NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Statistics
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Statistics Ex 13.2
1. What are the topics included in Chapter 13 of NCERT Class11 Maths Textbook?
NCERT Chapter 13 of Class 11 Maths includes all the important Statistics topics that are important for the final exams. It is categorized into the following exercises for better understanding of the students:
Chapter 13 Exercise 13.1 - Introduction
Chapter 13 Exercise 13.2 - Measures of Dispersion
Chapter 13 Exercise 13.3 - Range
Chapter 13 Exercise 13.4 - Mean Deviation
Chapter 13 Exercise 13.5 - Variance and Standard Deviation
Chapter 13 Exercise 13.6 - Analysis of Frequency Distributions
2. Can I download the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths from Vedantu site?
Yes, you can download the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths from Vedantu's website. We have also provided the Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 solutions on this page in PDF format. Vedantu is an online learning platform which provides free PDF downloads of solved NCERT Solutions along with previous year papers for various state boards and CBSE exams. These solutions are solved by expert teachers on
Also, register yourself to the Vedantu app to get the latest information, study materials and PDFs CBSE and various state board examinations.
3. Why should I opt for the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths offered by Vedantu?
The NCERT Solutions offered by Vedantu for Class 11 Maths are solved by our best expert teachers who have years of valuable experience in the similar field. They provide detailed chapter-wise solutions and step-by-step instructions for easy learning. Solving these NCERT solutions regularly will also help the candidates to have a better knowledge about the topics and thus help them in boosting their confidence. For more information, follow Vedantu.
4. Which books shall I refer along with NCERT Class 11 Maths Textbook?
Although NCERT textbooks provide detailed information and solutions for every chapters, it is advisable to the students to refer to R.S. Agarwal and R.D. Sharma textbooks for better understanding. There are proper chapter-wise solutions provided in the textbook which are categorised as very short, short, long, multiple-type and high order thinking type questions. Therefore, CBSE students can refer to both R.S. Agarwal and R. D. Sharma books for gaining better concepts regarding any topic. The students can also download free PDFs of solved R.S.Agarwal's questions from the Vedantu’s website. These solutions are solved by our expert teachers who are having years of experience in this subject.
5. Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Important?
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 are important as they are prepared by Mathematical experts who have huge experience in the field. The solutions are framed in a step-wise and detailed manner that makes the students understand the concepts and problem-solving methods easily. It provides the students with accurate answers and will help them to get an idea how to clearly present their answers in exams. These solutions can also be downloaded free of cost.
6. Do I Need to Practice all Questions Provided in NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Statistics?
Yes, all questions must be practised constantly. Constant practice is the key for the students to score high marks in exams. Students should practice all the questions provided in NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Statistics Exercise 13.2. It will help the students to clear their doubts and reduce making mistakes in exams. Students must memorize formulas and do lengthy calculations. Practising regularly will help the students to remember the problem-solving methods easily. That is why students should revise these solutions regularly to brush up on their skills. Students can access the NCERT Solutions on the website as well as the app.
7. What are the Important Topics Covered in NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13?
All the topics which are present in NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 are equally important. Every exercise in this chapter targets a different subject matter. The questions which are easy will help the students to build their foundation and memorize formulas. The difficult questions will help them in harnessing up their mathematical acumen. Students should not skip any exercise as this lesson will further be continued in class 12.
8. What are the Important Formulas in NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13?
All the formulas provided in NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 are very important as they are based on concepts like calculating the mean, variance, and standard deviation of different types of data. Students should practice a lot as there are a lot of formulas which they are required to learn and memorise. Students should solve a question using formulas in a stepwise manner as well as write them down in their formula sheet.
9. How CBSE Students can utilize NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 effectively?
Students can effectively use the NCERT Solutions by Vedantu for Exercise 13.2 from Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 by understanding the derivations of all the formulas. Students should also revise all the concepts and understand the theories that they have learned in Statistics in previous classes. Once students get a complete idea of all the theories and concepts, they can start to solve the exercises to know how much they have understood.