NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 7 - The Wonder Called Sleep - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 7 - The Wonder Called Sleep
1. What is the Most Common and Important Benefit of Sleep?
Ans:The most obvious and common benefit of sleep is that it helps the body in recovering from fatigue and stress. Sleep helps in relaxing both the mind and the body of the individual.
2. What Happens to the Human Body During Sleep?
Ans: When a human body is sleeping, all the muscles in the body are relaxed. The heartbeat also slows down. Further, the temperature and blood pressure of the body is also reduced.
3. Define What you Understand By ‘the Term Dream.
Ans: Dreams can be explained as involuntary activities of the human brain. These activities can be viewed in a quick succession of images, emotions, and sensations that can occur during different stages of sleep.
4. Why is Sleep Considered to be a Wonder?
Ans: Sleep is considered to be a wonder because nobody has ever been able to explain what causes sleep or even how it occurs. Sleep helps individuals to escape the real world and enter into a fantastical dream world.
5. What is the most obvious advantage of sleep?
Ans: The most obvious advantage of sleep is that it provides the required amounts of rest to your tired body. If you get good sleep, then you will be active and alert for your work. Sleep helps the mind and body to heal from a day’s tiredness. Good sleep also prevents anxiety and nervousness. If you have a good night’s sleep, you will feel very refreshed and energized once you wake up.
6. Why has sleep been called a wonder according to Chapter 7 of Class 6 English?
Ans: Sleep has been called a wonder because nobody knows what brings about sleep. Also, while a person is sleeping, it transports them to a wonderful strange land which is fascinating. Nobody knows what happens when a person falls asleep. Sleep is something wonderful and mysterious. People dream when they sleep and the dreamland is another mysterious and marvellous place that can only be brought about by sleep. Hence, due to all these reasons sleep has been called a wonder.
7. Where can I get solutions for Chapter 7 of Class 6 English?
Ans: You can get solutions for chapter 7 of Class 6 English online on Vedantu website and mobile app for free. Vedantu is the best website that provides you with the most accurate solutions for all of your NCERT subjects. The Vedantu website can be accessed without any subscriptions. This means that the whole website is presented to you free of cost. The solutions given on this website will also act as a reference and guide for the students. The solutions are also downloadable in PDF format. Even this option is free of cost. So yes, for solutions, students should always consult Vedantu.
8. How to prepare for Class 6 NCERT English Chapter 7 Class tests?
Ans: To prepare for your Chapter 7 of Class 6 NCERT English exams, please follow the following steps-
When you are studying from your Class 6 NCERT English textbook, you should be very thorough with your text. If you are thorough with whatever is written in your textbook, then you will already be a few steps ahead towards acing your class tests on Chapter 7 or even surprise tests.
Be sure to practise solving as many questions as you can. Practising is a great way to revise and memorise what you have studied. The more you practise, the less likely you are to forget any important part during your examination.
If you follow these, you will surely score good marks in your Class 6 Chapter 7 NCERT English class tests.
9. Is Chapter 7 of Class 6 English interesting?
Ans: Chapter 7 of Class 6 English is an interesting topic as it talks about dreams and sleep. At this age, children love their sleep and are fascinated by dreams, which helps them connect with this topic. Overall, Class 7 English is very creative and beautiful. Students will learn a lot through stories and poems that are fun and interesting to read. The NCERT curriculum ensures that the students get to learn everything that is necessary through an interesting mode of education.