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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 8 Teen Dost


NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Chapter 8 Hindi - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 8 Teen Dost, offering clear and engaging answers to help students grasp the chapter's themes easily. This chapter tells the delightful story of three friends and their adventures, emphasising the importance of friendship and teamwork. The Class 2 Hindi NCERT Solutions are designed to make learning easy and enjoyable for young learners, ensuring that they grasp the key points of the chapter effectively. 

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The solutions are designed to make learning enjoyable while ensuring that students grasp the key points of the chapter. Students can also download the FREE PDF of these solutions for easy access and revision. These resources will support students in their exam preparation by covering all essential topics, as per the latest CBSE Class 2 Hindi Syllabus.

Glance on Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) Chapter 8 Teen Dost

  • The chapter revolves around the story of three friends and their fun-filled adventures together.

  • It emphasises the value of friendship, teamwork, and how friends support each other in various situations.

  • The narrative showcases the different personalities of the friends, highlighting their unique traits and how they contribute to their bond.

  • Students learn important life lessons about cooperation, understanding, and the joy of sharing experiences with friends.

  • The language used is simple and engaging, making it easy for young learners to relate to and understand the story.

  • This chapter aims to celebrate the spirit of friendship, encouraging children to cherish their friendships while enjoying the learning experience.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 8 Teen Dost (तीन दोस्त)

बातचीत के लिए :

प्रश्न 1. क्या रंगों की तरह आप भी अपने मित्रों के साथ मिलजुल कर रहते हैं?
उत्तर : हाँ, मैं अपने दोस्तों के साथ मिलजुल कर रहती हूँ।

प्रश्न 2. आप अपने रूठे मित्रों को कैसे मनाते हैं?
उत्तर : अपने मित्र से खुलकर बात करें। उन्हें बताएं कि आप उनकी कितनी परवाह करते हैं और उनकी नाराजगी का कारण जानने की कोशिश करें।

प्रश्न 3. क्या आसमान हमेशा नीला दिखाई देता है? क्या सूरज हमेशा पीला होता है? क्या पत्ते हमेशा हरे होते हैं? अपने अनुभवों के आधार पर बताइए।
उत्तर : आसमान आमतौर पर नीला दिखाई देता है, लेकिन सूरज के उगने या अस्त होने पर यह लाल या नारंगी हो सकता है। सूरज दिन के समय पीला या सफेद दिखता है, जबकि धुंध में यह धुंधला होता है। पत्ते सामान्यतः हरे होते हैं, लेकिन शरद ऋतु में वे पीले, नारंगी या लाल हो सकते हैं। इस प्रकार, रंग समय और परिस्थिति के अनुसार बदलते हैं।

प्रश्न 4. आप नए मित्र कैसे बनाते हैं?
उत्तर : नए मित्र बनाने के लिए सामाजिक आयोजनों में भाग लें और खुले मन से बातचीत करें। साझा रुचियों वाले समूहों में शामिल हों और दूसरों की मदद करें। सकारात्मक और खुशमिजाज रहकर लोगों को आकर्षित करें। इन तरीकों से आप आसानी से नए दोस्त बना सकते हैं।

नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर अपनी कॉपी में लिखिए-

प्रश्न 1. कहानी में आए रंगों के नाम लिखिए।
उत्तर : नारंगी, पीला, लाल,नीला,बैंगनी और हरा।

प्रश्न 2. वाक्य पूरा करें-तीनों रंग पक्के दोस्त थे, फिर भी उन्होंने नए दोस्त बनाए, क्योंकि
उत्तर : उन्हें और दोस्त चाहिए थे।

प्रश्न 3. विद्यालय में नारंगी, हरी और बैंगनी रंग की वस्तुओं को खोजिए। उनके नाम भी लिखिए-

रंग की वस्तुओं की नाम

उत्तर :

रंग की वस्तुओं की नाम उत्तर

शब्दों का खेल :

रगों के नाम लिखिए-

रगों के नाम लिखिए

उत्तर :

रगों के नाम लिखिए उत्तर

चित्रकारी और लेखन :

अपनी पसंद के रंग के बारे में सोचिए। वह रंग आपको किन वस्तुओं की याद दिलाता है? उनके चित्र बनाइए। कुछ वाक्य भी लिखिए-

चित्रकारी और लेखन

उत्तर :

चित्रकारी और लेखन उत्तर

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 8 Teen Dost

  • Clear Understanding: The solutions provide simple and clear explanations, helping students grasp the story and its themes easily.

  • Homework Assistance: Students can refer to the solutions to complete their homework accurately and efficiently.

  • Exam Preparation: The solutions cover all important points from the chapter, ensuring thorough preparation for exams.

  • FREE PDF Download: Students can download the FREE PDF for easy access and revision at any time from Vedantu.

  • Enhanced Language Skills: The solutions help improve students' Hindi comprehension and language skills, making learning enjoyable and effective.

Students can also access Class 2 Chapter 8 - Teen Dost Worksheets for more effective learning.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 8 Teen Dost offers an engaging and effective way for students to understand the value of friendship through the story of three friends. With clear and concise explanations, these solutions assist students in completing their homework and preparing for exams with confidence. The availability of a FREE PDF download makes it convenient for students to revise the chapter anytime, enhancing their learning experience. By utilising these solutions, students can build a solid foundation in Hindi while enjoying the delightful adventures of Teen Dost.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) 

Once you are familiar with the Question Answers for Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi) Chapter 8, you can access detailed NCERT Solutions for all chapters in Class 2 Hindi (Sarangi).

Related Important Links for Hindi Class 2

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for Hindi Class 2.

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Important Links for Class 2 Hindi


Class 2 Hindi NCERT Book


Class 2 Hindi Worksheets


Class 2 Hindi Sample Papers


Class 2 Hindi Revision Notes


Class 2 Hindi Important Questions

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 8 Teen Dost

1. What is the main theme of Chapter 8 Teen Dost?

The main theme of the chapter is the importance of friendship and teamwork among the three friends.

2. How do NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 help students understand the story?

The solutions provide clear explanations of the characters and events, making it easier for students to grasp the story's message.

3. Are the solutions suitable for self-study?

Yes, the solutions are designed to be user-friendly, making them suitable for self-study as well as classroom learning.

4. What types of questions are included in the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8?

The solutions cover a variety of question types, including comprehension questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and descriptive answers.

5. How do the solutions promote the understanding of friendship among children?

The solutions highlight the positive aspects of friendship depicted in the story, encouraging children to appreciate and value their friendships.

6. How does the chapter illustrate the personalities of the three friends?

The chapter describes each friend's unique traits and how they contribute to their adventures, helping students relate to the characters.

7. What skills can students develop by using these NCERT Solutions for Hindi Class 2 Chapter 8 Teen Dost?

Students can enhance their reading comprehension, critical thinking, and language skills by engaging with the solutions.

8. Is the NCERT Solutions PDF available for FREE download?

Yes, students can download the FREE PDF of the solutions from Vedantu website for easy access and revision.

9. How do the solutions help in exam preparation?

The solutions summarise key points and concepts, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams.

10. Can the Class 2 Hindi Chapter 8 solutions help improve Hindi language skills?

Yes, by reading the solutions, students can improve their vocabulary and understanding of Hindi grammar.

11. How can the story of Teen Dost inspire children, from Hindi Class 2?

The story promotes values like cooperation, kindness, and support, inspiring children to apply these qualities in their friendships.

12. What makes NCERT Solutions for Hindi Class 2 Chapter 8 unique compared to other resources?

The solutions are specifically tailored to the chapter, providing a focused approach that aligns with the CBSE syllabus and enhances understanding effectively.