NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold - Free PDF Download
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapters
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for class 2 English Marigold
1. Are the NCERT Solutions English Class 2 Marigold on Vedantu Available for Free Download?
Yes. The NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold PDF download is free for all students.
2. Who Prepares the NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold PDF?
The NCERT Solutions are prepared by teachers with years of experience. Therefore, the Solutions at Vedantu are completely reliable.
3. How many units are there in Class 2 English Marigold?
There are a total of ten units in Class 2 English Marigold. Students can download Class 2 English Marigold from Vedantu. NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold are available in PDF format on Vedantu that can help students to understand the different chapters given in each unit. All NCERT solutions and exercises related to Class 2 English Marigold are available in simple language so that students can understand the main idea of the story.
4. How many chapters do I have to study in Class 2 English Marigold?
There are a total of 21 chapters in Class 2 English Marigold. There are some stories and some poems. Students can understand the stories and poems easily from the NCERT Solutions given on Vedantu. All exercises of Class 2 English Marigold are solved in a stepwise manner so that students can prepare well for the exams. Students of Class 2 can refer to the solutions for doing a quick revision for the exams.
5. What is the main idea given in the poem “I am Lucky” given in Class 2 English Marigold?
“I am Lucky” is an inspiring poem for students of Class 2. In the poem, the poet wants to say that everyone should be thankful for something. For example, the butterfly is thankful for its beautiful wings, Myna was thankful for her melodious voice and ability to sing, etc. Every living being has something unique that makes it different from other living beings. The poem gives a beautiful message to the students that everyone should be thankful for something that one has.
6. What do you know about Chapter 5 “I Want” given in Class 2 English?
Chapter 5 “I Want” is an interesting story given in Class 2 English Marigold. The story is about a monkey. The monkey wants to become like a giraffe, a zebra, and an elephant. He was given a wish. He gets the neck of a giraffe, the stripes of a zebra, and the trunk of an elephant. But, soon the monkey realizes that he has made a big mistake and he desires to become a monkey again.
These solutions are available on Vedantu's official website( and mobile app free of cost.
7. Who is the main character of Chapter 9 “Storm in the Garden'' of Class 2 English?
The main character of the story “Storm in the Garden'' is a snail. The name of the snail is ‘Sunu-sunu’. One day the snail goes to the garden to meet its ant’s friends. But, suddenly a huge storm came over. Sunu sunu tells the whole incident to his mother. It is an interesting story and students of Class 2 will enjoy reading this story. They can also download the solutions of all chapters of Class 2 English Marigold from Vedantu.