Class 6 Hindi Vasant NCERT Solutions for Chapter 14 Lokageet
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 14 - Lokageet
1. Do You Think Folklore is Only Seen in Villages? If not, Which are the Other Folklore Seen in Urban Areas?
Folklore portrays the culture of a region or state through various stories, songs, dances, etc. They originated in rural areas and among tribal people in the past. It can be seen that a majority of folklores are seen in villages but some are seen in cities too. However, the ones seen in cities are one or the other way connected to that of villages. Some of the examples of folklore include Baul, Lalon fakir, etc. All these help in showing cultural identity.
2. Nowadays, Villages are Stepped All Over by Cities. Do you Think this Affects Folklore?
We can see that now cities are growing fast and the majority of people prefer city life. Villages and rural areas are underdeveloped and the folklore present there is being forgotten slowly. The true essence of each culture lies in these folklores and we need to preserve them. Various campaigns and programs which encourage folklore must be put forth as soon as possible. By this, the newer generations can see how their culture and lives evolved from their ancestors and can understand their importance.
3. What does the writer tell about the tribals?
We have known and heard throughout history and education that the tribals are known for their unique beliefs and customs, one of them being their folk songs.
Their folk songs are known to be lively and impactful that has a lasting impression on the onlooker. In India, these tribals are most commonly found in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Nagpur, Assam etc. They are also known for their free-spiritedness and their reluctance to be bound under rules and customs, which also finds its place in their folk songs.
4. Where are the folk songs most commonly found?
The writer tells us that the ever-rising in-demand folk songs have their origin most prominently in the rural areas in India. These villages have their own distinct cultures and festivities, where these folk songs are performed. In the villages of Mirzapur, Banaras, Punjab, Bengal etc, folk songs have been performed and practised for centuries. Although earlier the classical songs had an upper hand over these, with age and time, the folk songs have come into the public view and have managed to establish and leave their presence.
5. What role do the women play in these folk songs?
Women have a very special and important role to play when we talk about folk songs. This is because in most cases they are the producers and the directors giving shape to the folk songs to different regions. In this sense, they are quite ahead of the women of other countries, as these women do not seem to have the songs associated with them to be particular of their own and separated from the menfolk. In India, however, the folk songs have their origin from the women and are attributed particularly to them. They sing about the plight, happiness and togetherness that these women experience among themselves.
6. How to prepare for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 14?
The first step that any student needs to follow is to read the chapter thoroughly line by line. While reading it is also important that they mark all the important and new words and find their meanings. Also, it is advisable that they jot down their own interpretations and opinions of the chapter. Finally, they need to turn towards the NCERT Solutions for a better and thorough understanding of the chapter. Following these simple steps will help them answer any question that might be asked from this particular chapter.
7. Where to access the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 14?
The student can, with much ease, download the NCERT Solutions from the Vedantu and from the Vedantu app at free of cost. These solutions are designed and prepared by experts keeping in mind the needs and demands of the students. The exercises have detailed answers that make the learning process much more fruitful. Apart from this the language used is simple and easy to comprehend so that the student does not stumble at any step of the learning process.