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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 22: Chaar Dishayein (Sarangi)


NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Chapter 22 Hindi - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 22, "Chaar Dishayein." In this chapter, students learn about the four main directions: north, south, east, and west. These directions are important because they help us understand where we are and where we want to go.

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The chapter uses simple examples and fun stories to show how we can use these directions in our daily lives. For instance, when we want to find our way to school or home, knowing the directions makes it easier. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi break down the chapter into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning enjoyable. Students will also find engaging activities and exercises that help them practice what they learn in the Class 2 Hindi Syllabus. This chapter is not just about directions; it teaches students how to think about their surroundings in a new way.

Glance on Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) Chapter 22 Chaar Dishayein

  • The chapter introduces the four main directions: north, south, east, and west, and explains their significance in our daily lives.

  • It emphasizes how knowing these directions helps us navigate our surroundings and find our way to different places, like school or home.

  • The chapter uses simple stories and examples to illustrate how we can use directions in everyday situations, making the concept easy to grasp.

  • Students learn to identify directions using landmarks and surroundings, encouraging them to observe their environment more closely.

  • The chapter includes fun activities and exercises that allow students to practice recognizing and using directions in various contexts.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 22 Chaar Dishayein

बातचीत के लिए :

प्रश्न 1. आप दिशा का अनुमान कैसे लगाते हैं?

उत्तर : मैं सूरज की ओर देखकर पूरब दिशा का पता लगा लेती हूँ। इसके बाद, मुझे बाकी दिशाएँ भी पता चल जाती हैं।

प्रश्न 2. नीचे कुछ शब्द दिए गए हैं। इन शब्दों से अपनी-अपनी कहानी बनाइए और कक्षा में सुनाइए।


उत्तर : जंगल में शेर, हाथी, लोमड़ी आदि जानवर मिलकर अपने राजा शेर का जन्मदिन मना रहे थे। नाचना-गाना चल रहा था। सुबह से ही सभी खुशी-खुशी काम कर रहे थे। उन्होंने पहाड़ को भी फूलों और पत्तियों से सजाया था। अचानक आकाश में बादल छा गए। देखते ही देखते बारिश होने लगी और ओले गिरने लगे। सभी बुरी तरह डर गए। इस पर शेर ने कहा कि डरने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है हम सब मेरी बड़ी गुफा में जाकर जन्मदिन मनाएँगे। सभी जानवर फिर से खुश हो गए।

खेल-खेल में :

एक गोले में बैठकर इस गतिविधि को कीजिए-

प्रश्न 1. आपके दाईं ओर कौन-कौन से मित्र बैठे हैं?

उत्तर : सुधा, रवि और काव्या।

प्रश्न 2. आपके बाईं ओर कौन-कौन से मित्र बैठे हैं?

उत्तर : आशा, आदित्य और उमा।

प्रश्न 3. बाईं ओर से आप किस नंबर पर हैं?

उत्तर : पहले।

प्रश्न 4. दाई ओर से आप किस नंबर पर हैं?

उत्तर : सातवें।

आइए कुछाएँ :

प्रश्न : छोटे समूहों में चारों दिशाओं के नाम लिखे हुए कार्ड्स बनाइए और दीवारों पर सही जगह लगाइए। चारों दिशाओं के लिए कुछ चित्र भी बनाइए।

उत्तर : छात्र स्वयं करें।

Learnings of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 22

  • Students learn about the four main directions: north, south, east, and west.

  • The sun can help us find the east direction in the morning, which helps identify other directions too.

  • Knowing directions helps us navigate our surroundings and find our way easily.

  • Students learn to use landmarks to identify directions, making it easier to understand their location.

  • The chapter teaches how directions are useful in everyday life, like finding places or planning routes.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 22 - Chaar Dishayein

  • Vedantu's NCERT Solutions are designed to follow the exact syllabus, ensuring that students cover all necessary topics related to the chapter.

  • The solutions are explained in simple language, making it easier for young learners to grasp the concepts of directions without confusion.

  • Each solution provides a clear, step-by-step approach, helping students understand how to arrive at the answers and enhancing their problem-solving skills.

  • Vedantu includes additional practice questions that encourage students to apply what they've learned and reinforce their understanding of the chapter.

  • Students can access the solutions online anytime, allowing for convenient study sessions at their own pace.

  • The solutions are crafted by subject matter experts, ensuring accuracy and clarity in explanations.

For better understanding of the Chapter refer to the CBSE Class 2 Chapter 22 - Chaar Dishayein Worksheets.


Chapter 22, "Chaar Dishayein," teaches students about the four directions: north, south, east, and west. It explains how to use the sun to find these directions, helping students learn to navigate in daily life. Vedantu's NCERT Solutions make learning easier with simple explanations and fun activities. These resources help students understand directions better and improve their language skills. Explore the solutions to learn more and enjoy discovering the world around you!

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) 

Once you are familiar with the Question Answers for Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) Chapter 22, you can access detailed NCERT Solutions for all chapters in Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi).

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 22: Chaar Dishayein (Sarangi)

1. What are the four main directions discussed in this chapter?

The four main directions are north, south, east, and west.

2. How can the sun help us find directions?

The sun rises in the east, which helps us identify the east direction and, in turn, the other directions.

3. Why is it important to know directions?

Knowing directions helps us navigate our surroundings, find places, and plan routes.

4. What examples are given in the chapter to explain directions?

The chapter uses simple stories and examples from daily life to show how we use directions.

5. How can we use landmarks to find directions?

Landmarks like trees, buildings, and roads can help us identify our location and the directions.

6. What activities are included in the chapter?

The chapter includes fun exercises and activities to practice recognizing and using directions.

7. How does this chapter help in real life?

It teaches students practical skills for finding their way and understanding their environment.

8. What skills does the chapter develop?

The chapter helps develop observation skills and the ability to think about directions.

9. Are there any specific tips for learning directions?

Students can observe the sun and familiar landmarks to help remember the directions.

10. How can Vedantu's NCERT Solutions help with this chapter?

Vedantu's solutions provide clear explanations and engaging activities to make learning easier.