Class 6 Hindi Vasant NCERT Solutions for Chapter 17 Shvaas-shvaas Mein Baans
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 17 - Shvaas Mein Baans
1. When is Baans Called Old and What are the Uses of Old Baans?
Baans is the Hindi term for the plant that is commonly known as bamboo in English. Chapter 17 of Vasant book covers the topic of Baans. Baans is considered old when it is more than three years old. In the case of old Baans, it is more delicate than the young plant. Moreover, it is much harder in texture as compared to young Baans. Baans which are less than three years old are much softer in texture and can be used for multiple purposes as they are highly malleable. One of the most popular uses of baans is in furniture.
2.When Did the Usage of Baans for Knitting Begin?
There are multiple uses of baans such as in furniture, musical instruments, papers and much more. One of the common uses of Baans in India is for knitting, which can also be further used in making furniture products. It is an ancient practice that dates back to the time when humans used to harvest food manually. During harvesting, humans needed something in which they could collect their harvest. The need led to the invention of the knitting of Beans. With the help of this tradition, people could create many helpful products for various purposes. Gradually this ancient practice got commercialized.
3. What is the main idea given in Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant?
Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi Vasant is based on Baans (Bamboo). The chapter helps students to learn the different uses of BaAns: In the chapter, students will also learn the manufacturing of other objects but the main concept is based on the different uses of Baans for making furniture, fishing nets, musical instruments, etc. Students can download the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi Vasant to easily prepare for their exams. These are free of cost solutions.
4. How many questions can I get from Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant “Saans Saans Mein Baans”?
Baans (Bamboo) is a very useful product that is popular all over the world. It is used for making a variety of products. Many people use baans for making different products and earn their living. Different products that can be made using bamboo include fishing nets, furniture, baskets, ropes, musical instruments, mosquito nets, the paper used for making notebooks, showpieces, bags, etc. Thus, Bamboo is a very useful tree and it has several uses.
5. What is the most interesting product made from Baans (Bamboo) and why according to Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant?
I think the fishing net made from bamboo is the most beautiful and amazing thing. The fishing net made from bamboo is very strong and does not break easily. It helps the fishermen to catch fish easily. The way it is used for catching fish by fishermen is also amazing. It requires great skill to make a fishing net using bamboo. It is also very time-consuming but it helps many people to earn their living.
6. What have you learnt about different uses of Baans from Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant?
Baans (Bamboo) is a very useful product that is popular all over the world. It is used for making a variety of products. Many people use baans for making different products and earn their living. Different products that can be made using bamboo include fishing nets, furniture, baskets, ropes, musical instruments, mosquito nets, the paper used for making notebooks, showpieces, bags, etc. Thus, Bamboo is a very useful tree and it has several uses.
7. Where can I find NCERT Solutions for Chapter 17 of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant?
Students can download all NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Vasant Chapter 17 from Vedantu. They can click this link to download the NCERT Solutions for the chapter. It is easy to download as they have to visit the website and click on the download button. NCERT solutions for class 6 Hindi Vasant will be downloaded in PDF format that can help students to prepare for their exams and score high marks. The solutions are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.