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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna


NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Chapter 12 Hindi - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 12 of NCERT Class 2 Hindi, titled "Tosiya Ka Sapna (Sarangi)," narrates the story of a girl named Tosiya who loves to dream. One day, she dreams that all the colours in the world have vanished, leaving everything white. Disturbed by this thought, she wakes up and begins to doubt whether it has really happened. To ease her worries, Tosiya checks her kitchen, where she finds colourful spices like red chilli, turmeric, and coriander.

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Our solutions for Class 2 Hindi NCERT Solutions PDF breaks the lesson into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning fun and interactive. Students will develop essential language skills with engaging activities and exercises. Check out the revised CBSE Class 2 Hindi Syllabus and start practising Hindi Class 2 Chapter 12.

Glance on Class 2 Hindi Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna (Sarangi)

  1. Tosiya is a dreamy girl who imagines a world without colours, leading her on an adventure to discover the truth.

  2. Throughout the chapter, Tosiya finds various colourful elements in her kitchen, garden, and market, dispelling her fears.

  3. The story beautifully connects Tosiya's curiosity with her grandmother’s wisdom, highlighting the bond between generations.

  4. She then explores her garden, discovering vibrant flowers such as marigolds, jasmine, and sunflowers. 

  5. Tosiya realises that colours are all around her—in her clothes, in her home, and in the market, where she sees colourful vegetables and kites. After returning home, she finds her grandmother with her friends, all with white hair.

  6. Tosiya learns from her grandmother that her hair was once black, and she playfully explains how the colour shifted to Tosiya's hair. This charming story celebrates the joy of colours and the warmth of family bonds.


Access NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna

बातचीत के लिए:

प्रश्न 1. क्या आप कभी कोई सपना देखकर खुशी या डर से उठे हैं?
उत्तर: हाँ, मैंने सपना देखकर खुशी से उठी थी।

प्रश्न 2. अपने सपनों के बारे में बातचीत कीजिए।
उत्तर: मैंने सपने में देखा कि मेरे पिता मेरे लिए एक नई साइकिल लाए हैं, और मैं उसे अपने बरामदे में चला रही थी।

प्रश्न 3. इस कहानी में कौन-कौन से रंग हैं?
उत्तर: सफ़ेद, लाल, पीला, हरा, बैंगनी, नारंगी, काला, नीला, गुलाबी, फिरोज़ी, आसमानी, और भूरा।

प्रश्न 4. संसार में रंग ना हों तो कैसा लगेगा?
उत्तर: बेरंग संसार बहुत ही बुरा लगेगा।


कहानी का क्रम खोजिए। फिर उसे पढ़कर सुनाइए-

( ) तोसिया ने नानी से उनके सफ़ेद बालों के बारे में पूछा।
( ) तोसिया बाज़ार गई जहाँ रंगीन पतंगें, चुन्नियाँ और गुब्बारे थे।
( ) तोसिया बगीचे में गई जहाँ तरह-तरह के रंग-बिरंगे फूल थे।
( ) तोसिया ने सपना देखा कि सब कुछ सफ़ेद हो गया है।
( ) तोसिया ने रसोई में रंगीन मसाले देखे।
( ) तोसिया घर आकर दोपहर को सो गई।
उत्तर :
कहानी का सही क्रम निम्न प्रकार है-
(1) तोसिया ने सपना देखा कि सब कुछ सफ़ेद हो गया है।
(2) तोसिया ने रसोई में रंगीन मसाले देखे।
(3) तोसिया बगीचे में गई जहाँ तरह-तरह के रंग-बिरंगे फूल थे।
(4) तोसिया बाज़ार गई जहाँ रंगीन पतंगें, चुन्तियाँ और गुब्बारे थे।
(5) तोसिया घर आकर दोपहर को सो गई।
(6) तोसिया ने नानी से उनके सफ़ेद बालों के बारे में पूछा।

शब्दों का खेल:

प्रश्न 1. रंगों में छुपे शब्द खोजिए और लिखिए –
गुलाबी में गुलाब
आसमानी में ______
बैंगनी में ______
सिंदूरी में ______
उत्तर: आसमानी में आसमान
बैंगनी में बैंगन
सिंदूरी में सिंदूर

प्रश्न 2. रसोई में रंग
तोसिया ने रसोई में रंग ही रंग देखे। मिर्च _____ रंग की। काली मिर्च _____ रंग की। हल्दी ______ रंग की। सरसों ____ रंग की। धनिया पत्ती _____ रंग की और मेथीदाना ______ रंग का।
उत्तर: तोसिया ने रसोई में रंग-बिरंगे मसाले देखे। मिर्च लाल रंग की है। काली मिर्च काली रंग की है। हल्दी पीले रंग की है। सरसों भूरे रंग की है। धनिया पत्ती हरी रंग की है और मेथीदाना सुनहरे रंग का है।

आइए कुछ बनाएँ :

नीचे दिए गए चित्रों को देखकर सुंदर-सी कंदील बनाइए
(हमें चाहिए- रंगीन पेपर, कैंची, गोंद)

Crafting with papers

उत्तर: छात्र अपने प्रयासों से एक सुंदर कंदील बनाएं।

Learnings of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna

  1. Value of Colours: The chapter teaches children to appreciate the beauty of colors in everyday life and their significance in nature.

  2. Curiosity and Exploration: Tosiya's journey emphasizes the importance of curiosity and exploring one’s surroundings to find answers.

  3. Family Bonds: The story highlights the love and warmth in family relationships, showing how sharing experiences bring joy.

  4. Understanding Change: Tosiya learns about the natural process of ageing and how colours can change over time, fostering a sense of acceptance.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna

  • The solutions are explained in simple language, making it easier for young learners to grasp the concepts of directions without confusion.

  • Vedantu's NCERT Solutions are designed to follow the exact syllabus, ensuring that students cover all necessary topics related to the chapter.

  • Vedantu includes additional practice questions that encourage students to apply what they've learned and reinforce their understanding of the chapter.

  • Students can access the solutions online anytime, allowing for convenient study sessions at their own pace.

  • The solutions are crafted by subject matter experts, ensuring accuracy and clarity in explanations.

For better understanding of the Chapter refer to the CBSE Class 2 Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna Worksheets.


Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna (Sarangi) is a heartwarming tale that emphasizes the beauty of colours and the importance of family connections. Tosiya's journey from fear to joy showcases the significance of exploring one's environment to dispel doubts and fears. The chapter teaches young readers to embrace curiosity and appreciate the vibrant world around them, reinforcing the bonds of love and understanding within families.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 2 Hindi - (Sarangi)

After familiarising yourself with the Class 2 Hindi Chapter Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions from all Hindi Class 2 Sarangi textbook chapters.

You can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for Class 2 Hindi.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna

1. What is the main focus of NCERT Solutions Class 2 Hindi Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna (Sarangi)?

The chapter focuses on Tosiya’s adventure as she discovers the presence of colours in her life after dreaming that they have vanished.

2. Who is the main character in Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna?

The main character is Tosiya, a girl who loves to dream and explore her surroundings.

3. What does Tosiya dream about in Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna (Sarangi)"?

Tosiya dreams that all the colours in the world have disappeared, leaving everything white.

4. How does Tosiya discover that colours still exist?

Tosiya finds colourful spices in the kitchen, vibrant flowers in the garden, and colorful vegetables in the market.

5. What lesson does Tosiya learn from her grandmother in Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna?

Tosiya learns about the natural process of ageing and how her grandmother's hair has turned white over time.

6. What role do colours play in Chapter 12 Hindi Tosiya Ka Sapna?

Colours symbolise joy, beauty, and the vibrancy of life, highlighting their importance in everyday experiences.

7. What is the significance of Tosiya’s exploration in the chapter 12?

Tosiya's exploration emphasizes the value of curiosity and understanding one's environment to alleviate fears.

8. How does the poem Class 2 Chapter 12 highlight family bonds?

The story illustrates the love and connection between Tosiya and her grandmother, showcasing how family relationships bring comfort and joy.

9. What colourful items does Tosiya see in the market in Class 2 Hindi?

Tosiya sees colourful vegetables like carrots, brinjals, and green peas, as well as colourful kites.

10. What overall message does Chapter 12 Tosiya Ka Sapna convey?

The chapter conveys a message about appreciating the beauty of colours and the importance of family connections in overcoming fears.