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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 16 Mooli


NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Chapter 16 Hindi - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 16 NCERT Class 2 Hindi textbook, Mooli presents a charming story about Naanaji, who plants a radish in his garden. As he nurtures the radish, he encourages it to grow strong and long. The radish grows to be large and thick, but when Naanaji attempts to pull it out, he finds it impossible to do so despite his efforts. This story beautifully illustrates the importance of teamwork and collective effort in achieving a goal. It teaches children that sometimes, collaboration is the key to overcoming challenges, making it a valuable lesson for young learners.

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Our solutions for Class 2 Hindi NCERT Solutions PDF breaks the lesson into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning fun and interactive. Students will develop essential language skills with engaging activities and exercises. Check out the revised CBSE Class 2 Hindi Syllabus and start practising Hindi Class 2 Chapter 16.

Glance on Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) Chapter 16 - Mooli

  • The story is about Naanaji, who plants a radish in his garden.

  • Naanaji tells the radish to grow strong and long.

  • The radish grows big, but Naanaji cannot pull it out.

  • Naani and the granddaughter try to help, but cannot do it either.

  • The granddaughter calls her dog for help.

  • Together, they form a chain and finally pull out the radish.

  • The story teaches that working together is important.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 16 Mooli

बातचीत के लिए:

प्रश्न 1. मूली इतनी बड़ी कैसे हुई होगी?
उत्तर: नाना ने मूली बोकर उसे मज़बूत और लंबी होने के लिए बोला था। मूली उनकी बात सुनकर इतनी बड़ी हो गई होगी।

प्रश्न 2. नानाजी इतनी बड़ी मूली का क्या करेंगे?
उत्तर: नानाजी इतनी बड़ी मूली को अपने पड़ोसियों के साथ मिल-बाँटकर खाएँगे।

प्रश्न 3. मूली से क्या-क्या बनता है?
उत्तर: मूली के पराँठे, मूली का अचार, मूली की सब्ज़ी और मूली का सलाद।

प्रश्न 4. मूली से बनी कौन-सी चीज़ आपको पसंद है?
उत्तर: मुझे मूली का पराँठा अच्छा लगता है।

शब्दों का खेल:

प्रश्न : कहानी के इस वाक्य को पढ़िए –
कुत्ते ने नातिन को थामा, नातिन ने नानी को थामा, नानी ने नाना को थामा, नाना ने मूली को थामा, सभी ने मिलकर ज़ोर लगाया।
‘थामा’ शब्द का क्या अर्थ हो सकता है? ज़रा सोचिए! इस शब्द से कुछ वाक्य बनाकर अपनी कॉपी में लिखिए।
‘थामा’ शब्द का अर्थ ‘पकड़ना’ होता है।

  1. मैं अपने पिताजी का हाथ थामकर ही बाज़ार में घूमती हूँ।

  2. रमेश ने रवि को थामा और पानी पिलाया।

  3. शिक्षिका ने सुनीता का हाथ थामा और स्टेज पर ले गई।

  4. नानी ने माँ को थामा और फिर तेज-तेज़ चलने लगी।

सोचिए और बताइए:

प्रश्न 1. नानाजी ने सभी गाँववालों को दावत पर बुलाया है। मूली के गरमागरम पराँठे और ठंडी-ठंडी लस्सी बनाने के लिए किन वस्तुओं की आवश्यकता होगी?

सोचिए और बताइए.png


मूली के गरमागरम पराँठे और ठंडी-ठंडी लस्सी बनाने के लिए किन वस्तुओं की आवश्यकता होगी.png

प्रश्न 2. दावत के बाद नानाजी और नानीजी रसोई की सफ़ाई कैसे करेंगे? बताइए।
उत्तर: दावत के बाद नानाजी इधर-उधर फैली चीज़ें सही जगह पर रखेंगे और नानीजी बर्तन धोकर उन्हें पोंछकर रखेंगी। वे गैस-चूल्हा भी साफ़ करेंगी।

Learnings of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 16

  • Students will understand the significance of vegetables like Mooli (radish) and their role in our diet.

  • The chapter highlights the importance of patience and care when growing plants.

  • Students will learn about different agricultural practices and how farmers cultivate crops.

  • The story encourages students to appreciate the hard work of farmers in producing food.

  • It helps build an understanding of how small efforts in gardening or farming can yield big results.

  • The lesson also instils the value of perseverance and the reward of hard work.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 16

  • The solutions are designed according to the NCERT curriculum, making them ideal for exam preparation and ensuring that all important topics are covered.

  • Class 2 Chapter 16 NCERT Solutions provides detailed explanations and answers for all chapters, ensuring that students grasp the complete syllabus effectively.

  • The solutions break down complex concepts into simpler terms, making it easier for students to understand difficult topics and themes.

  • By studying the solutions, students can learn how to articulate their thoughts better and improve their writing skills in Hindi.

  • NCERT Solutions include various types of questions, helping students to practice effectively and prepare thoroughly for their exams.

Students can visit Class 2 Hindi Chapter 16 Worksheets for better practise, beneficial for last-minute exam preparation.


Chapter 16 Mooli from Class 2 Hindi teaches young learners the value of teamwork through the story of Naanaji and the radish. The collaborative efforts of the characters highlight that working together can help overcome difficulties. The NCERT solutions for this chapter not only clarify the story's themes but also provide engaging exercises to reinforce learning, making them an essential tool for students' understanding and exam preparation.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 2 Hindi - Sarangi

After familiarising yourself with the Class 2 Hindi Chapter 16 Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions from all Hindi Class 2 Sarangi textbook chapters.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 16 Mooli

1. What is the story of Mooli about?

The story of Chapter 16 Mooli revolves around Naanaji, who plants a radish in his garden and encourages it to grow strong and long. Despite their efforts, Naanaji and his family struggle to pull the radish out until they all work together, including their dog.

2. Who are the main characters in Chapter 16 Mooli?

The main characters in Chapter 16 Mooli are Naanaji, Naani, their granddaughter, and the dog. Each plays a role in trying to pull out the radish from the ground.

3. What lesson does NCERT Solutions Chapter 16 Mooli teach?

Chapter 16 Mooli teaches the importance of teamwork and how working together can help overcome challenges.

4. How can NCERT solutions help in understanding Chapter 16 Mooli?

NCERT solutions for Chapter 16 Mooli provide detailed explanations and answers to questions, making it easier for students to understand the themes and messages of the chapter.

5. Are there any exercises included in the NCERT solutions for Chapter 16 Mooli?

Yes, NCERT solutions for Chapter 16 Mooli include exercises and questions that help reinforce the learning from the chapter.

6. How does the radish represent the concept of growth in Chapter 16 Mooli?

In Chapter 16 "Mooli," the radish symbolises growth and the importance of nurturing. Naanaji’s encouragement for the radish to grow strong reflects the idea that support helps in achieving success.

7. What are some key vocabulary words from Chapter 16 Mooli?

Key vocabulary from Chapter 16 "Mooli" includes words like "मूली" (radish), "बगीचा" (garden), "थामना" (to hold), and "ज़ोर" (force), which are important for understanding the story.

8. Can NCERT solutions assist in exam preparation for Chapter 16 Mooli?

Yes, NCERT solutions for Chapter 16 Mooli are designed to help students prepare for exams by providing clear and concise answers to common questions related to the chapter.

9. How does teamwork play a role in Chapter 16 Mooli?

Teamwork is central to Chapter 16 Mooli, as each character contributes to pulling out the radish. It demonstrates that collective effort can lead to success.

10. Where can students find NCERT solutions for Chapter 16 Mooli?

Students can find NCERT solutions for Chapter 16 Mooli on Vedantu website.