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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations And Functions Ex 2.3


NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations and Functions

If you are searching for the most preferred study materials, then you will find NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 is the one. If you are in Class 11 and your school is under the Central Board of Secondary Education then these Solutions for Maths Chapter- Relations and Functions will help you study more effectively. With the help of these study materials, you can clear your doubts by practicing this and all the other Exercises available with us online, in a pdf format.

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NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Class 11 Exercise 2.3 Maths - What it covers

The best way to prepare for the examination is probably to look at the CBSE NCERT Solutions and practice accordingly. Let's have a look at the syllabus of Class 11 Maths for the Central Board of Secondary Education and how much the study materials are able to cover. The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 should be looked up in this regard.

  •  The syllabus of the Class 11 Maths consists of 16 Chapters, where the first Chapter is Sets. In this chapter, you will get an     introduction to Sets. You will know about finite or infinite sets, null sets, subsets of the sets, disjoint sets and many other calculations related to set. The Class 11 Maths NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 should be your guide in this regard.

  •  NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 is Relations and Functions, the topics and subtopics are Cartesian Products of Sets, Relations, Functions, Some functions and their graphs, Algebra of real functions. Exercise 2.3 Class 11 maths will help you to clear your doubts. You can find Class 11 maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 in the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths. The Class 11 Maths Exercise 2.3 solution will help you revise core concepts in a really quick time indeed.

Other Chapters in Class 11 Maths

  • Chapter no 3 is Trigonometric Functions where the topics and subtopics are Angles, Degree measure, Radian measure, Relation between radian and real numbers, Relations between degree and radian, Trigonometric Functions, Sign of trigonometric functions, Domain and range of trigonometric functions, Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Two Angles, Trigonometric Equations.

  • The 4th Chapter Principle of Mathematical Induction will let you know how to solve equations with the help of mathematical induction. The topics are Introduction, Motivation, Illustration and The Principle of Mathematical Induction.

  • The fifth Chapter Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations comes with topics like Complex Numbers, Algebra of Complex Numbers, Addition of two complex numbers, Difference of two complex numbers, Multiplication of two complex numbers, Division of two complex numbers, Power of i, The square root of a negative real number, Identities, The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number, Argand Plane and Polar Representation, Polar representation of a complex number, Quadratic Equations. 

  • Linear Inequalities comes with topics and subtopics like Inequalities, Algebraic Solutions of Linear Inequalities in One Variable and their Graphical Representation, Graphical Solution of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables, Solution of System of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables in the sixth Chapter.

  • The topics and subtopics in the seventh Chapter Permutation and Combination are Fundamental Principle of Counting, Permutations, Permutations when all the objects are distinct, Factorial notation, Derivation of the formula, Permutations when all the objects are not distinct objects, Combinations.

  • Eight Chapter Binomial Theorem has the topics like Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices, Binomial theorem for any positive integer n, Some special cases, General and Middle Terms.

  • The 9th Chapter Sequences and Series is the Chapter where you get to know about the topics like Sequences, Series, Arithmetic Progression(A.P), Arithmetic mean, Geometric Progression (G.P), General term of a G.P, Sum to n terms of a G.P, Geometric Mean, Relationship Between A.M and G.M, Sum to n Terms of Special Series.

  • Straight Line is the Chapter no 10 where the topics and subtopics are Slope of a Line, the Slope of a line when coordinates of any two points on the line are given, Conditions for parallelism and perpendicularity of lines in terms of their slopes, Angle between two lines, Collinearity of three points, Various Forms of the Equation of a Line, Horizontal and vertical lines, Point-slope form, Two-point form, Slope-intercept form, Intercept - form, Normal form, General Equation of a Line, Different forms of Ax + By + C = 0, Distance of a Point From a Line, Distance between two parallel lines.

  • Conic Sections is the 11 the Chapter where the topics and subtopics are Sections of a Cone, Circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola, Degenerated conic sections, Circle, Parabola, Standard equations of parabola, Latus rectum, Ellipse, Relationship between semi-major axis, semi-minor axis and the distance of the focus from the center of the ellipse, Special cases of an ellipse, Eccentricity, Standard equations of an ellipse, Latus rectum, Hyperbola, Eccentricity, Standard equation of Hyperbola, Latus rectum.

  • The topics and subtopics in Chapter 12 Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry are Coordinate Axes and Coordinate Planes in Three Dimensional Space, Coordinates of a Point in Space, Distance between Two Points, Section Formula.

  • Limits and Derivatives is the Chapter no. 13 where you will learn about topics and subtopics like Intuitive Idea of Derivatives, Limits, Algebra of limits, Limits of polynomials and rational functions, Limits of Trigonometric Functions, Derivatives, Algebra of derivative of functions, Derivative of polynomials and trigonometric functions.

  • Chapter no 14 is Mathematical Reasoning and the topics are Statements, New Statements from Old, Negation of a statement, Compound statements, Special Words/Phrases, The word "And", The word "Or", Quantifiers, Implications, Contrapositive and Converse, Validating Statements, By Contradiction.

  • The topics and subtopics in chapter 15, like Measures of Dispersion, Range, Mean Deviation, Mean deviation for ungrouped data, Mean deviation for grouped data, Limitations of mean deviation, Variance, and Standard Deviation, Standard Deviation, Standard deviation of a discrete frequency distribution, Standard deviation of a continuous frequency distribution, Shortcut method to find variance and standard deviation, Analysis of Frequency Distributions, Comparison of two frequency distributions with the same mean are there in the fifteenth Chapter Statistics.

  • To solve the problems of Chapter no. 16 Probability, you will have to know about topics and subtopics like Random Experiments, Outcomes And Sample Spaces Events, Occurrences of Events, Types of Events, Mutually Exclusive Events, Axiomatic Approach to Probability, Probability of an event, Probabilities of equally likely outcomes, Probability of event or B', Probability of event 'not A'.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 PDF and others 

From the website of Vedantu, you will be able to download all the latest series of study materials as per the syllabus. You will just have to register on the website of Vedantu and you will get step by step links of the syllabus for free PDFs downloads which you can access from anywhere and anytime. Not only many students but teachers are also using the study materials which Vedantu offers. You will get the standard study materials for all subjects which will help you stay updated and it also teaches you shortcut techniques to solve problems. The Class 11 maths NCERT solutions ex 2.3 will be invaluable in this regard. You should download the NCERT maths Class 11 Exercise 2.3 solutions right away. The NCERT Class 11 Maths Exercise 2.3 solution will prove really useful indeed.

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Exam Preparation Tips For CBSE Class 11 Maths

Mathematics is the subject for which you will have to practice always to be an expert. The more you practice the more you become confident. Use a little diary to note down every important formulas and theory in short. Get proper sleep at night to wake up early in the morning and start your studies. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. Don't try to clear your doubts in the last minute preparation, if you have any doubts then clear it earlier from Vedantu with reference from Exercise 2.3 Class 11 maths NCERT solutions.

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At Vedantu, we believe in offering our readers the convenience to read at their leisure. It ensures that their study schedule isn’t an imposition, instead, it is an enjoyable time, what with the availability of the study material across the online platform. In this endeavor, our expert teachers support us to the fullest with their proficiency. Our study materials are crafted, taking into account your understanding of the subject. With step by step answers providing an in-depth knowledge of the exercises, we uphold the quality of solutions in our free to download study materials.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations And Functions Ex 2.3

1. Where can I avail free NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations and Functions Exercise 2.3?

You can avail free NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations and Functions Exercise 2.3 on Vedantu, India’s most trusted online mentoring platform. It is known to offer the best chapter-wise NCERT Solutions to help students in learning and exam preparation. You can refer to Class 11 Maths NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Relations and Functions Exercise 2.3 and other exercises online on Vedantu’s site. You can also download the free PDF of the same. The solutions PDF includes all the problems given in exercise solved by expert tutors who are Mathematics wizards. The solutions are designed as per the latest NCERT guidelines and syllabus. Vedantu is the best choice if you are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations and Functions.

2. How can I get full marks in Chapter 2 Relations and Functions of Class 11 Maths?

Class 11 Maths students can excel in the subject by solving NCERT exercise and example questions. In case of any doubts in solving the exercises of Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations and Functions, students can refer to Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Ex 2.3 and other exercises. Students should refer to additional study materials available on Vedantu. Relations and Functions is an important chapter of Class 11 Maths. It is important to study the chapter properly to score well in Class 11 CBSE board exams. The well-curated solutions available on Vedantu will help in scoring well in the Maths exams. Refer to our NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 provided by experts to learn the chapter effectively.

3. What are the benefits of exercise-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations and Functions?

Chapter 2 Relations and Functions of Class 11 Maths elaborates the concepts of Relations and Functions in a detailed manner. It is important to solve the NCERT textbook exercises of the chapter to score well in exams. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Relations and Functions Exercise 2.3 and other exercises are the most reliable online resource. It helps students facing any doubt in the chapter. They can refer to the solutions provided by experts on online learning sites to clear all their doubts. These platforms are well versed in exam pattern and NCERT guidelines. NCERT Solutions are a great way to have a thorough understanding of the chapter.

4. What are the key aspects of Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 and other exercises?

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 2 Relations and Functions Ex 2.3 available on its site have the given below key aspects:

  • Solutions provided in a stepwise manner.

  • Designed by subject matter experts.

  • Provides complete coverage of the NCERT questions.

  • Student-friendly solutions.

  • As per the latest syllabus and the exam pattern.

  • PDF format (Free to Download).

5. A function f is defined by f(x) = 2x-5. Write down the value of -

  • f(0)      

  • f(7)

  • f(-3)

It is given to us that f(x)= 2x-5.

i) In the first case when we replace x by 0, we get the following result

f(0)=2*0-5= -5

ii) In the second case we are to replace x with 7 to get the following results,

f(7)= 2*7-5=9

iii) In the third case x is to be replaced by -3. By doing so we attain the following results

f(-3)= 2*(-3)-5 = -11

To practice more questions related to this exercise, the student should resort to the NCERT Solutions. With the practice of the exercises present in these solutions, the student will be able to solve any question that might get asked from this chapter.

6. What are the topics that Exercise 2.3 of Chapter 2 deals with?

The main and important topic that the Exercise 2.3 of Chapter 2 Class 11 deals with include:

Functions - Some functions and their graphs

  • Identity function

  • Constant function

  • Polynomial function

  • Rational functions

  • The modulus function

  • Signum function

  • Greatest integer function

Algebra of Real Functions

  • Addition of two real numbers

  • Subtraction of a real function from another

  • Multiplication by a scalar

  • Multiplication by two real functions

  • The quotient of two real functions

Students need to be thorough with all these concepts to be able to answer any question that is asked to them concerning these topics. This can be achieved through constant practice and dedication.

7. Are the sums in Exercise 2.3 of Chapter 2 from Class 11 Maths easy to solve?

Yes, the sums in Exercise 2.3 of Chapter 2 from Class 11 Maths are extremely easy to solve given the fact that they are understood and worked upon regularly. Math as a subject requires constant attention and hard work to familiarize oneself completely with all the important and relevant concepts. Therefore, it is the job of the student to understand each step of every particular numerical to get an idea of how they are to be solved when asked in the examination.

8. Are the NCERT Solutions for Exercise 2.3 of Chapter 2 from Class 11 Maths available?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Exercise 2.3 Chapter 2 Class 11 Maths can be easily downloaded from the website of Vedantu for free. Students need to refer to these solutions and practice all the exercises that they offer to get a better hold of the concepts that this particular chapter has to offer. Every exercise has detailed answers that make the learning and retaining process much easier for the students. With regular practice from these exercises, the student will develop the confidence that is required to answer the questions in the examination.

9. How to prepare for Exercise 2.3 of Chapter 2 from Class 11 Maths?

The step to follow to prepare for Exercise 2.3 of Chapter 2 Class 11 Maths is to familiarize oneself with the concepts that this particular exercise entails. Without the knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts, it will get hard for the students to solve numerical problems. Apart from this, it is equally important that the student practices all the questions regularly so that they don't lose the grip of the concepts. To get a much better hold of the concepts the students should refer to the NCERT Solutions which they can easily download from the website of Vedantu or from the Vedantu app at free of cost.