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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat Aur Mendak


NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Chapter 17 Hindi - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak (Sarangi), a story that teaches valuable lessons about patience, teamwork, and respect for nature. In this chapter, Kamli and Somaru face a series of challenges as they try to satisfy their hunger. From feeding a cow to seeking water from a river and finally making frogs sing, the journey of these two children emphasizes the importance of persistence and empathy towards others.

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Our solutions for Class 2 Hindi NCERT Solutions PDF breaks down the lesson into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning fun and interactive. Students will develop essential language skills with engaging activities and exercises. Check out the revised CBSE Class 2 Hindi Syllabus and start practising Hindi Class 2 Chapter 17.

Glance on Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak

  • Story of Kamli and Somaru’s adventure in the forest.

  • Importance of teamwork, patience, and nature.

  • Somaru and Kamli ask a cow for milk, but it needs fresh grass.

  • They search for grass, but it needs water, and the river is dry.

  • Frogs agree to call for rain after Kamli and Somaru promise to protect them.

  • Rain comes, grass grows, and the cow gives milk.

  • Kamli and Somaru drink the milk and return home.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak Solutions

बातचीत के लिए:

प्रश्न 1. आपको ये कहानी कैसी लगी?
उत्तर: मुझे ये कहानी बहुत अच्छी लगी।

प्रश्न 2. मेंढक सोमारू और कमली की बात क्यों मान गया? क्या आप होते तो मान जाते?
उत्तर: दोनों ने मेंढक से माफ़ी माँगी थी और कहा था कि उन्हें बच्चे पत्थर नहीं मारेंगे। हाँ, मैं भी मान जाती/जाता।

प्रश्न 3. कहानी से लिए इन वाक्यों को पढ़िए। क्या आपने कभी किसी मित्र के साथ ऐसा कुछ किया है जिससे उन्हें चोट लगी हो या बुरा लगा हो?

मेंढक बोले, "हम बाहर निकलते हैं तो बच्चों में पत्थर मारते हैं|"

दोनों बोले, “जो हुआ उसके लिए माफ करो। अब से तुम्हें कोई पत्थर नहीं मारेगा|”
नहीं, मैंने अपने मित्र के साथ कभी ऐसा कुछ नहीं किया जिससे उन्हें चोट लगी हो या बुरा लगा हो।

शब्दों का खेल:

प्रश्न : ‘ढ’, ‘ड’, ‘ड़’, और ‘द’ वाले शब्द बनाइए। फिर सभी शब्दों को ज़ोर से पढ़िए। क्या ‘ढ’, ‘ड’, ‘ड़’ और ‘द’ की ध्वनियाँ बोलने-सुनने में अलग लगती हैं?

fill the words under the word


filled words under the word.

चित्रकारी और लेखन:

प्रश्न : कमली और सोमारू ने घर जाकर क्या किया होगा? चित्र बनाइए और कहानी को आगे बढ़ाइए-

kahani ko aage badhaiye

उत्तर :
दोनों ने घर आकर सबसे पहले हाथ-मुँह धोए।
कमली और सोमारू ने भरपेट खाना खाया।
खाना खाते-खातेमाँको जंगलकी बातें सुनाई।
दोनों बैठकर लूडो खेला।
थके होने के कारण दोनों जल्द ही सो गए।

Learnings of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak

  • Students learn the value of patience and persistence in solving problems.

  • The chapter teaches empathy towards animals and nature.

  • Importance of teamwork and cooperation in overcoming challenges.

  • Understanding of the natural cycle and how different elements in nature are interconnected.

  • The story instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment and wildlife.

  • Students learn to appreciate the hard work and effort involved in achieving results.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak

  • Vedantu's NCERT Solutions are designed to follow the exact syllabus, ensuring that students cover all necessary topics related to the chapter.

  • The solutions are explained in simple language, making it easier for young learners to grasp the concepts of directions without confusion.

  • Each solution provides a clear, step-by-step approach, helping students understand how to arrive at the answers and enhancing their problem-solving skills.

  • Vedantu includes additional practice questions that encourage students to apply what they've learned and reinforce their understanding of the chapter.

  • Students can access the solutions online anytime, allowing for convenient study sessions at their own pace.

  • The solutions are crafted by subject matter experts, ensuring accuracy and clarity in explanations.

For better understanding of the Chapter refer to the CBSE Class 2 Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak Worksheets.


The chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak highlights the importance of working together and respecting nature. Kamli and Somaru’s journey teaches students how to solve problems with patience, care, and empathy. Through NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17, students will gain a better understanding of the natural world and how teamwork can lead to success. These solutions will also assist students in revising the key points of the chapter, preparing them thoroughly for exams.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 2 Hindi - Sarangi

After familiarising yourself with the Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions from all Hindi Class 2 Sarangi textbook chapters.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat Aur Mendak

1. What is the main theme of Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak?

The main theme of Barsaat aur Mendak is the importance of teamwork, patience, and respecting nature. The story shows how different elements work together to solve problems.

2. Who are the main characters in Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak?

The main characters are two children, Kamli and Somaru, who embark on an adventure in the forest and learn valuable lessons through their journey.

3. How do Kamli and Somaru solve their problem in the story?

Kamli and Somaru solve their problem by working together. They follow the instructions of the cows, grass, rivers, clouds, and frogs to finally get milk and satisfy their hunger.

4. What lesson do students learn from NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17?

Students learn the importance of patience, teamwork, and empathy towards animals and nature. The story also highlights how interconnected elements of nature are.

5. How can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 17 help with exam preparation?

NCERT Solutions provides detailed explanations and practice questions that help students understand key concepts and prepare thoroughly for exams.

6. What challenges do Kamli and Somaru face in the story?

Kamli and Somaru face several challenges, including finding fresh grass, getting water from a dry river, and convincing frogs to make the clouds rain.

7. What is the role of the frogs in the story Barsaat aur Mendak?

The frogs play a crucial role in making the clouds rain by croaking. They agree to help Kamli and Somaru after the children promise that no one will harm them.

8. How does the story teach children about responsibility towards nature?

The story shows how every small action has a ripple effect in nature. It teaches students to respect the environment and care for animals like frogs, who are an important part of the ecosystem.

9. Where can students download the NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 Barsaat aur Mendak?

Students can download the FREE PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 17 from Vedantu’s website, which will help them prepare for exams effectively.

10. How do NCERT Solutions for Chapter 17 improve understanding of the story?

The NCERT Solutions provide step-by-step explanations of the chapter, making it easier for students to understand the storyline, key lessons, and the importance of the characters' actions.