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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 22 - Yaatra Kee Taiyaaree


Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 22 Yaatra Kee Taiyaaree

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 provides the best answers for all the questions given in the exercise of this chapter. With the help of these NCERT Solutions, the concepts covered in this chapter become easy to understand for students. All types of questions that are likely to be asked in the exam from this chapter are solved in these NCERT Solutions. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 6 are prepared by subject experts. Students can download the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 PDF for free of cost.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 22 - Yaatra Kee Taiyaaree

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva पाठ २२ – यात्रा की तैयारी

1. पढ़ो और सुनो

दशहरा                    सागर                सूर्योदय            विवेकानंद        कन्याकुमारी

मोटर लांच                पूर्णिमा             संगम                 सूर्यास्त            विशाल मूर्ती

चट्टान                    लहर                   एक साथ          पहुँचना           तिरुअनंतपुरम

आनंद लेना       रामकृष्ण                 परमहंस         याद रखना       सिपियाँ आयर शंख

राजधानी एक्सप्रेस


दशहरा                     सागर                       सूर्योदय            विवेकानंद        कन्याकुमारी

मोटर लांच                पूर्णिमा                     संगम               सूर्यास्त            विशाल मूर्ती

चट्टान                       लहर                        एक साथ          पहुँचना           तिरुअनंतपुरम

आनंद लेना          रामकृष्ण                   परमहंस         याद रखना       सिपियाँ आयर शंख

राजधानी एक्सप्रेस

2. पढ़ो और समझो

मुश्किल-कठिन        ज्यादा कम               मज़ा उमंग

पास-दूर                  ज्यादा अधिक           मुश्किल आसान

लहर-तरंग               उदय अस्त।               सुखद- सुख देनेवाला,


बैठना-खड़ा होना।


मुश्किल, कठिन - आसान                 ज्यादा, अधिक - कम

पास – दूर                                      उदय - अस्त

लहर – तरंग                                    मज़ा - उमंग

आरादायक – दिक्कत

बैठना – खड़ा होना

3. तालिका के प्रत्येक कॉलम से एक-एक शब्द लेकर वाक्य बनाओ।


मैं                               घर                       जाऊँगा, करूँगा                        जाऊँगा, करूँगा

तुम                            काम                     जाओगे, करोगे                          जाओगी, करोगी

वह                                                        जाएगा, करेगा                            जाएगी, करेगी

हम                                                        जाएँगे, करेंगे                               जाएँगी, करेंगी



उत्तर: मैं घर जाऊँगा।  मैं घर जाऊँगी।

तुम काम करोगे? तुम काम करोगी? 

वह घर जाएगी। वह घर जाएगा।

हम घर जाएँगे।

आप काम करोगे? आप घर जाओगे?

वे काम करेंगे। वे घर जाएँगे।


राजेश                    जयपुर                  जाएगी

गौरी                       बेंगलूर                  जाएगा

पिता जी                 जाएँगी                 जाएँगे

माता जी


उत्तर: राजेश जयपुर जाएगा।

गौरी बेंगलूर जाएगी।

पिता जी जयपुर जाएँगे।

माता जी बेंगलूर जाएँगी।

लड़कियाँ जयपुर जाएँगी।

4. समान अर्थ वाले शब्दों को लिखें।

सागर         शाम

मुश्किल     आरामदायक

संध्या         आनंद

मज़ा           कठिन

सुखद          समुद्र

उत्तर: सागर का समान शब्द समुद्र होगा।

मुश्किल का समान शब्द कठिन होगा।

संध्या का समान शब्द शाम होगा।

मज़ा का समान शब्द आनंद होगा।

सुखद का समान शब्द आरामदायक होगा।

5. कोष्टक में दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से वाक्य पूरे करो।

(काफी, संगम, राजधानी, मोटर लांच)

1. कन्याकुमारी में तीन सागरों का ……… होता है।

2. हम तिरुअनंतपुरम तक ………. एक्सप्रेस से जायेंगे।

3. मेरी तो ……….. छुट्टियाँ बाकि है।

4. हम लोग ………. से स्मारक पहुँचेंगे।

उत्तर: 1.कन्याकुमारी में तीन सागरों का संगम होता है।

2. हम तिरुअनंतपुरम तक राजधानी एक्सप्रेस से जायेंगे।

3. मेरी तो काफी छुट्टियाँ बाकि है।

4. हम लोग मोटर लांच से स्मारक पहुँचेंगे।

6. नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलो।

1.सभी को मिठाई कम खानी चाहिए।

उत्तर: देखो, मिठाई कम खाओ।

2. हमें रात में भोजन कम करना चाहिए।

उत्तर: देखो, भोजन कम करो।

3. सभा में कम बोलना चाहिए।

उत्तर: देखो, कम बोलो।

7. नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलकर लिखो।

1.पिता जी चिठ्ठी लिख रहे हैं।

उत्तर: वह चिट्ठी लिखेंगे।

2. लता साइकल चला रही है।

उत्तर: वह साइकल चलाएगी।

3. हम फिल्म देख रहे हैं।

उत्तर: हम फिल्म देखेंगे

4. मैं तेलुगु पढ़ रही हूँ।

उत्तर: मैं तेलुगु पढूँगी।

5. तुम क्या कर रहे हो?

उत्तर: तुम क्या करोगी?

8. प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो।

1.निशा मैसूर क्यों जाना चाहती थी?

उत्तर: निशा अपनी दशहरे की छुट्टियों में मैसूर जाना चाहती थी।

2. निशा का परिवार कन्याकुमारी कैसे जाएगा?

उत्तर: निशा का परिवार पहले तिरुअनंतपुरम तक राजधानी एक्सप्रेस में जायेंगे फिर वहाँ से बस या रेल से कन्याकुमारी पहुँचेंगे।

3. शाम से पहले कन्याकुमारी पहुँचना क्यों जरूरी है?

उत्तर: शाम से पहले कन्याकुमारी पहुँचना इसलिए जरूरी है क्योंकि कन्याकुमारी का सूर्यास्त और सूर्योदय दोनों ही देखना मन मोहक होता है।

4. पूर्णिमा की संध्या को कन्याकुमारी में क्या देख सकते हैं?

उत्तर: पूर्णिमा की संध्या को कन्याकुमारी में चन्द्रमा का उदय और सूरज का अस्त होना दोनों ही देख सकते हैं।

5. लोग विवेकानंद स्मारक कैसे पहुँचते हैं?

उत्तर: लोग विवेकानंद स्मारक मोटर लांच से पहुँचते हैं।

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 - Free PDF Download

The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 is available in PDF format on the Vedantu website and app. The materials can easily be downloaded and students will not have to pay any extra charge. In NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi chapters, all the chapters are explained in straightforward language so that students can understand them in a better way. The target of this NCERT Solutions PDF for Class 6 is to make students understand the basic concepts of the chapters so they can secure good marks in the exam.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapters

Chapter 6 - Durva

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 is named "Yatra Kee Taiyaaree". The chapter gives a glimpse of how students make plans for their holidays. A family is making a plan to go on a trip for the holidays and they are discussing where they will go and how they will travel. The chapter is super fun to learn and with the help of the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 students will be able to get a clear idea of the literary devices and the appropriate answer patterns for this chapter.

Here is more detail about the contents of the chapter.

6.1 Very short answer type questions. 5 Questions

6.1.1  Give synonyms for the words. (2 words)

6.1.2 What are antonyms of the given words. (2 words)

6.1.3 Answer in one sentence. 

(3 Questions)

6.2 Short answer type questions. 

(5 Questions)

6.3 Answer in brief type questions.

(5 Questions)

Class 6 Hindi Chapter-wise Marks Weightage

Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva has the highest weightage among all the chapters and is an important chapter. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 provides all the required and important questions along with their answers. The concepts are explained in a concise and compact format. This helps students in getting the information that they want without wasting their time. The PDF of these NCERT Solutions comes with all the main topics explained in detail so that students can refer to it for their better understanding. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 make an excellent study material for the examination point of view.

Why Are NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 22 Important?

  • Our solutions are prepared by the subject-matter experts in a very easy to understand manner.

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 22 explains the story of the given chapter in detail and the story is explained in easy language.

  • With our crisp answers, learning becomes interesting and less time-consuming.

  • NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Chapter 22 can help in the self-study sessions for students.

  • These NCERT Solutions are in compliance with the latest CBSE guidelines so students can secure better marks in the exam by referring to these solutions.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 22 - Yaatra Kee Taiyaaree

1. Who Wanted to go to Mysore? What Were the Changes Made on the Trip?

Ans: It was a Dussehra holiday. Pooja was asking to go to Mysore. She wanted to go there to watch Dussehra. But Nisha's brother Nishant had already visited that place in a school picnic. So he wanted to go to Mysore again. The main problem to go there was getting the reservation tickets. Her father said they will not be able to get reservations for tickets to Mysore so easily. So the whole family canceled the plan to Mysore and decided together to go to Kanyakumari. 

2. What were the Plans of Pooja's Father for Kanyakumari?

Ans: Since the plans for Mysore were canceled for several reasons they decided to plan for Kanyakumari. Poojas' father had many plans for that place. They were about to first stop at Vivekananda city. After reaching over there they were about to see the moon rising. Then in the morning, they had planned to watch the sunrise. After having breakfast, they were about to watch Vivekanand statue. There was a statue of Ramakrishna Paramhansa next to Vivekanand. After all these things they had plans for shopping.

3. Give a brief introduction of Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva.

Ans: “Yaatra Ki Taiyari” is Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva. In this chapter, students will get to know about a family who is planning a trip. They planned the trip to Mysore but due to some issues, they have to make changes to the trip. Because of this, their trip to Mysore got cancelled and they decided to go to Kanyakumari. This chapter discusses how a family plans a trip and how they will travel. The chapter is very interesting and easy to learn.

4. What things did the father tell you to see in Kanyakumari?

Ans: The trip to Mysore was cancelled and the family decided to go to Kanyakumari. When they reached Kanyakumari, they decided to stay in Vivekanand Nagar. They made a plan of what they will do in Kanyakumari. First of all, they agreed to see the sunset and the rising moon. The next morning they decided to go to the beach. They also went to see the “Vivekanand Smarak” after breakfast. There was a statue of Ramkrishna Paramhans. After all this, they went shopping.

5. What plans did the family make in Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva.

Ans: In Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva, the family planned to go to Kanyakumari as their trip to Mysore got cancelled. In Kanyakumari, the family went to the beach. At some distance from the beach, the family saw the “Vivekanand Smarak”. It was built on big rocks. Near that Smark, there was a statue of Ramkrishna Paramhans. Visitors have to take a motorboat from the beach to reach that Smark. It was very wonderful.

6. What should students do to get the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Ans: Below are points students must follow to download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva:

  • Visit the official website of Vedantu( and find Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva.

  • The Vedantu's official page will appear on your device screen after hitting the link.

  •  The NCERT Solutions of Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva will be available in the form of a PDF.

  •  To get the PDF file, tap on the “Download PDF” option.

7. How to build a decent study plan for Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Ans: The tips mentioned below will be helpful in creating a study plan for Chapter 22 of Class 6 Hindi Durva:

  •  Managing your time is a must. For this, construct a timetable.

  • Take out at least two hours to read and practice the chapter.

  • Focus on the NCERT book for learning the chapter.

  • For a deep knowledge of the chapter, solve the questions given in the NCERT book.

  • Clarify your queries.

  •  Prefer other reference books to make notes for the chapter.