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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 24 - Doktar


Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 24 Doktar

NCERT Solutions for Durva Chapter 24 Class 6 CBSE is available on Vedantu. These solutions provide a quick revision of important questions of Chapter 24 in Durva. Moreover, these notes and summaries have been created and revised by subject experts in Hindi who are highly qualified and experienced. This furthermore increases the reliability of the material and is also highly suggested by students. NCERT Solutions are provided short and long questions and answers which also facilitate the learning and revision procedure for Chapter 24 Durva for Class 6. Students can avail NCERT Solutions over the internet from any part of the country in the PDF format.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 24 - Doktar

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Hindi Durva पाठ 24 - डॉक्टर

1. पढो और बोलो

कष्ट, करना, तेज़, पीठ, बुखार, खराब, सीना, खाँसी, छाती 

हलका, लगना, परेशानी, मामूली, जीभ, लेना, सिर्फ़, खूब, नींद

चिंता, भूख, साँस, गोली, बिल्कुल, जाँच, परीक्षा, प्यास लगना

उत्तर: विद्यार्थी इन सभी शब्दों को जोर जोर से पढ़े !

कष्ट, करना, तेज़, पीठ, बुखार, खराब, सीना, खाँसी, छाती 

हलका, लगना, परेशानी, मामूली, जीभ, लेना, सिर्फ़, खूब, नींद

चिंता, भूख, साँस, गोली, बिल्कुल, जाँच, परीक्षा, प्यास लगना

2. पढ़ो और समझो

1.मुझे बुखार है ।

2.हमें खुशी है।

3.तुम्हें क्या कष्ट है?

4. आपको खाँसी भी है?

5. उसे आराम है।

6. उन्हे कोई बीमारी नही है।

उत्तर: विद्यार्थी इन सभी वाक्यों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े और समझने का प्रयास करें।

1.मुझे बुखार है ।

2.हमें खुशी है।

3.तुम्हें क्या कष्ट है?

4. आपको खाँसी भी है?

5. उसे आराम है।

6. उन्हे कोई बीमारी नही है।

3. पढ़ो और समझो

तकलीफ़ - कष्ट 

पीना – पिलाना 

मामूली - साधारण

हलका - भारी

पास - दूर

खाना - खिलाना

तेज़ - धीमे

पसंद - नापसंद

चिंता - फ़िक्र

सीखना - सिखाना

खराब - अच्छा 

दिन – रात


तकलीफ़ - कष्ट 

पीना – पिलाना 

मामूली - साधारण

हलका - भारी

पास - दूर

खाना - खिलाना

तेज़ - धीमे

पसंद - नापसंद

चिंता - फ़िक्र

सीखना - सिखाना

खराब - अच्छा 

दिन – रात

ऊपर लिखे हुए प्रत्येक शब्द को ध्यान से पढ़ें और समझे।

4. तालिका के प्रत्येक भाग से एक एक शब्द लेकर वाक्य बनाइए:

मुझे…. उस बात की…. चिंता है

रमेश को……कल से…. कष्ट…. लगती है

 पिता जी को….. बड़ी…. बुखार…. लगी है

लीला को….खुशी…. है



१.मुझे उस बात की चिंता है।

२.रमेश को कल से बुखार है। 

३.पिता जी को कल से कष्ट है।

४.लीला को बहुत खुशी हो रही है। 

५. हमें भूख लगी है।

5. समान अर्थ वाले शब्दों को रेखा खींचकर मिलाओ ।


कष्ट : परेशानी 

मामूली : साधारण

ठीक : सही

बुखार : ज्वर 

सीना : छाती 

6. कोष्ठक में दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से वाक्य पूरे करो

हलका, नींद, पसंद, कष्ट, गोली 

1. खाँसी के कारण रात भर.....नहीं आती।

2. मुझे सेब और संतरा.. है।

3. बताओ तुम्हें क्या..... ??

4. रमेश को.. खाना देना चाहिए

5. रात को सोने से पहले यह…. खिलाइए।


1. खाँसी के कारण रात भर नींद नहीं आती।

2. मुझे सेब और संतरा पसंद है।

3. बताओ तुम्हें क्या कष्ट है?

4. रमेश को हलका खाना देना चाहिए।

5. रात को सोने से पहले यह गोली खिलाइए।

7. नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलकर लिखो:

नमूना: मैं परेशान हूँ।

 मुझे परेशानी है।

1.गीता बहुत खुश है।

2.हम बहुत चिंतित हैं। 

3.रमेश एक महीने से परेशान है।


1. गीता को बहुत खुशी है । 

2. हमें बहुत चिंता है। 

3. रमेश को एक महीने से परेशानी है।

8. प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो:

1. रमेश को क्या कष्ट है ? 

उत्तर: रमेश को खाँसी है।

2. सुशीला को किस बात की चिंता है?

उत्तर: सुशीला को स्कूल में शुरू होने वाली परीक्षा की चिंता है। 

3.रमेश ने डॉक्टर से क्या कहा ?

उत्तर: रमेश ने डॉक्टर से कहा कि, डॉक्टर साहब, मुझे खाँसी आती है। खाँसी के कारण रात भर नींद नहीं आती।

4.डॉक्टर ने जाँच करने के बाद सुशीला से क्या कहा? 

उत्तर: डॉक्टर ने कहा कि, नहीं कोई खास बात नहीं सर्दी-जुकाम के कारण मामूली बुखार है। 

5. डॉक्टर ने रमेश को क्या खाने की सलाह दी ?

उत्तर: डॉक्टर ने, रमेश को सब्जियों का सूप पीने की और हल्का खाना खाने की सलाह दी।

NCERT Solution Of Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 24-Free PDF Download

Students should know that NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 24 are available in the form of a PDF. Moreover, these PDFs can be downloaded for free by students. The PDF file for NCERT Solution for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 24 is furthermore reliable as it has been developed by subjects experts in Hindi. This free PDF download covers summaries and important notes from the chapter as well as questions and answers that make it easier for Class 6 students to revise and for last-minute exam preparation. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 24- Doktar

Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi Durva book is called “Doctor”. This is a short story about a visit to a doctor's clinic. The characters in this story are Sushila and Ramesh. Sushila is the mother of Ramesh who has a high fever. The entire story revolves around this conversation taking place in the doctor’s clinic. NCERT Solutions for Chapter 24 Class 6 covers the summary of this chapter along with some important questions and answers. Students who are finding it difficult to prepare for this chapter and easily refer to NCERT Solutions either via their website or the mobile app.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Hindi Durva Chapter 24 Chapter-wise Marks Weightage

The distribution of marks varies from subject to subject as well as class to class in the CBSE board. Students must understand the distribution of marks for Class 6th Hindi Dhruva Chapter 24 so that they can use this information to prepare for the exam accordingly. Referring to this marking scheme is important so that students can be mindful of the chapters that have higher marks allotted to it. It is important to mention here that the final exam paper is for 80 marks. There are 20 marks assigned for internal assessments in Hindi. 

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Hindi Durva Chapter 24 important?

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi chapter Doctor is the perfect resource for students who are preparing for their final exams. 

  • These solutions have been prepared by subject experts in Hindi which makes it accurate as well as a reliable source of information.

  • The other advantage of these solutions is that they provide students with important questions and answers from the chapter that sometimes are also asked in the final examination.

  • Since the answers are in Hindi, it facilitates better understanding and improving the Hindi writing skills of students.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 24 - Doktar

Q1. What is the illness that is Troubling the Character, Ramesh, in the Story Doctor?

Ramesh has been feeling sick for some days. His mother Sushila tells the doctor about the problems that Ramesh has been facing with his health. He is having a high fever, stomach aches as well as cough. These are problems that Ramesh is facing and now his mother is highly concerned about his health as well as his academics as his exams are also approaching. The doctor is now checking up on Ramesh’s health and at the same time tells his mother to relax as the treatment will help Ramesh to get better soon.

Q2. What Did the Doctor Tell Sushila after Checking up on Ramesh?

The doctor ran a proper consultation for Ramesh. He checked up on his breath and temperature. After that, the doctor provided his prescription of medicine. Moreover, he tells Ramesh’s mother Sushila about the other precautionary measures that Ramesh will have to take to feel better as soon as possible. He tells his mother that Ramesh will have to have soup and not very spicy or heavy food in his meals. This will help him with stomach related issues. Furthermore, he advises Ramesh as well as Sushila to increase the consumption of fruits in his diet as fruits are good for health. 

Q3. What is the total number of questions present in Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Ans: Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi Durva is “Doctor”. This chapter contains a total of eight questions.

  • In question 1, the students will learn new words.

  • The 2nd question asks the students to read and understand.

  • In the 3rd question, word meanings are given.

  • Students have to use the words to make sentences in question 4.

  • Question 5 is “match the following” question.

  • Fill in the blanks are present in question 6.

  • Question 7 is the grammar-based question.

  • Short answer questions are there in question 8.

There is one question in the “Yogyata Vistar” section.         

Q4. What conversation took place between the doctor and Ramesh in Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi?

Ans: In Chapter 24 “Doctor” of Class 6 Hindi Durva, the conversation between the doctor and Ramesh was as follows. The doctor asked Ramesh about his illness. Then Ramesh told him that he neither felt sleepy nor hungry. He also said that he was suffering from a cough. After the check-up, the doctor found that he was having a normal cold. He prescribed him the medicines and asked him to change his diet. He was asked to eat light and healthy food.

Q5. What was the balanced diet prescribed by the doctor to Ramesh  in Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi?

Ans: According to Chapter 24 “Doctor” of Class 6 Hindi Durva, Ramesh was suffering from some illness. When the doctor came to check on Ramesh, he found that Ramesh was suffering from a normal cold. He advised Ramesh's mother Susheela to change his diet. He told her that she should give fruits to Ramesh for the food. The doctor told Ramesh to drink lots of water. He said that Ramesh should avoid drinking coffee or tea. He told Susheela to give light food and vegetable soup to Ramesh.

Q6. How can one attain decent marks in Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Ans: As Hindi is a language subject, some students are not able to answer the questions properly. If they really want to attain good scores in Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi Durva then they have to understand the story. For this, they can refer to the NCERT book. They should learn the answers by writing them as this will improve their writing speed and they will get the idea about how to write answers in the exam. In the examination paper, they should write solutions in the given word limit. Students can also use the study material available on Vedantu’s website or the Vedantu app. All the resources are available free of cost.

Q7. What is the overview of Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Ans: “Doctor” is Chapter 24 of Class 6 Hindi Durva. In this Chapter, the author had shared a small conversation between the doctor, Ramesh and his mother. Ramesh got a cold in the story and the doctor advised him to have a balanced diet so that he can recover fast. Ramesh was suffering from a normal cold. The doctor told him to eat light food and vegetable soup. Also, he told him to eat fruits. The NCERT solutions will assist students to comprehend the chapter.