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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 17 - Titalee


Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 17 Titalee

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Solutions by Vedantu are made to help every student in every possible way. Whether it is preparation, revision or classwork completion, NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Chapter 17 is just a click away from you. So don't think too much and refer to our expert-designed NCERT Solutions to enhance your marks in whatever exam or test you are appearing. Download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 17 and excel in exams.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 17 - Titalee

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 17- तितली

1. कविता को पंक्ति पूरी करो।

1.रंग–बिरंगे पंख तुम्हारे, सबके मन को भाते हैं।

उत्तर: कलियाँ देख तुम्हें खुश होती, फूल देख मुस्काते हैं। 

2.पास क्यों नहीं आती तितली।

उत्तर: दूर दूर क्यों रहती हों? 

3. फूल फूल के कानों में जा

उत्तर: धीरे से क्या कहती हो?

4. इस डाली से उस डाली पर

उत्तर: उड़ उड़कर क्यों जाती हों?

5.हमसे क्यों शरमाती हो?

उत्तर: फूल फूल का रस लेती हों।

2. समान अर्थों वाले शब्दों को रेखा से मिलाओ–

भाते है        प्रसन्न है      

खुश होना     लुभाना  

डाली         लजाना

शरमाना      अच्छे लगते हैं 

ललचाना।         शाखा

उत्तर: भाते हैं       अच्छे लगते हैं

खुश होना      प्रसन्न है

डाली          शाखा

शरमाना        लजाना

ललचाना       लुभाना 

3. निम्नलिखित शब्दों का अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग करें–

1.रंग – बिरंगी

उत्तर: आकाश में रंग– बिरंगी पतंगें उड़ रही है।

2.कानों में कहना 

उत्तर: सीता रोहन के कानों में कुछ कह रही हैं। 

3.हाथ न आना

उत्तर: राम भागते समय किसी के हाथ नहीं आता।

4. शरमाना

उत्तर: राधा को कृष्ण को देखकर शरमाना आ गया।

4. कविता के आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो–

1.तितली के पंख कैसे होते हैं?

उत्तर: तितली के पंखों में अनेक रंग होते हैं जो उसकी सुंदरता को बढ़ा देते हैं। इसलिए तितली के पंख रंग– बिरंगे होता हैं।

2.कविता में तितली को क्या कहकर बुलाया गया है?

उत्तर: तितली अपनी इच्छा से उड़ती है और अपनी इच्छा से ही फूलों पर बैठती है। इसलिए कविता में इसे रानी कहकर बुलाया गया है।

3.कलियाँ और फूल तितली को देखकर क्या करते है?

उत्तर: जब भी तितली कलियों और फूलों के पास जाती है तो वे तितली को देखकर कलियाँ खुश हो जाती है और फूल मुस्कुराने लगते हैं।

4. तितली उड़ उड़कर कहाँ जाती है?

उत्तर: तितली अपनी इच्छा से उड़ती है। वह ज्यादा समय तक या ज्यादा देर तक एक जगह पर नहीं रहती है। इसलिए वह उड़ उड़कर एक डाली से दूसरी डाली पर जाती है।

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 17 Titalee

Worried about your preparation in Hindi? Not able to score well? Missed the class? If you are facing such problems, we present you the solution. Our NCERT Class 6 Durva Chapter 17 Solutions are available for online study on our website and app. If a student cannot do online study for a long time, he/she can easily download these solutions on their phone. These solutions are available in the PDF format and can be used in the printout form. Whether you study online or download them, all these solutions are free of cost and accessible to every student who wants to prepare from our NCERT Solutions. 


NCERT Solutions  Class 6 Hindi Chapter-17 Titalee

In the Hindi book, Durva of Class 6 Chapter 17 is Titalee. It is a short and sweet poem about butterflies and how innocent children when they see those butterflies ask various questions to those beautiful butterflies. These questions have arisen out of curiosity of small children who have started to observe nature and things around them. The chapter is followed by shabdarth (word meanings of difficult words) and numerous exercise questions like completing the lines of the poem, matching the synonyms sentence formation and short answer questions.

Chapter 17 Class 6 Chapter-Wise Marks Weightage

The book assigned for the subject Hindi of Class 6 in CBSE schools is Durva which has around 28 chapters.  Questions like short answer questions, complete the lines of the poem, write the word meaning, etc. can come from this chapter. All these solutions are made by experts who are well versed in their respective subjects. Students can always refer to our NCERT Solutions with which their learning and understanding are taken to the next level. Scores also easily escalate with these solutions. 

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 17 Important?

There are numerous benefits of using our NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 17 Titalee. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • NCERT Solutions guide students for writing to-the-point answers to the questions asked in the exam.

  • NCERT Solutions help them in solving any difficulty they might face while completing their exercise of a certain chapter or doing their homework.

  • Class 6 Durva Chapter 17 Solutions are beneficial for students when it comes to the revision of NCERT chapters coming in their school exams or board exams.

  • Even if the student has never read the chapter, he/she can prepare through our NCERT Solutions Chapter 17 Durva Class 6 and can still manage to score the best in exams.

  • The best thing about these solutions is that it takes very little time to go through and enables students to get the entire chapter in a few minutes of reading.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 17 - Titalee

Q1. What is Chapter 17 of the Hindi book Durva all about?

Ans: Chapter 17 Durva Class 6 is Titalee. This is a short poem written by Narmadaprasad Khare. Through this poem, the poet tries to elaborate on the beauty of butterflies. He also tries to raise the questions that might come in the minds of small children when they see little, beautiful butterflies flying in the garden going from one flower to another. The language used by the poet is very simple yet mesmerizing. The poem is written in such a manner that it's easy for a student of Class 6 to understand it without much effort.

Q2. By what name, the butterfly is addressed in the poem? What all activities and description of a butterfly are mentioned in the poem.

Ans: The butterfly in Chapter 17 Titalee Hindi Durva is addressed 'titalee rani' (queen butterfly) in the poem. It is because just like a queen is beautiful, lives in all good places and is delicate, a butterfly is also very beautiful with colourful wings and butterflies are also delicate. They suck the nectar of beautiful, fragrant flowers. In the poem, the beauty of the butterfly is due to its wings which attracts everyone who sees it. The flowers and buds seem to be very happy when they see butterflies visiting them. Butterflies go from one flower to another and are not caught by anyone. Everyone is pleased to watch butterflies around them. 

Q3. What should I do to download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi? 

Ans: To avail the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 17 Titalee of Class 6 Hindi, the first thing that you have to do is visit the authentic page of the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 17 Titalee of Class 6 Hindi. On that page, you will see many study materials like revision notes, textbook questions and answers, important questions, PDF Solutions, video lectures, etc. Choose the material which you want to download and then click on the downloading icon to avail of it. You can use these things whenever you want.

Q4. What are the advantages of reading the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi?

Ans: The advantages of reading the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 17 Titalee written in the Class 6 Hindi textbook are as follows. 

  • It improves the problem-solving abilities and analytical skills of class 6 students. 

  • These solutions help students to increase their writing speed without compromising on the accuracy of the answers. 

  • The NCERT Solutions enable students to learn important concepts of the chapter by solving questions given at the end of the chapter. 

  • Supports Class 6 students to identify their weak concepts so that they can strengthen them before exams. 

  • They make you aware of the latest questions asked from this chapter in the exams.

Q5. Is there any charge for downloading the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi?

Ans: No, there is no charge for downloading the NCERT solutions of Chapter 17 Titalee given in Class 6 Hindi book Dhruva. You can avail these solutions for free on Vedantu. This online educational platform doesn’t ask you for money for downloading different study materials like significant questions of the chapters, questions mentioned in the textbooks along with their answers, test papers, sample papers, etc. All these study materials will allow you to understand the chapters thoroughly so you can score good marks in your Class 6 exams. 

Q6. According to Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi, why do people like butterflies?

Ans: As per Chapter 17 Titalee of Class 6 Hindi textbook, people like butterflies due to their fickle nature. They travel from one branch to the other branch of the tree. Their whole body is pigmented with different colours that beautify their look. Their wings are a collection of multiple colours that makes them look colourful. The entire body of butterflies is very attractive. Flowers become happy and human eyes enlarge when they see butterflies in their surroundings. Hence, people like butterflies.

Q7. Why do people call the butterfly queen? 

Ans: The poet says that the butterfly has colourful wings and a body. When people see her colourful wings they get attracted to her. But, the butterfly doesn’t bother. She doesn’t care about anybody. She is lost in her self-respect. She sits wherever she wants. She flies wherever she loves to fly and no one can stop her. She can do whatever she likes. At the same time, many people try to catch her but no one gets success. Hence, the poet calls her queen.