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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Hindi Chapter 1 Seekho


NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Chapter 1 Seekho Hindi (Veena) - FREE PDF Download

Students can easily download the FREE PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Hindi (Veena) Chapter 1 Seekho. This resource offers clear and detailed answers to all the questions in the chapter according to the latest CBSE Class 3 Hindi Syllabus, helping students grasp the key concepts. The solutions are structured to guide students step-by-step, making it easier for them to follow along and understand the material. This PDF is especially useful for those who want to reinforce their learning and build a strong foundation in Hindi.

toc-symbolTable of Content

Using these solutions, students can review important topics and practice answering questions effectively. The CBSE Class 3 Hindi NCERT Solutions PDF serves as a valuable tool for preparing for exams, as it allows students to identify areas where they may need more practice. With this resource, studying becomes more organised and less stressful, enabling students to focus on their learning goals. Download the FREE PDF today to start enhancing your Hindi skills and achieve better results in your studies!

Glance on Class 3 Hindi (Veena)  Chapter 1 - Seekho

  • Chapter 1, "Seekho," introduces basic Hindi vocabulary to Class 3 students. It helps them become familiar with important words used in everyday conversations.

  • The chapter focuses on everyday words and simple sentence structures. This approach allows students to learn how to form sentences in a practical way.

  • Engaging exercises encourage students to use Hindi in daily conversations. By Practising with these exercises, students gain confidence in speaking the language.

  • Interactive tasks make learning enjoyable and help build confidence in speaking. These fun activities keep students motivated and eager to learn.

  • Students learn to express themselves through simple phrases and sentences. This helps them communicate their thoughts effectively in Hindi.

  • The chapter explores the meaning and usage of new words. Understanding these words enhances students' vocabulary and language comprehension.

  • "Seekho" sets a strong foundation for developing language skills effectively. It prepares students for further learning and use of Hindi in different contexts.

Access the NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Hindi (Veena) Chapter 1 Seekho

बातचीत के लिए

प्रश्न 1. आपको इस चित्र में क्या-क्या दिखाई दे रहा है?

Image of nature

उत्तर- सूरज, पर्वत, पक्षी, वृक्ष, आम, पुष्प, नदी, चट्टान, बादल।

प्रश्न 2. इनमें से कौन-कौन सी वस्तुएँ आप प्रतिदिन देखते हैं?

उत्तर- सूरज, पक्षी, चट्टान, वृक्ष, पुष्प और बादल।

प्रश्न 3. उगते हुए सूरज को देखकर आपके मन में किस प्रकार के भाव आते हैं?

उत्तर- उगते सूरज को देखकर मेरा मन उत्साह से भर जाता है और मुझे शांति मिलती है। यह सोचकर राहत मिलती है कि मेरे पास आज के दिन में काम करने के लिए पूरा समय है।

प्रश्न 4. रंग-बिरंगे फूलों को देखकर आपको कैसा लगता है?

उत्तर- रंग-बिरंगे फूलों को देखकर मेरा मन खुशी से भर जाता है।

कविता की बात

प्रश्न 1. किससे क्या सीखें, मिलान कीजिए-

created image


Images are matched with the correct one

प्रश्न 2. कविता में किससे सीखने की बात आपको सबसे अच्छी लगी?

उसका चित्र बनाइए और नाम लिखिए-

Plane white sheet.

उत्तर- छात्र अपने आप करें।

प्रश्न 3. पढ़िए और बताइए कि यह भाव कविता की किस पंक्ति में आया है-

(क) पेड़ों की झुकी डालियों से हमें यह सीखना है कि हमें हमेशा विनम्र रहना चाहिए। (कविता की पंक्ति)

(ख) हवा के झोंकों से हमें सीखना है कि हम हमेशा कुछ न कुछ काम करते रहें। (कविता की पंक्ति)

(ग) नदी-नहर से हमें सीखना है कि जीवन आगे बढ़ने का नाम है और हमें आगे बढ़ते रहना चाहिए। (कविता की पंक्ति)


(क) वृक्ष की झुकी हुई शाखाओं से हर दिन, विनम्रता सीखो।

(ख) हवा के झोंकों से सीखो, कोमल भावनाओं को बहाना।

(ग) जलधाराओं से सीखो, जीवन के मार्ग में आगे बढ़ना।

कविता से आगे

प्रश्न 1. सूरज से ‘जगना और जगाना’ सीखने की बात कही गई है। हम सूरज से और क्या-क्या सीख सकते हैं? कोई दो बातें लिखिए-

Fill the blanks.


(क) सूरज से हम दूसरों के जीवन में रोशनी भरने की सीख ले सकते हैं। हमें लोगों के दुखों को दूर करके उनके जीवन में उजाला लाना चाहिए।

(ख) सूरज से हम अनुशासन का महत्व समझ सकते हैं। जैसे सूरज बिना किसी की परवाह किए निर्धारित समय पर उगता और अस्त होता है, वैसे ही हमें भी अपने जीवन में अनुशासन बनाए रखना चाहिए।

प्रश्न 2. लता और पेड़ों से एक-दूसरे के साथ प्रेम और सद्भाव की बात सीखने के लिए कहा गया है। इनसे हम और क्या-क्या सीख सकते हैं? कोई दो बातें लिखिए-

Fill the blanks 2


(क) लता और पेड़ से हम सद्भाव के साथ-साथ एक-दूसरे को विकास की दिशा में आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा भी ले सकते हैं।

(ख) लता और पेड़ से हम दूसरों के लिए जीने की भी सीख लेते हैं। वे अपने जीवन में लोगों को फल-फूल आदि प्रदान करते हैं और खुशी से रहते हैं।

प्रश्न 3. हम सभी में कोई न कोई विशेषता अवश्य होती है। आप अपने सहपाठी की कौन-सी बात सीखना चाहते हैं?

Fill the blanks

उत्तर- मेरा सहपाठी हमेशा सभी की मदद करता है। कक्षा में वह बढ़-चढ़कर सबकी समस्याएँ हल करता है। मैं भी उसकी इस आदत को अपनाना चाहता हूँ।

भाषा की बात

words and their meanings

प्रश्न 1. ऊपर दी गई सूची को ध्यान से पढ़िए। इनमें से कोई दो शब्द लेकर वाक्य बनाइए-

using the words frame sentences in blanks


(क) पथ – हमें हमेशा सत्य के मार्ग पर चलना चाहिए।

(ख) तरु – वृक्ष हमें फल, फूल और लकड़ी प्रदान करते हैं।

प्रश्न 2. दूध और पानी से सीखो, मिलना और मिलाना। रेखांकित शब्दों के समान कुछ और शब्द बनाइए-

fill in the blanks with similar meaning


हँसना और हँसाना

खाना और खिलाना

लड़ना और लड़ाना

पीना और पिलाना

भरना और भराना

सोना और सुलाना

प्रश्न 3. ‘स’ और ‘प’ वर्ण से प्रारंभ होने वाले शब्दों को कविता से खोजकर लिखिए-

the words starts with s and p


The words starts with s and p

प्रश्न 4. तालिका ‘अ’ तथा ‘ब’ में दिए गए शब्दों का उच्चारण कीजिए और इनमें अंतर पहचानिए-

differences between words

उत्तर- विद्यार्थी अपने आप करें।

बूझो तो जानें


आइए मिलकर गाएँ

प्रश्न 1. आइए, पाठ में पढ़ी गई कविता को हम सब मिलकर गाएँ-

उत्तर-  चलो, मिलकर गाते हैं।

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Hindi (Veena) Chapter 1 Seekho

  • The solutions provide easy-to-follow explanations that help students understand the chapter better, making learning more effective.

  • Students can find practice questions that reinforce what they have learned, helping them remember important concepts.

  • The solutions are useful for preparing for exams as they cover all the important points from the chapter, ensuring students are ready.

  • By reviewing the solutions, students gain confidence in their knowledge and language skills, making them more comfortable using Hindi.

  • Students can use these solutions for self-study, allowing them to learn at their own pace and revisit topics whenever needed.

  • The solutions make learning engaging by providing interesting activities and examples, keeping students motivated.

  • Understanding the basics in this chapter helps build a strong foundation for learning more complex Hindi topics in the future.

Important Study Material Links for Hindi (Veena) Chapter 1 Class 3 - Seekho


Important Study Material Links for Chapter 1 Seekho 


CBSE Class 3 Seekho Worksheets


CBSE Class 3 Seekho Revision Notes


Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Hindi (Veena) Chapter 1, "Seekho," provide valuable resources for students. These solutions offer clear explanations and practise questions that enhance understanding and retention of key concepts. By using these solutions, students can prepare effectively for exams and build confidence in their Hindi language skills. The engaging activities and self-study options encourage students to learn at their own pace. With a strong foundation established in this chapter, students are better prepared to tackle more advanced topics in Hindi.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 3 Hindi (Veena) 

After practising the questions and answers for Chapter 1 of Class 3 Hindi (Veena), you can check out the detailed NCERT solutions for all chapters in the Class 3 Hindi (Veena) textbook. These solutions provide clear explanations for each chapter. Use them to improve your understanding and get ready for exams.

Related Important Links for Hindi Class 3

Students can download extra study materials for Hindi Class 3 from Vedantu. These resources will help enhance their learning.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Hindi Chapter 1 Seekho

1. What is the main focus of Chapter 1 in Class 3 Hindi (Veena)?

Chapter 1, "Seekho," focuses on teaching basic Hindi words and simple sentences. It helps students learn the everyday language used in conversations. The goal is to build a strong base for their language skills.

2. How do Class 3 Hindi NCERT Solutions support student learning?

NCERT Solutions offers easy explanations and practice questions for each topic in the chapter. They help clarify difficult ideas and improve understanding. This support makes it easier for students to learn the material.

3. Are NCERT Solutions for Hindi Class 3 Chapter 1 available online?

Students can find NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Hindi (Veena) Chapter 1 for free on many educational websites like Vedantu. They can download these solutions for offline study. This makes it easy to learn at any time.

4. What role do these Class 3 Hindi solutions play in exam preparation?

These solutions summarize important points from the chapter. They include practice questions that help students prepare for exams effectively. This practice builds confidence and readiness for tests.

5. What types of exercises are included in the Class 3 Hindi chapter 1?

The chapter has fun exercises that help students learn by doing. These activities encourage students to practice their vocabulary and create sentences. They make learning more enjoyable and effective.

6. In what ways do the solutions boost students’ confidence?

By providing clear answers and practice, these solutions help students understand the content better. As they learn, their confidence in speaking and writing Hindi grows. This makes them more comfortable using the language.

7. Can students use these Class 3 Hindi solutions for independent study?

Yes, students can use the NCERT Solutions for self-study. They can learn at their own speed and go back to difficult topics whenever they want. This helps them learn more effectively on their own.

8. What benefits do engaging activities offer in the Hindi Class 3 chapter 1?

Engaging activities make learning fun and keep students interested in Hindi. They encourage students to participate actively, which helps them remember what they learn. This approach helps foster a love for the language.

9. Is it important to refer to these solutions for learning Hindi?

While it's not a must, using these solutions can really help students learn better. They provide a good overview of the chapter's content. Using these resources can lead to improved performance in Hindi.

10. How does mastering Chapter 1 help with future Hindi lessons?

Understanding Chapter 1 prepares students for more advanced topics later on. It gives them the necessary skills for future lessons. This strong start is important for success in learning Hindi.