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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 13 - Kapade Kee Dookaan


Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 Kapade Kee Dookaan

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 helps the student revise the concepts and prepare well for the exam. The core concepts are chosen by our subject experts and are detailed in a simple description. The activities present in the solution are targeted towards average students to understand the concept better. The case studies offer various exercises and core questions prepared, keeping in mind the importance of marks, syllabus and weightage. Our experts at Vedantu have chosen only the critical and essential concepts to deliver NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 13. Our solutions offer an explicit and in-depth explanation of the chapter.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 13 - Kapade Kee Dookaan

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter - 13 कपड़े की दुकान

1. पढ़ो और बोलो

बाजार         दूसरा        जल्दी      पसंद है

दुकान          चाहिए        ठीक      सूट का कपड़ा

कपड़ा          नमस्ते         लाना      पैट  शर्ट का कपड़ा

अच्छा           धन्यवाद      रहना

अपना           सिर्फ          खरीदना

उत्तर: ब से बाज़ार, द से दुकान, क से कपड़ा , अ से अच्छा 

अ से अपना, द से दुसरा, च से चाहिए, न से नमस्ते 

ध से धन्यवाद, स  से सिर्फ, ज से जल्दी, ठ से ठीक

ल से लाना, र से रहना, ख से खरीदना, पसंद है, सूट का कपड़ा, पैंट शर्ट के कपड़े| 

2. पढ़ो और समझो – 

तुम आप के प्रयोग

तुम      आओ                आप            आइए  | 

तुम्हें     क्या चाहिए         आपको       क्या चाहिए? 

तुम्हारा    नाम क्या है ?    आपका      नाम क्या है?

उत्तर: ( तुम आप का प्रयोग) 

1 . तुम आओ|              आप आइए |

तुम्हें  क्या चाहिए?       आपको क्या चाहिए? 

  तुम्हारा नाम क्या है ?      आपका  नाम क्या है? 

3. तू                 आप                 आप 

    आ               आओ               आइए

    बैठ              बैठो                   बैठिए

    देख             देखो                  देखिए 

    पढ़               पढ़ो                   पढ़िए

    दे                  दो                      दीजिए

    पी                पीओ                 पीजिए

    कर               करो                 कीजिए 

    ले                  लो                     लीजिए


तू                 आप                 आप 

आ               आओ                आइए

बैठ             बैठो                  बैठिए

देख            देखो                 देखिए 

पढ़              पढ़ो                   पढ़िए

दे                 दो                   दीजिए

पी               पीओ                पीजिए

कर               करो                 कीजिए 

ले                 लो                    लीजिए

4. चिंता-  फिक्र, नया- पुराना

जल्दी- शीघ्र ,जल्दी- धीरे

धन्यवाद -शुक्रिया ,अच्छा- बुरा

सिर्फ -केवल, खरीदना- बेचना

उत्तर: . चिंता- फिक्र   , नया- पुराना 

जल्दी- शीघ्र ,   जल्दी- धीरे

धन्यवाद -शुक्रिया, अच्छा- बुरा

सिर्फ- केवल ,खरीदना- बेचना

5. नमूने के अनुसार लिखो:

झूठ मत बोलो|

आप झूठ मत बोलिए|

1. कच्चे आम मत खाओ

2. तुम अंदर मत आओ

3. तुम यहां मत बैठो

4. कक्षा में शोर मत करो

5. कूड़ा इधर उधर मत फेंको

1. कच्चे आम मत खाओ

उत्तर : आप कच्चे आम मत खाइए| 

2. तुम अंदर मत आओ

उत्तर : आप अंदर मत आइए |

3. तुम यहां मत बैठो

उत्तर : आप यहां मत बैठिए |

4. कक्षा में शोर मत करो

उत्तर : आप कक्षा में शोर मत कीजिए |

5. कूड़ा इधर उधर मत फेंको

उत्तर : आप कूड़ा इधर-उधर मत फेंकिए | 

6. कोष्ठक में दिए गए शब्दों में से सही शब्द चुनकर वाक्य पूरे करो – 

धन्यवाद, सिर्फ ,नमस्ते, परसों ,चिंता

1. रसूल ने कहा नमस्ते  विनोद भाई  आइए |

2. दीपावली का त्योहार कल नहीं परसों  है |

3. मोहन चिंता ना करो हम तुम्हारे जन्मदिन पर जरूर आएंगे|

4. कोई तुम्हारी मदद करें तो कहना चाहिए धन्यवाद |

5. मुझे शरबत नहीं सिर्फ ठंडा पानी दीजिए|

7. नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलो-

नमूना : यह पत्र अभी भेजो

वह पत्र कल भेजना |

1. यह काम अभी करो |

उत्तर : वह काम कल करना|

2. यह फल अभी खाओ |

उत्तर : वो फल कल खाना|

3. यह पाठ अभी पढ़ो |

उत्तर: वह पाठ कल पढ़ना|

4. वे चीजें अभी लाओ |

उत्तर: वो चीजें कल लाना|

8. नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलो-

1.नमूना : सलमा के पास किताब नहीं है

 सलमा को किताब चाहिए

1. अमर के पास पेंट नहीं है |

उत्तर: अमर को पेंट चाहिए|

2. शोभा के पास घड़ी नहीं है |

उत्तर: शोभा को घड़ी चाहिए|

3. गोपालन के पास कैमरा नहीं है |

उत्तर: गोपालन को कैमरा चाहिए|

4. आशा के पास कलम नहीं है |

उत्तर: आशा को कलम चाहिए|

ख…  नमूना: पिताजी को गर्म चाय चाहिए|

पिताजी को गर्म चाय दीजिए|

1. सुधा को किताब चाहिए |

उत्तर: सुधा को किताब दीजिए|

2. लड़कों को फुटबॉल चाहिए |

उत्तर : लड़कों को फुटबॉल दीजिए|

3. मुझे ताजे फल चाहिए |

उत्तर: मुझे ताजे फल दीजिए|

9. प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो- 

1. कपड़े खरीदने कौन-कौन गए? 

उत्तर: कपड़े खरीदने के लिए अमर और अनीता अपने माताजी और पिताजी के साथ गए |

2. दुकानदार ने कैसे कपड़े दिखाएं? 

उत्तर: दुकानदार ने नए पेंट पीस तथा अच्छे कपड़े दिखाएं |

3. माँ को सूट का कपड़ा क्यों पसंद नहीं आया? 

उत्तर: सूट का कपड़ा मुलायम नहीं था और अच्छी गुणवत्ता का नहीं था| इसी कारण माँ को सूट का कपड़ा पसंद नहीं आया |

4. दीपावली पर अमर को क्या चाहिए ? 

उत्तर: अमर को दीपावली पर अपनी पसंद की नई पेंट चाहिए थी |

NCERT Solution Class 6 Hindi Chapter 13 - Free PDF Download

Our solutions are easily accessible to everyone and can be quickly downloaded from our website and application. NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi is available in the PDF format for free download. The solutions offer a versatile description of the concepts and provide core materials for students to grasp every aspect of the syllabus. Our expert solutions are targeted mainly towards average students to incorporate easy learning across all youngsters. NCERT Solutions are helpful for students to prepare well for exams and in scoring good marks. The best part of our NCERT Solutions is that they can be used for last moment revisions during exams, and the PDFs are freely accessible for everyone to use.


Hindi NCERT Solutions Class 6 Chapter 13 Durva - Kapade Kee Dookaan

NCERT Solution for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 13 Durva belongs to the chapter named Kapade kee Dookaan. The chapter depicts a family's experience when they visit a garment store to purchase clothes for Diwali. The family of four wants to buy clothes and see a known cloth vendor to make the purchase. The lesson describes a simple interaction between a seller and a buyer while simultaneously educating them on various notions used in Hindi literature. Through simple means of communication, the syllabus aims at improving the Hindi verbal communication ability of its students.

Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 13 Kapade kee Dookaan has a weightage of 10 marks and is essential from the examination point of view. The case studies and questions offered in the solution aim to improve students' literature knowledge and sentences structuring, vital for everyday communication.

Here is more info about the content of this chapter.

13.1 - How many members are there in Aman's family?

13.2 - Why did the family want to purchase clothes?

13.3 - What was the occasion?

13.4 - Were the Clothes offered by the merchant of good quality?

13.5 - Whose choice in purchasing the clothes was better?

13.6 - Was the Family able to complete their clothes purchase before Diwali?

13.7 - What do you think is the correct way to greet someone when you meet them?

13.8 - Have you ever had any experience in purchasing clothes?

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 13 Important?

  • Explicit and detailed knowledge of the syllabus.

  • The solutions offer a quick revision of the core concepts and include basic definitions.

  • Our experts have designed the solutions in a step-by-step manner to offer 100% concept clarity.

  • The quality of solutions is right and is easy for students to understand.

  • Our education experts prepare the solutions after conducting extensive research on the concepts.

  • The answers provided are easy to understand.

  • Solutions are offered in a straightforward way to depict accurate concepts.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 13 - Kapade Kee Dookaan

1. Answer the following keeping in mind the interaction that takes place in the chapter:

  1. Who all Went to Purchase Clothes for Diwali?

  2. Did the Clothes Merchant Show the Right Clothes to the Family?

  3. Why Didn't Mother like the Suit’s Material?

Ans: Amar, Anita and their parents went together to purchase the clothes for Diwali. They all went to a clothes merchant’s shop that was known to their father. Upon arrival, they were greeted by the clothes merchant. The merchant offered the family's right quality clothes, and the clothes were all colourful and vibrant, depicting Diwali's spirit. However, the Suit cloth which the shopkeeper showed was not liked by the mother. She said that the material's colour was right, but the quality was not as per her expectations. Hence, she didn't like the Suit’s fabric.

2. Was the Family Able to Complete Shopping for Diwali?

Ans. The family wanted to purchase the clothes for the festival of Diwali and hence decided to visit their nearest clothes store. The family wanted to buy for the two siblings Amar and Anita mainly. Thus, the task of selecting clothes for the family fell on the mother. The cloth merchant greeted the family gently and offered various clothing attires. The fabric was of top quality, however, the suit’s material was rejected by the siblings' mother. However, the dresses were finally liked by both the siblings and were then purchased by their parents.

3. How can I make a study plan for studying Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Ans: The procedure for building an effective study plan for studying Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva is discussed below:

  • To manage your time, construct a schedule.

  • Focus on the Hindi subject.

  • Read Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva from the NCERT book.

  • Solve the questions of this chapter to understand the concepts.

  • Take a small break between your studies.

  • You should attend all your school classes.

  • Use visual learning aids or guidebooks to make a strong grip on the chapter.

4. List out some advantages of using Vedantu for preparing Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva.

Ans: Underneath are the benefits of studying Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva from Vedantu:

  • The NCERT Solutions of Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva are available on Vedantu in the form of a PDF file.

  • Students can download this PDF file and can study offline.

  • Skilled teachers are responsible for creating the content.

  • Students can discuss their doubts with the teachers using the option of “Let’s Chat”.

  • Students can also access other study materials for Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva from Vedantu.

5. What is the number of questions present in Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Ans: “Kapde Ki Dukaan” is Chapter 13 of Class 6 Hindi Durva. There are two exercises in this chapter.

The exercise “Abhyas” contains 7 questions. The type of questions included in this exercise is fill in the blanks, short answer questions, grammar-based questions, and sentence making.

The name of the second exercise is “Yogyata Vistar”. This exercise has only one question.

The solutions to all these questions are available on Vedantu.  

6. How many clothes did the father buy from the shopkeeper and for whom? What did he do after buying those clothes?

Ans: The question is asked from Chapter 13 “Kapde Ki Dukaan” of Class 6 Hindi Durva.

The father went to the shop looking for clothes or dresses. There he bought two dresses. The one dress he bought was for his daughter ‘Anita’ and the other one was for his son ‘Amar'. After buying those clothes, he asked the shopkeeper to pack them. Then he asked for the bill and paid the shopkeeper. They went home after doing all the shopping.

7. What did Amar and Anita buy for themselves? How did the mother react to their shopping?

Ans: The whole family went shopping as the occasion of Diwali was near. They decided to buy new clothes for themselves. Anita bought a suit for herself and Amar bought pants and a shirt for himself.

They decided to show their dresses to their mother. The dresses chosen by them were liked by the mother. She was very happy to see their children happy. She also admired them for their clothes.