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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 25 - Jayapur Se Patr


Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 25 Jayapur Se Patr

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 provides necessary questions and answers which are required for the preparation of exams. The material explains all the topics and subtopics of the chapter of Class 6 Durva Hindi in detail. In the material, all the events of the chapter are explained in a point-wise manner so that students will find the chapters easy to understand. NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 explains all the words which are in Hindi and complicated to understand. The material helps students to prepare themselves for their exams.  


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 25 - Jayapur Se Patr

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 - जयपुर से पत्र

1. पढ़ो और सुनो

यात्रा, दाल बाटी वे, धशाला, गौशाला, राजा-महाराजा

दिखने योग्य, दर्शनीय, चूरमा, लोक नृत्य, जंतर-मंतर

आमेर का किला घूम घूमकर, निमार्ण, नाश्ता, संग्रहालय

शीशमहल, झीलों का शहर, मौसम, व्यंजन, अस्त्र- शस्त्र

राजस्थान, रामनिवास बाग

उत्तर: ऊपर लिखे गए, सभी शब्दों को छात्र ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े और सुने।

2. पढ़ो और समझो

सादर आदर के साथ,  पहले- बाद में

सकुशल- ठीक तरह से, ठीक ठाक, बहुत-कम

ध्यान रखना-खयाल रखना,  पुराना-नया

दर्शनीय- देखने योग्य, शहर- गाँव

निर्माण करना-बनाना,  व्यंजन- पकवान

वापस आना- लौटना

प्रणाम: पिता जी को प्रणाम

गुरु जी को प्रणाम ।

माता जी को प्रणाम । 

नमस्कार : चाचा जी को नमस्कार ।

भैया को नमस्कार ।

प्यार : छोटे-भाई-बहनों को प्यार ।

उत्तर: विद्यार्थी ऊपर लिखे, सभी शब्दों व वाक्यों को पढ़े और समझें।

3. समान अर्थ वाले शब्दों को रेखा खींचकर कर मिलाओ: 

ध्यान रखना         देखने योग्य

संग्रहालय            ठीक-ठाक

दर्शनीय              पकवान

व्यंजन              ख्याल रखना

सकुशल              म्यूजियम

उत्तर: ध्यान रखना: ख्याल रखना

संग्रहालय: म्यूजियम

दर्शनीय: देखने योग्य


सकुशल: ठीक ठाक 

4. तालिका के प्रत्येक भाग से शब्द लेकर वाक्य बनाओ

पीटर….मुंबई….गया है

मोहन….चेन्नई….गई है

बच्चे….पुणे….गए हैं

पिता जी….

नीतू…..गई है




माता जी ….


  1. पीटर मुंबई गया है।

  2. मोहन चेन्नई गया है।

  3. बच्चे पुणे गए हैं।

  4. पिता जी मुंबई गए हैं।

  5. रमा पुणे गई है।

  6. लड़की मुंबई गई है।

  7. लड़कियां चेन्नई गईं हैं।

  8. माता जी मुंबई गईं हैं।

5: तालिका के प्रत्येक भाग से शब्द चुन कर वाक्य बनाओ: 


१.मैने….चेन्नई में….अजायबघर देखा 

२. हमने….सिनेमा…..देखा

३. तुमने….हैदराबाद में….किला….देखा

४. आपने….समुद्र तट

५. उसने….केरल में

६. शीला ने…. 

७. मोहन ने….

उत्तर: १. मैने चेन्नई में अजायबघर देखा।

२. हमने सिनेमा देखा।

३. तुमने हैदराबाद में किला देखा।

४. आपने केरल में समुद्र तट देखा।

५. उसने चेन्नई में किला देखा।

६. शीला ने सिनेमा देखा।

७. मोहन ने केरल में अजायबघर देखा।

(ख) आज मैं (पु.)  पेंसिल   नही लाया हूं।

आज मैं (स्त्री.) किताब कॉपी    नही लाई हूं।


उत्तर:(ख) १. आज मैं पेंसिल नही लाया हूं।

२. आज मै किताब नही लाई हूं।

३. आज मै कॉपी नहीं लाया हूं।

५. आज मै रूमाल नही लाई हूं।

6. नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलो:

नमूना: हम रोज़ बाज़ार जाते हैं।

हम कल बाज़ार गए।

  1. बच्चे रोज़ बाज़ार जाते हैं। 

  2. शीला रोज़ नौ बजे सोती है।

  3. सुरेश रोज़ सुबह पाँच बजे उठता है।

  4. वह रोज़ टहलने जाता है।


  1. बच्चे कल बाज़ार गए।

  2. शीला कल नौ बजे सो गई।

  3. सुरेश कल सुबह पाँच बजे उठा।

  4. वह कल टहलने गया। 

7. प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो: 

  1. यह पत्र कहाँ से आया है ? 

उत्तर: यह पत्र जयपुर से आया है।

  1. जयपुर में कौन-कौन से दर्शनीय स्थल हैं ?

उत्तर: जयपुर में हवा महल तथा जंतर मंतर दर्शनीय स्थल हैं।

  1. महेश ने आमेर में क्या क्या देखा?

उत्तर: महेश ने आमेर में, आमेर का किला तथा शीश महल देखा ।

  1. जयपुर की वेधशाला का निर्माण किसने किया?

उत्तर: जयपुर की वेधशाला का निर्माण राजा जयसिंह ने किया था।

  1. कला संग्रह में क्या-क्या रखा हुआ है ? 

उत्तर: कला संग्रह में जयपुर के राजाओं के अस्त्र-शस्त्र कपड़े तथा उनके चित्र रखें हुए हैं।

  1. राजस्थान का विशेष व्यंजन क्या है?

उत्तर: राजस्थान का विशेष व्यंजन दाल बाटीचूरमा है।

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Chapter 6 Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 free PDFs are easily available to download from online websites and apps. NCERT Solutions provides an online platform for all students to learn things easily. The material provided by Vedantu is helpful for students to prepare for exams. The material contains all the questions and answers in an easy language. The material provides the chapter in its best form. This is a hit among students for its simplified language and crisp points.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapters

Chapter 6 - Durva- Jaipur Se Patra

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 explains the chapter named Jaipur Se Patra. The chapter is about a boy named Amar and his travel to Jaipur. When he went to a place named Jaipur for his holidays, he wrote a letter to his family. Through his letter, Amar tells everything about the place Jaipur. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 explains everything about the chapter named Jaipur Se Patra.

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Chapter-wise Marks Weightage

Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 is one of the most important chapters and has the highest weightage in exams. The chapter is very much interesting and NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 25 makes this chapter more interesting by explaining the chapter in a detailed manner. The material also contains all the questions and their answers related to the chapter. NCERT Solutions explains every topic in straightforward language for better understanding.

Here is some more detailed information about the contents of the chapter.

6.1 Short answer type questions. 5 Questions

6.1.1 Write synonyms for the given words. ( 2 words )

6.1.2 Write antonyms for the given words. ( 2 words )

6.1.3 Give the answers to the questions in one sentence. 3 Questions

6.2 Answer the following questions in 2 to 3 lines. 5 Questions

6.3 Short answer questions. 5 Questions

6.4 Long answer type questions. 5 Questions

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapters 25 Important?

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 25 provides all the questions and their answers provided by teachers who are experts in the Hindi language.

  • The material gives the explanation of the chapter named Jaipur se Patra in easy language for the students’ better understanding.

  • NCERT Solutions provides all the questions and answers related to the chapter.

  • The material provides explanations for those words which are complicated to understand.

  • All the events of the story of the given chapter are explained in detail which prepares students to do well in their exams.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 25 - Jayapur Se Patr

1. What was the Information Given by Amar in His Letter?

Amar was feeling happy after reaching the place named Jaipur. He was writing about the places he was visiting in Jaipur, in the letter to his family. He wrote about Hawa Mahal which was his first destination after reaching Jaipur. He also wrote about the place Jantar Mantar which he visited just after Hawa Mahal. After visiting Vedhshala, he went to an art museum. At last, he went to Sheesh Mahal which was in Amir Kila, which is 14 kilometres away from Jaipur.

2. When was the Letter Written By Amar and Why?

Amar went to a place named Jaipur with his teachers on a holiday. That time he wrote a letter to his family to tell them that he had reached the place safely. He was writing a letter to tell his family all about what he saw in the city. He was keeping his family updated about everything he was doing. He used to write about what he was eating, the places he saw and what else he was about to do.

3. In Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva, what creations did king Jaisingh make?

In Chapter 25 “Jaipur Se Patra” of Class 6 Hindi Durva, the writer had discussed the creations made by King Jaisingh. Vedshaala was developed by the king. This Vedshaala was used to see and get knowledge about the stars and seasons. Kala Sangralayais situated in Jaipur. In place, you will find weapons and clothes of old kings and queens. There are also portraits of kings which will tell you how kings used to live at that time.

4. How many places have been described by the author in the letter in Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

The following places have been described in the letter by the writer in Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva:

  • Jaipur - This place is the capital of the state of Rajasthan. This city is recognized as the pink city. This city is well known for its big and wonderful forts and the beautiful history of the city. Some of the first in Jaipur are as follows Hawa Mahal, Shish Mahal, Omar Kila, Kala Sangrahalaya, etc.

  • Udaipur - This city is also situated in the state of Rajasthan. It is identified as the City of Lakes. It is famous for its historical forts.

5. What was the schedule of Amar in Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Amar is the name of a character in Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva. He went to Jaipur and there he wrote a letter to his parents telling them about the city of Jaipur. Amar's schedule was he used to see the city after having his breakfast. First of all, he went to see the Hawa Mahal, near that only he visited Jantar-Mantar. After that, he had his visit to Vedshaala and Kala Sangrahalaya. He went to Omar Nahal which is situated 14 km away from Jaipur city. He went to see the Shish Mahal also. In the end, he went to the temple and ate Dal Baati.

6. How are the NCERT Solutions helpful to study Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

The NCERT Solutions are helpful to study Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva due to the following reasons:

  •  These NCERT Solutions are based on the Hindi Syllabus of Chapter 25 Class 6.

  • These solutions are suggested by the CBSE.

  • After reading these solutions, students will get in-depth knowledge about the chapter.

  • These are written in a very easy to understand language.

  • By practising these answers, students will learn how to write the solutions in the exam.

  • The NCERT Solutions are accessible to students on the official page of Vedantu.

7. How many exercises are there in Chapter 25 of Class 6 Hindi Durva?

Chapter 25 “Jaipur Se Patra” of Class 6 Hindi Durva includes the following exercises:

  • There is a list of new words in question 1.

  • Word meanings are given in question 2.

  • Question 3 is about “match the following”.

  • Sentence formation question is question no. 4 and question no.5.

  • In question 6, students will discover that there are questions based on grammar.

  • Answer the following question is a question no. 7.

The portion of “Yogyata Vistar” contains 1 question.