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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Chapter 1 Hindi (Rimjhim) - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1, Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal. This chapter introduces young readers to the playful nature of clouds, using simple language and relatable themes. Our solutions help students understand the story better and answer questions clearly. By following these solutions, students can easily understand the main ideas of the chapter and prepare for exams. Along with this, you can explore the CBSE Class 4 Hindi Syllabus to know the complete set of topics covered. These solutions will help in revision and make learning enjoyable. Download the FREE PDF for detailed NCERT Solutions and start preparing with ease.

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Glance on Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim)  Chapter 1 - Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal 

  • CBSE Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal introduces clouds as innocent and playful, making them relatable to children. It paints a picture of clouds as carefree, roaming freely in the sky.

  • It describes how watching clouds brings joy to people, especially children, as they see different shapes and forms in the clouds.

  • The chapter talks about how clouds bring rain, which is important for life on earth. The arrival of rain is shown as something magical and joyful.

  • The story encourages children to use their imagination when looking at clouds, seeing them as different animals or objects, sparking creativity.

  • The chapter is written in simple and engaging language, making it easy for young readers to understand and enjoy, while also teaching important lessons about nature.

Access the NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal

तुम्हारी समझ से
कभी-कभी ज़िद्दी बन करके
बाढ़ नदी-नालों में लाते

(क) बादल नदी-नालों में बाढ़ कैसे लाते होंगे?
उत्तर: बादल जब बारिश करते हैं, तो वे पानी की बूंदों को जमीन पर गिराते हैं। यह पानी धरती, नदियों और नालों में बहता है। जब बादल बहुत अधिक पानी गिराते हैं, तो यह पानी नदियों और नालों का स्तर बढ़ा देता है। इस वजह से, नदी-नालों में बाढ़ आ जाती है। 

बाढ़ आने से, नदियाँ अपने किनारों से बाहर निकल आती हैं और आसपास के क्षेत्रों में पानी भर जाता है। यह प्राकृतिक प्रक्रिया है, जो बादलों की ज़िद्दी प्रवृत्ति के कारण होती है, जब वे बहुत अधिक बारिश लाते हैं। 

(ख) बादल ढोल कैसे बजाते होंगे?
उत्तर: बादल ढोल कैसे बजाते होंगे? इस सवाल का जवाब हमारे विचारों और कल्पना पर निर्भर करता है। 

बादल ज़िद्दी बनकर, जब वे गरजते हैं, तो ऐसा लगता है जैसे वे ढोल बजा रहे हों। जब बादल गरजते हैं और बिजली चमकती है, तो हमें लगता है कि जैसे वे अपने आप में एक संगीत बना रहे हैं। उनका यह गरजना हमें बारिश की याद दिलाता है, जो धरती के लिए एक आशीर्वाद है। 

इसलिए, हमें यह सोचकर खुश होना चाहिए कि बादल हमारे लिए खुशी और जीवन लेकर आते हैं। उनका ढोल बजाना हमें यह याद दिलाता है कि वे प्राकृतिक संतुलन का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं और उनके बिना जीवन संभव नहीं है।

(ग) बादल कैसी शैतानियाँ करते होंगे?
बादल आकाश में तैरते रहते हैं और कई मजेदार शैतानियाँ करते हैं। जैसे:

1. बारिश लाना: अचानक बारिश करके सबको भीग देते हैं।

2. बिजली चमकाना: गरज-चमक कर बिजली की रोशनी दिखाते हैं।

3. आकृतियाँ बनाना: अपने आकार बदलकर जानवर या अन्य मजेदार रूप बनाते हैं।

4. हवा चलाना: तेज हवा ला कर पेड़ों को हिलाते हैं।

5. सर्दी लाना: ठंड बढ़ाकर मौसम बदल देते हैं।





चंदा -सा




गुब्बारे- सा




















चंदा -सा




गुब्बारे- सा




………….भारी भरकम………..












कविता से आगे

(क) तूफान क्या होता है? बादलों को तूफ़ानी क्यों कहा गया है?
उत्तर: तूफान एक बहुत तेज़ हवा और भारी बारिश के साथ आने वाली प्राकृतिक आपदा है। इसमें बिजली चमकती है, गरज-चमक होती है और बहुत तेज़ हवाएँ चलती हैं। तूफान से पेड़ झुक सकते हैं, घरों को नुकसान पहुँच सकता है और रास्ते बंद हो सकते हैं।

बादलों को तूफ़ानी इसलिए कहा गया है क्योंकि ये बादल तूफान लाने का संकेत होते हैं। जब आसमान में काले और बड़े बादल इकट्ठे होते हैं, तो इसका मतलब है कि तूफान आने वाला है। ये बादल तेज़ हवाओं और भारी बारिश के साथ तूफान बन जाते हैं। इसलिए, बादलों को तूफ़ानी कहा जाता है।

(ख) साल के किन-किन महीनों में ज़्यादा बादल छाते हैं?
उत्तर: साल के उन महीनों में ज़्यादा बादल छाते हैं जब बारिश का मौसम होता है। आमतौर पर ये महीने होते हैं:

1. जून (June)

2. जुलाई (July)

3. अगस्त (August)

4. सितंबर (September)

इन महीनों में बादल ज्यादा होते हैं और इस समय बारिश भी अक्सर होती है। यह मौसम गर्मियों के बाद आता है और खेती-बाड़ी के लिए भी महत्वपूर्ण होता है।

(ग) कविता में काले बादलों की बात की गई है। क्या बादल सचमुच काले होते हैं?
उत्तर: कविता में काले बादलों का वर्णन किया गया है ताकि बारिश के आने का संकेत दिया जा सके। असल में बादल हमेशा काले नहीं होते हैं। आमतौर पर बादल सफेद या हल्के ग्रे रंग के होते हैं। लेकिन जब बारिश आने वाली होती है, तो बादल गहरे रंग के दिखते हैं, जैसे काले। यह इसलिये होता है क्योंकि बादलों में पानी की बूंदें या बर्फ के क्रिस्टल अधिक मात्रा में होते हैं, जो प्रकाश को कम प्रतिबिंबित करते हैं और बादल को गहरा रंग प्रदान करते हैं।

(घ) कक्षा में बातचीत करो और बताओ कि बादल किन-किन रंगों के होते हैं।
उत्तर: कक्षा में बातचीत: बादल के रंग

विद्यार्थी 1: सर, बादल ज़्यादातर सफेद होते हैं।

विद्यार्थी 2: हाँ, कभी-कभी बादल धूसर या ग्रे भी दिखते हैं।

विद्यार्थी 3: मैंने सूर्योदय और सूर्यास्त में गुलाबी या नारंगी रंग के बादल देखे हैं।

विद्यार्थी 4: काले बादल बारिश लाते हैं।

शिक्षक: बहुत बढ़िया! इस तरह हम जानते हैं कि बादल अलग-अलग रंगों में हो सकते हैं और मौसम के बारे में जानकारी देते हैं।

सभी विद्यार्थी: धन्यवाद, सर!

कैसे-कैसे बादल

(ख) कविता में बादल को ‘भोला’ कहा गया है। इसके अलावा बादलों के लिए और कौन-कौन से शब्दों का इस्तेमाल किया गया है? नीचे लिखे अधूरे शब्दों को पूरा करो।

म………………… ज़ि………………

शै………………… तू………………..
उत्तर: मतवाले ज़िद्दी
            शैतान तूफ़ानी

बारिश की आवाजें
कुछ अपने थैलों से चुपके
झर-झर-झर बरसाते पानी
पानी के बरसने की आवाज़ है झर-झर-झर!
पानी बरसने की कुछ और आवाजें लिखो।

टप-टप-टप छप-छप-छप
टिप-टिप-टिप रिमझिम-रिमझिम

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal

NCERT Solution Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Summary

The NCERT solution for Hindi Class 4 Chapters 1 summary is best explained in the study material of Vedantu. The best part of the online resource of Vedantu is you will get the complete solution of the chapter 1 class 4 Hindi man ke bhole bhale badal. In this chapter, the poet has explained about the different types of clouds in the poem.

The poet narrates that the hair of these clouds is frothy and the cheek of these clouds is almost like a balloon. Some clouds are appearing like a swollen clown and some of the clouds seem to raise their hands like an elephant.

The poet also narrated here that some clouds seem likes camels standing with their humps and some are showing their feathers. The poet also narrated that all the clouds will collide with each other and will appear like a drunken lion.

In this poem, the poet also narrates about the weather change that will occur due to these clouds and it will bring storms along with it. When the cloud will bring storms then it will appear like a devil.  The poet also portrays beautifully the behavior of the clouds here. He states that clouds never listen to anyone.

They will suddenly appear on the roof and will disappear immediately. It will also pour water from their bags suddenly. The poet also says that these clouds will stagnate suddenly and will pour so much water that the streams and the rivers will get flooded. Still, these clouds are innocent in nature and they look good.

Here, the author tries to depict the behavior of the cloud in the best possible manner. Through this poem, the author tries to explain the innocent behavior of the cloud and how it shows its different appearance to the viewers.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal breaks down complex ideas in the chapter, helping students understand the story and its themes easily. 

  • By studying these solutions, students improve their vocabulary and sentence formation, making their Hindi language skills stronger. 

  • The solutions provide a quick reference for students to revise key points and concepts before exams, ensuring they understand the main ideas. 

  • With structured answers, students can practise writing responses to questions, building their confidence for tests and assignments. 

  • The solutions inspire students to think creatively about the content, encouraging them to relate the clouds' playful nature to their own experiences. 

  • The detailed explanations in the solutions make it easier for parents and teachers to assist students in their learning journey, promoting better communication and understanding. 

Important Study Material Links for Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 1 Class 4 - Mann Ke Bhole Bhale badal


Important Study Material Links for Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal


CBSE Class 4 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal Worksheets


CBSE Class 4 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal Revision Notes


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 1, Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal, provide an excellent way for students to connect with the story and its themes. By breaking down the content into easy-to-understand concepts, these solutions help enhance language skills, promote creative thinking, and build confidence for exams. With clear explanations, students can effectively prepare and engage with the material, making learning enjoyable. Vedantu's resources help students with their studies, providing them with the tools they need to do well. Check out these solutions to improve your understanding and get the best out of your learning.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Other Chapter-wise List

After familiarising yourself with the Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 1 Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions for all Chapters in Class 4 Hindi (Rimjhim).

Important Related Links for NCERT Class 4 Hindi

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal

1. What are NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal?

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal are comprehensive guides that provide clear answers to the chapter's questions. They explain key concepts, themes, and vocabulary in a way that is easy for students to understand. These solutions are designed to help students grasp the story better and enhance their learning experience.

2. How can Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions help me with Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal? 

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions offer detailed explanations and practical examples to clarify the content of Chapter 1. They help students understand the story’s themes and characters while providing exercises for practice. This support makes it easier for students to engage with the material and improve their comprehension skills.

3. Are the NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal easy to understand?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions are written in simple and accessible language, making them easy for students to follow. The explanations are clear and concise, ensuring that even young learners can grasp the concepts without confusion. This simplicity helps students feel more confident in their studies.

4. Can I find NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal online?

Absolutely! NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal are available on the Vedantu website. Students can easily access these resources anytime to support their learning. This online availability ensures that help is just a click away and it’s completely FREE.

5. How do NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal improve my exam preparation?

These solutions enhance exam preparation by providing a structured way to review important concepts and practice answering questions. By going through the solutions, students can identify key themes and details that are likely to appear in exams. This focused practice helps boost their confidence and performance.

6. What topics are covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal?

The NCERT Solutions cover various topics related to the chapter, including the characteristics of clouds, their role in nature, and the emotions they evoke. They explain the story's main ideas, themes, and vocabulary. This comprehensive coverage ensures that students have a well-rounded understanding of the content.

7. Are there any exercises in NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions include exercises and questions designed to reinforce learning. These exercises help students practise their understanding of the chapter's concepts and improve their ability to express ideas in writing. Working through these exercises is a great way to prepare for assessments.

8. Who can benefit from NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal?

Students in Class 4 studying Hindi can greatly benefit from these solutions. They are tailored to enhance understanding and provide additional practice for young learners. Additionally, parents and teachers can use these solutions to support students in their studies and help them with homework.

9. How do NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal support parents and teachers?

The detailed explanations in the NCERT Solutions make it easier for parents and teachers to guide students. These resources provide clear answers to chapter questions, allowing parents to assist with homework and clarify doubts. This support fosters better communication and understanding between students and their guardians.

10. Can I use NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal for revision?

Yes, these solutions are ideal for revision. They summarise key points and concepts from the chapter, making it easy for students to review before exams. By going through the solutions, students can quickly refresh their memory and ensure they are well-prepared.

11. Why should I choose Vedantu for NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Hindi Chapter 1 Mann Ke Bhole Bhale Badal?

Vedantu offers high-quality NCERT Solutions that are tailored to meet the needs of Class 4 students. The solutions are easy to understand, provide detailed explanations, and help students learn effectively. Choosing Vedantu ensures that you have a reliable resource for mastering the chapter and succeeding in your studies.