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NCERT Class 9 Social Science - Democratic Politics Book PDF


CBSE Class 9 NCERT Social Science - Democratic Politics Books Free Download

Social Science in Class 9 constitutes 4 different subjects. These subjects are namely Economics, Political Science, History, and Geography. In this article, we will look at the chapters that fall under the Political Science section of the Social Science Class 9 NCERT CBSE textbook.

Democracy is one of the key topics of social science. It is one of the pillars that transformed our society into how it is today. Thus the NCERT textbook Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics is an essential addition to the syllabus. The book, unlike other textbooks on civics, simplifies the subject and provides a much more exciting take for you.

Our subject experts writing these books keep it in mind to make the subject easier for you to understand. Democratic politics can often become very dry with its technical and legal terms. But our NCERT solutions aim to keep you engaged and take an interest in the subject. Students can also download NCERT Solution PDF for all subjects to prepare for their forthcoming exams.

CBSE Class 9 NCERT Social Science -  Democratic Politics Book Free PDF Download

NCERT Class 9 Social Science -  Democratic Politics Book PDF


Class 9 NCERT Social Science - Democratic Politics Book

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science - Democratic Politics | Chapter Wise PDF

NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science - Democratic Politics PDF - Free Download

Additionally, the books allow you to prepare well for your upcoming examinations. The books contain illustrations, exciting facts and elaborate ideas about democracy that help to keep you interested. Further, the exercises provided at the end of each chapter of these CBSE NCERT books give you an idea of what to expect from your exams and assess your preparation.


The NCERT textbook Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics is divided into 5 chapters with each chapter giving an insight into democracy. We will provide you with the download links for these chapters both in English and in Hindi before giving you a brief description of each chapter.

Chapter 1- What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

The first chapter introduces the basics of democracy. You will learn about what democracy is, its features, and how democracy is essential for our nation. You will also get an introduction to the broader meaning of democracy.

The book contains explanations in the form of illustrations, charts and cartoons that are much more interesting than regular text.

At the end of this chapter in the latest NCERT books Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics, the exercises will test your knowledge of the things that you have learned. There are essay type questions that will give you a view of what you can expect from your exams.

Chapter 2- Constitutional Design

While the first chapter introduces you to democracy, the second chapter sheds some light on the constitution of a country. You will learn about what the constitution means, why it is important, and why we need it. Find both the chapters in the NCERT books PDF Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics.


The chapter provides brief descriptions of South Africa’s democratic constitution. It then proceeds to Indian democracy and its guiding values.


You must have read the Indian constitution before, but in this chapter, you will learn its meaning. The conclusion of this chapter comes with an explanation of the institutional design of our constitution. 


At the end of this chapter, you will find a glossary explaining the meaning of important words in this chapter. Also, the exercise for this chapter in NCERT textbook Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics contains multiple-choice questions, essay type questions and others to point you towards the critical parts of this chapter.


Chapter 3- Electoral Politics

The third chapter familiarizes you with the process of elections, which is one of the most prominent features of a democracy. Elections are the process through which individuals select their representatives from the available candidates.


In this chapter of NCERT textbook Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics, you will learn our system of elections, which makes the elections in our country democratic, etc. You will know about electoral and reserved constituencies, voters’ lists, how candidates are nominated, the process of polling and vote counting, etc.


These CBSE NCERT books contain charts and graphs that help to explain each topic clearly. Further, referring to NCERT solutions of questions provided at the end of each chapter can help you understand how to frame answers to questions.


Chapter 4- Working of Institutions

Chapter 4 deals with the working of different institutions that the elected people have to adhere to within a democracy. Democracy is not merely about choosing some individuals to an office. The elected officials have to follow specific rules and regulations before taking major decisions and implementing them in the country. 


This chapter discusses details like how major policy decisions are taken, how our parliament works, the role of political executives, the role of the judiciary, etc. Therefore this chapter in NCERT textbook Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics describes the part of the officials we have elected as our representative.


After reading through this chapter carefully, you can solve the exercise to ensure that you have grasped its concepts properly. 


Chapter 5- Democratic Rights

The final chapter of NCERT textbook Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics provides a view of the democratic rights that a person enjoys as a citizen of a country. 


This chapter begins with a discussion of the importance of rights and how life would look like without rights. It further goes on to tell what the rights are in our Indian Constitution. In this chapter, you will learn our constitutional rights, namely, the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights.


Next, by solving the exercises in our NCERT books online, you will be able to evaluate how much you have understood the chapter. Each exercise contains plenty of questions from every part of the chapter to make sure that you are well prepared for your exams.

Give Your Best Shot in the Upcoming Examinations with Vedantu!

Apart from comprehensive exercises provided at the end of each chapter in our books, you have the added advantage of studying them from anywhere you want! You can download NCERT books Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics and study them even when you are not at home.

Our books are also free of cost and do not require any registration on your part. You can download and access these NCERT books online according to your convenience.

These books are an excellent way to prepare for your upcoming exams and get a proper assessment of your preparations. So if you want to get better marks in your exams and in-depth knowledge of each subject in a fun and exciting way, Vedantu can be your best guide!

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FAQs on NCERT Class 9 Social Science - Democratic Politics Book PDF

1. How many chapters are there in History in Class 9?

The History textbook in Class 9 is named India and The Contemporary World. There are several chapters in the textbook that provide an insight into how things changed after the French Revolution took place. The condition of peasants and farmers is discussed in detail against the socialist backdrop that emerged. The chapters of the Class 9 History syllabus are

  • Chapter 1 - The French Revolution

  • Chapter 2 - Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

  • Chapter 3 - Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

  • Chapter 4 - Forest Society and Colonialism

  • Chapter 5 - Pastoralists in the Modern World

  • Chapter 6 - Peasants and Farmers

  • Chapter 7 - History and Sport: The Story of Cricket

  • Chapter 8 - Clothing: A Social History 

2. Does Vedantu provide NCERT Solutions for all the Political Science chapters of Class 9?

The questions given at the back of each NCERT chapter are quite important from the examination point of view. These questions are often picked up straight from the textbook and asked in final exams. This is why subject experts at Vedantu, India's leading educational platform, have curated NCERT solutions for each chapter of each subject of Class 9. All Political Science chapters have also been covered under this section. The NCERT Solution links for Political Science chapters of Class 9 have been given below:  

3. How are these Vedantu NCERT Solutions helpful for students?

As we have mentioned before, the NCERT textbook exercises are particularly important for all CBSE students. Questions are picked up directly from these exercises given at the end of each chapter and asked in exams. Often, students are unable to write proper answers despite having sufficient knowledge about the subject. This is because they are not aware of the correct way of writing answers. With the help of NCERT Solutions, students will understand the right method of answering questions which will enable them to fetch more marks in exams. Students can rely blindly on the solutions provided by Vedantu as these have been formulated by experts with years of experience in the academic field. 

4. What is the chapter Electoral Politics all about?

Fair elections are at the forefront of any functional democracy. Our country is the largest democracy in the entire world. This is why the elections held here are of utmost importance. Chapter 3 of the Political Science syllabus of Class 9 aims to familiarize students with how elections are conducted. Electoral constituencies are discussed. The role of the Election Commission is explained. Students are also given a brief idea about how voting lists are made and polling is done. After all the votes have been cast, the counting process begins and a winner is declared. 

5. What is a democratic constitution?

India is the largest democracy in the world with a population of over a billion people. A variety of people belonging to different socio-economic, religious, social, and political backgrounds reside here. A constitutional democracy is one where the rights of the majority of the population are limited by legal means. Minority committees are granted provisions for their betterment and upliftment. The Indian constitution officially declares India a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic state. It assures Indian citizens justice, equality, and liberty, and aims to promote fraternity among the people of the nation.