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NCERT Class 9 Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 1 Book PDF


CBSE Class 9 NCERT Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 1 Books Free Download

The latest NCERT books class 9 Social Science India and the contemporary world 1 comes under the section of Social Science. Social science deals with various subjects including Politics, Economics, Law, Geography, Archaeology, and History. Indian history and the history of the contemporary world are two prominent sections of Social Science. Indian history is considered one of the most vibrant histories of the world. Not only Asia but also Indian history has impacted its contemporary world. Download NCERT Solutions which are always beneficial in your exam preparation and revision.

CBSE Class 9 NCERT Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 1 Book Free PDF Download

NCERT Class 9 Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 1 Book PDF


Class 9 NCERT Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 1

NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 1PDF - Free Download

At Vedantu, we offer free CBSE NCERT books across all subjects. You can learn about ancient Indian culture, the history of cricket, the economic development of India and also get to know about Nazism, the French revolution, the Russian revolution, the rise of Hitler. To retain a vast knowledge about this topic, you have to go through all chapters and understand all concepts. Our expert teachers have written PDF NCERT solutions for you. So go through each section and become a master of history.

Check out the NCERT books PDF class 9 Social Science India and the contemporary world 1. Below are the 8 chapters included in the compilation of NCERT books for class 9 along with their respective download links in both English and Hindi. Originally, all 8 chapters were part of the syllabus of class 9 but the last 3 chapters have been dropped from the syllabus recently owing to the shutting down of schools because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

खण्ड I: घटनाएँ और प्रक्रियाएँ

Section I: Events and Processes


खण्ड II: जीविका, अर्थव्यवस्था एवं समाज

Section II: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies

Chapter 1 – The French Revolution

In the first chapter of NCERT books of Social Science India and the contemporary world 1; you will get an excellent idea about the French Revolution. This revolution ends the monarchy system in France. You will come across terms like liberty, freedom, revolution.

We provide an exclusive range of exercises and NCERT solutions. In the exercise, you will find MCQ questions that will help you to remember important dates, names of kings, names of places, etc. Later it will help you in the exams.

Chapter 2 – Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

You can grasp the theme of socialism in Europe in the free NCERT PDF Social Science books. The wave of socialism forced King Tsar Nicholas II to give up power. The chapter will tell you about the Russian Revolution and the economic equality of farmers and workers.

To know more about socialism, go through the exercises and the solutions of NCERT textbook class 9 Social Science India and the contemporary world 1. Remember essential points with the help of all exercises provided at the end of each chapter.

Chapter 3 – Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

Chapter 3 talks about Hitler and the rise of Nazism. Hitler also denied the importance of socialism and created a tradition of anti-Jewish feelings. You will get to know about the condition of people under his rule. He battled against democracy and presented himself as a superior leader.


Know more about the significance of Nazism in the world. By reading the chapters and practising the exercises, you will get in-depth knowledge about contemporary history.


Chapter 4 – Forest Society and Colonialism

You can download NCERT books class 9 Social Science India and the contemporary world 1 from our Vedantu website and learn about how the livelihood of local communities was affected by the extensive demand for forest productions. It also helps understand the growth of industrialisation as the new economic strength and how it replaced agriculture as the central force of the economy. New concepts are invented with time and forests get demolished.

By reading through the chapters and solving all exercises, you will get an idea of the history of economic development in India.

Chapter 5 – Pastoralists in the Modern World

You can get an in-depth view of the life of pastoralists of India and Africa in this chapter. It is interesting to know about pastoral communities and their grazing or agricultural habits.

You will get a pictorial view of their lives and movements across deserts, mountains and plains. Read the chapter carefully and then practice the exercises. The more you practice, the more you learn.


Vedantu – Every Student’s Best Friend

Worrying about the exam is common among students. Preparing for all subjects in a given time can be tough. But with Vedantu, you can learn all your topics by sitting on your sofa. We provide flexible learning processes. You don’t have to panic about fixing any schedule to get our study materials. You can download all CBSE NCERT books PDF from our website. We provide standard materials like the latest NCERT book class 9 Social Science India and the contemporary world 1 free of cost. Without any hassle of registration you can get our materials. With us, all the books are accessible at any time, from anywhere. So, don’t wait to download NCERT books and start preparing for your upcoming class 9 final exams.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 9 Social Science - India and the Contemporary World 1 Book PDF

1. Why is Class 9 History important?

Class 9 History gives young students a glimpse into what the past looked like. Through history, we can gain valuable knowledge regarding how past societies operated. The rise and fall of ideologies, governments, cultures and technologies are well documented in history. Unless we study about the past, we will be unable to fully comprehend how far we have come. The rich history of the world helps us to paint a detailed picture of where we stand today and where we should aim to be in the future. Class 9 History aims to help students understand the drastic changes the world underwent after the French Revolution and its impact in shaping the modern world as we know it today.  Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.

2. Where can students get the NCERT Solutions for chapter 3 of the History textbook?

Vedantu’s team of experienced and dedicated teachers understands the challenges faced by a student in class 9. They aim to make the learning process simple and fun for students, all while helping them score high marks and prepare for competitive exams. NCERT Solutions play a crucial role in acquainting young students with the pattern in which they have to answer questions. Chapter 3 of the History textbook in class 9 is particularly important and needs to be studied thoroughly. To get access to the NCERT Solutions of this chapter, click on Chapter 3 – Nazism and the Rise of Hitler.

3. What is the Geography syllabus of class 9?

Although there is no separate Geography textbook for students of class 9. The chapters in the Geography section of the Social Science textbook aim to enable students to understand the topography of our nation and its diverse physical features. Starting with the size of the country, students are also taught how to measure population in the upcoming Geography chapters. Let us have a look at the detailed list of chapters given are: India – Size and location,  Physical Features of India, Drainage, Climate, Natural Vegetation and WildLife, Population. Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.

4. What’s the impact of the French and Russian Revolution in India?

The French Revolution opened up a lot of doors for the working class. Now, there was a real possibility of changing how society was conventionally structured. Before the French Revolution, society was mainly divided into estates which were mostly under the control of the aristocracy and the church. Russia was considered to be one of the least industrialized European states. The people there felt the monarchical system needed to be abolished. As a result of this, socialists took over the government in Russia through the October Revolution of 1917. The fall of the monarchy and the events that later occurred in October are normally documented as part of the Russian Revolution. Both the revolutions and the philosophies imparted during the revolution had a major impact on several freedom fighters in India.  Look through Vedantu’s website to get more insight on the same.

5. What is the marks distribution of class 9 Social Science paper?

As you must be knowing, class 9 Social Science is a combination of 4 subjects. These subjects are History, Geography, Economics, and Political Science. The theory exam paper is of 80 marks. These 80 marks are split into 4 sections and each section is worth 20 marks. This means that 20 marks are allotted to History, Geography, Economics, and Political Science each. Although this may not seem like much initially, no chapter in the Social Science textbook can be skipped as you never know which chapters the questions will be asked from.  Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.