6: Population

If you download the NCERT books PDF, then you will be able to get a clear idea of population density, population growth and process of population change, characteristics of the population, etc. The glossary provided at the end of the Chapter will help you to know and understand the significant terms of the Chapter more effectively.

Section Three: Economics 

  • Chapter 1: The Story of Village Palampur

  • अध्याय 1: पालमपुर गाँव की कहानी

  • Chapter 2: People as Resource

  • अध्याय 2: संसाधन के रूप में लोग

  • Chapter 3: Poverty as a Challenge

  • अध्याय 3: निर्धनता: एक चुनौती

  • Chapter 4: Food Security in India

  • अध्याय 4: भारत में खाद्य सुरक्षा

Chapter 1: The Story of Village Palampur

Students will learn about the concepts related to production from this story. Besides, they will know about different activities of Palampur along with farming. It will also allow them to know about the resources needed to produce goods. For better guidance, students must refer to the solutions in CBSE NCERT books from our website to understand the Chapter better.

Chapter 2: People as Resources

To understand this Chapter properly you should go through the explanation given by our experts in the latest NCERT books for Class 9 Social Science. It will help them to understand why the population is termed as an asset to the economy and not a liability. If you practice the Exercises after studying, then you will be able to learn more quickly.

Chapter 3: Poverty as a Challenge

If you go through the NCERT solutions provided on our web page, then you will be able to potentially learn about this topic, which will enable you to prepare well for your Exams with the availability of these NCERT books online as well. 


Chapter 4: Food Security in India

In this Chapter, you will learn what food security is and how adequate it is in India. Moreover, you will be able to know the food distribution process in India. You can get proper guidance about the topic from the Latest NCERT books for Class 9 Social Science. Besides, practising the question answers from the Exercises will help you to learn more effectively and retain information for a longer time.

Section Four: India and The Contemporary World (History)

  • Chapter 1: The French Revolution

  • पाठ 1. फ़्रांसीसी क्रांति

  • Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

  • पाठ 2. यूरोप में समाजवाद एवं रूसी क्रांति

  • Chapter 3: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

  • पाठ 3. नात्सीवाद और हिटलर का उदय

  • Chapter 4: Forest Society and Colonialism

  • पाठ 4. वन्य समाज एवं उपनिवेशवाद

  • Chapter 5: Pastoralists in the Modern World

  • पाठ 5. आधुनिक विश्व में चरवाहे

  • Chapter 6: Peasants and Farmers

  • पाठ 6. किसान और काश्तकार

  • Chapter 7: History and Sport: The Story of Cricket

  • पाठ 7. इतिहास और खेल: क्रिकेट की कहानी

  • Chapter 8: Clothing: A Social History

  • पाठ 8. पहनावे का सामाजिक इतिहास


Chapter 1 – The French Revolution

Students are taught all about the French revolution and how it ended the monarchy system in France. For the first time in history, terms like liberty, freedom, and revolution were popularised across the world. The continent of Europe underwent drastic changes after the onset of the French Revolution.


Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

After the French Revolution, a wave of socialism rattled Europe. This socialist ideology forced King Tsar Nicholas II to give up power. Chapter 2 of the History section of Social Science aims to tell you about the Russian Revolution and the economic equality between farmers and workers.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

With the rise of socialism, nationalistic sentiments developed. Hitler took advantage of this and created anti-Jewish feelings amidst the people of Germany. He fought against democracy and presented himself as a superior leader, ultimately nudging Germany towards the brink of a devastating war.

Livelihoods; Economies and Societies

The livelihood of local communities was greatly affected after this. The growth of industrialisation had started. It slowly emerged into the new economic strength and backbone of European countries. Agriculture was no longer the central force of the economy Pastoralists in the Modern World

The pastoralists of India and Africa are discussed in detail in this Chapter. The establishment of pastoral communities is mentioned alongside their grazing or agricultural habits.

Peasants and Farmers

This Chapternot part of the revised syllabus for Class 9 Social Science. However, it familiarised students with terms like capitalism, colonialism and their effects on agriculture. The advent of new technology, new laws, and new ideas affected the lives of everyone greatly. 


History and Sport: The Story of Cricket

Cricket emerged as a British sport. However, other countries started engaging in the game of cricket too as the British continued to colonize smaller nations across the world. 


Chapter 8 – Clothing: A Social History

The Swadeshi movement of India resulted in the boycott of English products. The great Indian leaders who fought to acheive freedom are highlighted in this Chapter.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 9 Social Science Book PDF

1. Where can Students avail the Free PDF of Class 9 Social Science NCERT Textbooks?

Class 9 students can avail the free PDF version of Social Science NCERT textbooks from Vedantu. Vedantu is India’s most trusted platform where students can get the free PDF files of NCERT books for Class 9 Social Studies and other subjects. Online NCERT books for Class 9 Social Science subjects can be downloaded to study anytime, anywhere. Students must avail them as these are an affordable alternative to physical books. You can find online NCERT textbooks for Class 9 Social Science subjects including History, Geography, Political Science and Economics on Vedantu.

2. Does Vedantu Offer NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Subjects?

Yes, Vedantu is among many websites that provide NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science textbooks’ questions. However, students must opt for Vedantu as it is an authentic source for such materials. It offers 100% accurate solutions for Class 9 Social Studies. Vedantu offers its users chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science. These include answers to exercise questions written by experts in simple language. These are available in the free to download PDF format. Designed by subject matter experts, these solutions can be utilized for learning. Download exceptional solutions and textbooks only on Vedantu.

3. Which Textbooks are Prescribed for Class 9 Social Science?

Class 9 Social Science is divided into four subjects- History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. The textbooks are available for free PDF Download on Vedantu. Following are the names of the prescribed NCERT CBSE textbooks for Class 9 Social Science:

  1.  India and the Contemporary World - I (History)

  2. Democratic Politics- I (Political Science) 

  3. Contemporary India-I (Geography)

  4. Economics

4. Why should One Opt for e-books?

Online textbooks should be a preferred choice among students as these are a more economical and eco-friendly option. The e-books of CBSE NCERT textbooks are available for free on Vedantu’s site. One must opt them as these PDF textbooks are easily accessible and can be used anywhere. Students can access online textbooks for Class 9 Social Science and other subjects on their computers or mobile phones and study easily.

5. What is the History syllabus for Class 9?

There is no separate textbook for History in Class 9. History Chapters are taught as part of Social Science  in Class 9 along with Economics, Political Science, and Geography. The list of Chapters that are part of the History syllabus is given below:

The French Revolution, Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution,  Nazism and the Rise of Hitler,  Forest Society and Colonialism,  Pastoralists in the Modern World, peasants and Farmers, History and Sport: The Story of Cricket,  Clothing: A Social History.