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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Tribal Verse


NCERT Solutions Class 11 English Woven Words Essay Chapter 4

Besides prose and poetry section, the textbook Woven Words also consist of essays written by eminent writers around the globe. Being an important topic for the CBSE class 11 curriculum, students are required to study the same to achieve desired scores in their exams. Hence, taking assistance of NCERT solutions class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 essay is of utmost importance.

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Chapter 4 Essay - Tribal Verse


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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Woven Words Essay Chapter 4 Tribal Verse

In chapter 4 Tribal Verse, the author tries to familiarise the readers with the rich oral tribal literature and various aspects related to it. Along with the textbook, you can use the NCERT solutions class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 PDF as reference material to understand the concepts in detail.

Plus, the solution material can be availed across various online portals like Vedantu, that too at free of cost. So, opt to download it to enhance your exam preparation.

Class 11 NCERT Solutions English Woven Words Ch 4 Essay

  • NCERT solutions class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 essay: Understanding the Text

Question 1

In the first question, students are asked to determine the similar traits of various tribal communities across the globe. For example, tribal people dwell in organically unified and cohesive groups. Plus, they have no or very little interest in earning money or wealth. The author also states that as per tribal people’s view, God and human beings are linked closely with each other.

Question 2

The next question talks about the distinguishment between secular and tribal imagination. As per G. N Devy, tribal people live in a world of full of hallucinations and dreams. They admit amalgamation of time levels and existence planes, naturally. This is how secular imagination is different from the tribal one.

Question 3

In question number 3, you need to illustrate the importance of oral literary tradition, depicted by G. N Devy.

Here, the speaker has referred to the rich works of the tribal people that is being transferred from one generation to another. He also points out that although the songs and stories are shared orally, but are unique and shows rich culture. Moreover, G. N Devy also focuses on the features of tribal arts and how they make use of spaces and imagery. In the end, the writer also promotes by saying that enough recognition must be given to this rich tradition.

Question 4

This question is straightforward and asks the students to list different tribal art characteristics. For instance, in a tribal Ramayana painting, a scene from Mahabharata can make an appearance. This proves that tribal art holds a blend of modern and traditional imagery. Besides, there are several other traits, and you can only prepare an accurate answer by studying the NCERT solutions class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 essay.

Question 5

Here you are required to explain a phrase – ‘New Literature is a misnomer for the wealth of the Indian Literary tradition.’ According to G. N Devy, tribal literature is existing for many years as of now and must not be counted as ‘New Literature.’ Since their culture has been shared orally, a maximum number of people disregard them and are even unaware.

  • NCERT solutions class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 essay: Talking about the Text

Question 1

Here, students need to elucidate the fact that unless individuals change their notion of literature as only written texts, they will not be able to prevent the end of Indian oral traditions.

Question 2

The second question of this section talks about a line “Tribal arts are not specifically meant for sale”, and learners are supposed to write the effects of the same on their preservation and growth.

Question 3

This question states that India’s tribal groups are bilingual and enquires whether they are considered as a dialect of major languages spoken in India.

Question 4

The last question of this section illustrates the absence of scientific temper in tribal communities. The tribal people are close to nature and consider it as their nurturer. Plus, unlike the dowry system, tribal men pay cash or kind to the bride during their marriage.

  • NCERT solutions class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 essay: Appreciation

Question 1, 2, and 3

First two questions are about the ‘Munda Song’ and ‘Kondh Song.’ The first one is an auspicious song performed on the day when a girl child is born, while the second one refers to the conversation with expired ancestors. Furthermore, the third question speaks about the language ‘Miri Agom’ used during chanting. It is not said in day to day life but is highly rhythmic.

NCERT Solutions Class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 essay: A Much-Needed Material

NCERT solutions class 11 English Woven Words chapter 4 essay ensure you to prepare and write answers in the most accurate manner. Here are the reasons why:

  1. A detailed explanation of ideas and phrases stated by the essayist G. N Devy.

  2. Prepared by expert tutors having years’ long expertise.

  3. Use of lucid language which makes it easy to understand.

  4. You can get a clear idea about the type of question you can expect in the exam.

So, without wasting much time, download the PDF offered by Vedantu and start studying offline.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Tribal Verse

1. How many units are there in the Woven Words essay section?

Ans. A total of seven units are present in the essay section of the Woven Words book. The names are (1) My Watch, (2) My Three Passions, (3) Patterns of Creativity, (4) Tribal Verse, (5) What is a Good Book, (6) The Story and (7) Bridges.

2. What is a Munda song?

Ans. This song is sung specifically in the event of the birth of a boy or a girl. Plus, it also shows the tribal people’s connection with Mother Nature. They associate a girl child’s birth with a shed full of cows while depletion during that of a boy. Hence, it can be said that daughters are considered more auspicious and a precious asset as compared to a boy child. The reason is women in the Munda community have a significant role in different social, ritual and economic activities.

3. What is Miri Agom?

Ans. Adi tribal people utilise the Miri Agom language to chant rituals. It is incredibly rhythmic, though very different from their conventional language - Adi Agom. This distinction between the use of languages for day to day life and prayers depicts the Adi people’s language sensitivity.

4. What are the special features of the tribal communities?

Ans: According to Chapter 4 of Class 11 English Woven Words, the tribals always live in groups. They have no interest in money or wealth or accumulating them. They give more value to human beings, nature and god and believe in the space around them as sacred. They are very far from worldly pleasure, unlike others. They live the life of intuition and not reason. Their life is very different and unique from the common people's life.

5. What is the literacy tradition described in the chapter and also the difference between the tribal and the secular imagination?

Ans: The tribal traditions are very rich in their works and have been transferred from one generation to the other. We can get to know the unique songs and the stories of the tribals. The composition shows the exclusive view of the tribals. The tribal imagination is very unique and is just like a dream. These characteristics distinguish it from the secular imagination. People should spare little time to know more about tribal culture.

6. What are the special features of the tribal stories?

Ans: The tribal stories are very unique. The oceans fly just like birds and the mountains swim in the oceans. These unique features can describe the emotions in these lifeless things. The stars, men, and animals show sadness and happiness. These characteristics are not found in any other type of story. Another unique character and the tribal imagination in the stories is that the animal speaks like humans which makes it more interesting.

7. What is the special feature of the Kondh song and the Miri Agom language?

Ans: The Kondh song is the conversation between the ancestors who have expired. The Miri Agom is the language that is used during chanting only. This language is not used for daily life. The language is very soothing and very rhythmic. This makes it very much unique and interesting. The lifestyle and the characteristics of the tribals are very well portrayed in the chapter. This chapter tells us the life of the tribes which otherwise would not be known or one would not go so deep to know about their lives.

8. What are the tips to prepare this chapter from the NCERT Solutions?

Ans: The detailed explanations are curated skillfully in Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions, helping students prepare for the exam systematically. The use of lucid language has made the understanding very simple. You can very well get the idea of the questions appearing in the exam. The explanations of the chapters are easy to understand and remember. The important and the extra questions given at the end of each chapter will give more practice to the students. The NCERT Solutions can also be downloaded free of cost to study offline. These solutions and other study material is also available on the vedantu app.