Class 11 Economics Chapter 1 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Economics Chapter 1 Indian Economy On The Eve of Independence
1. In 11th Commerce Economics Chapter 1 Exercise, what are economic policies and how is it relevant to pre-independent India?
11th Economics Chapter 1 is filled with economic policies which influenced the three sectors of India pre-independence and when India was obtaining independence. The economic policies were mainly centred around development/advancements, along with fortification of the home country. One has to remember how trade-dependent India was, and how it acted as Britain’s main supplier during the colonial period of time. What it used to supply ranged from raw resources/materials to finished products (especially handcrafts & ors) which the British did not get in their homeland.
2. What is agricultural stagnation according to Economics Chapter 1 Class 11?
Agricultural stagnation can be described as a situation where the country experiences low growth, low production and productivity in the agricultural sector. Such a condition is distinguished by factors like agriculture predominantly for self-consumption, lack of adequate means of irrigation, inadequate use of modern technologies, etc. As one knows, India was undergoing a drastic change in time and development. In other words, there are various external factors which play a major role in determining whether agricultural stagnation can occur or not.
3. What are the characteristics pointing to the backwardness of India’s agriculture according to 11 Commerce Economics Chapter 1 Answers?
The characteristics pointing to the backwardness of India’s agriculture are that the productivity levels are low and vulnerability is extreme. There is a stumbling block between landowners and soil tillers. These were the characteristics of the Indian agriculture sector exhibited on the eve of independence. Under the British Raj, land revenue settlements were forced, and agriculture was forced to become commercialised. Refer to Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions Class 11 Economics Indian Economic Development Chapter 1 to understand the concepts and score high marks in exams.
4. What is Infrastructure in Class 11th Economics Chapter 1 Question Answer?
Infrastructure refers to the components of economic as well as social transformation that serve as a basis for a country's growth and development. Infrastructure development is a prerequisite for a country's economic and social growth. A country's economy encompasses all production, distribution, and economic activities that affect people and influence their level of living. Due to British colonial control, the Indian economy was in a poor state on the brink of independence.
5. What is the state of the Indian agriculture sector discussed in Class 11th Economics Chapter 1 Question Answer?
Agriculture was the primary source of income for the majority of Indians, with around 85 per cent of the country's inhabitants living in villages and relying on agriculture for their survival. Despite the fact that agriculture employs a major portion of the people, directly or indirectly, the sector has been stagnating and deteriorating.
6. According to Economics Chapter 1 Class 11 what is the Textile Industry in Bengal?
Muslin is a kind of cotton cloth that originated in Bengal, namely in and around Dhaka (now the capital city of Bangladesh). Dacca Muslin is a luxurious cotton cloth that has earned international acclaim. Malmal was the name given to the best muslin type. It was also known as malmal shahi or malmal khas by foreign travellers, implying that it was worn by or suited for royalty.
7. What is Chapter 1 of Class 11th Economics?
Economics 11th Class Chapter 1 is the first chapter that 11th grade students will encounter throughout the course of their 11th grade education. It has to do with the Indian Economy's economic policies, particularly those implemented by India's colonial administration. Along with the British Empire's long-term influence on the Indian economy, the chapter will discuss how India's backwardness, slow growth and development have been caused by years of resource-mining and other activities by the British Empire. You can download Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions Class 11 Economics Indian Economic Development Chapter 1 for free of cost from the Vedantu website. You can save them on your computer and access them whenever you are in doubt.
8. What are the Causes of backwardness of the Indian economy on the Eve of Independence in Class 11 Economics Chapter 1?
The Indian economy was backward, primarily due to colonial exploitation by the British. They drained wealth from India, causing economic stagnation. Agriculture suffered from low productivity and the Zamindari system, while industries were underdeveloped with limited modernization. These factors combined with inadequate infrastructure and educational facilities kept India economically dependent and underdeveloped.
9. What were the main features of the Indian economy on the eve of Independence according to 11th commerce economics chapter 1 exercise?
The Indian economy before independence was characterised by a predominantly agrarian base, with agriculture employing a large part of the population. Industries were few and mostly controlled by British companies, focusing on raw material extraction. Trade patterns were skewed, with India exporting raw materials and importing finished goods, leading to an economic imbalance.
10. What were the challenges faced by the Indian economy on the eve of Independence discussed in class 11 economics chapter 1?
India faced several challenges such as agricultural stagnation, industrial backwardness, infrastructural deficiencies, and socio-economic inequalities. British policies exploited resources, leading to economic drain. The economy lacked diversification and modernization, hindering overall development and prosperity.
11. What was the economic condition on the eve of independence in India?
On the eve of independence, India's economy was characterised by underdevelopment and dependence on agriculture. Industries were sparse and primarily controlled by British interests. The economy suffered from a lack of infrastructure, low industrialization, and high poverty rates. These conditions set the stage for the economic challenges India would face post-independence.
12. Why was there an unbalanced economic growth on the Eve of Independence?
The unbalanced economic growth was primarily due to colonial exploitation and policies that favoured British interests over India's development. Industries were limited and focused on raw material extraction rather than value addition. The agrarian sector faced issues like low productivity and lack of modernization, perpetuating economic disparities across regions.
13. What is the Eve of independence according to 11th commerce economics chapter 1 exercise?
The "Eve of Independence" refers to the period just before India gained independence from British rule, typically referring to the late 1940s when India was transitioning towards self-governance and preparing for independence.
14. What was the stagnant economy on the eve of independence?
The economy was stagnant due to colonial policies that focused on extracting resources for British industries. Agriculture relied on outdated methods and suffered from low productivity. Industries were few and lacked modernization, leading to limited economic growth and widespread poverty.