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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Lines And Angles Ex 2.4


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Exercise 2.4 Chapter 2 Lines and Angles - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 2, Lines and Angles, is all about the basics of geometry. Students will learn about fundamental geometric concepts such as points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles. They will discover how to identify these elements, understand their properties, and see how they form the building blocks of more complex shapes. These solutions match the CBSE Class 6 Maths Syllabus, offering clear explanations and step-by-step help to grasp basic concepts and build a solid foundation in recognising patterns.

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You can download these NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths as a FREE PDF, making it simple for students to improve their problem-solving skills and get ready for exams. The solutions include useful tips and shortcuts, making studying more interesting and effective.

Glance on NCERT Solutions Maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.4 Class 6 | Vedantu

  • Exercise 2.4 in Class 6 Maths Chapter Lines and Angles introduces you to basic geometric concepts like points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles. 

  • Students learn how to identify and name these figures, understand the differences between them, and see how angles are formed when lines meet. 

  • This exercise helps you build a strong foundation in geometry by working through problems that involve drawing and recognising these basic elements.

Access NCERT Solutions for Maths Class 6 Chapter 2 - Lines and Angles

Exercise 2.4


Rihan marked a point on a piece of paper. How many lines can he draw that pass through the point?

Sheetal marked two points on a piece of paper. How many different lines can she draw that pass through both of the points?

Can you help Rihan and Sheetal find their answers?


  • It is possible to draw an infinite number of lines through a point in a plane.

  • It is possible to draw a single line that crosses two points.

2. Name the line segments in Fig. 2.4. Which of the five marked points are on exactly one of the line segments? Which are on two of the line segments? 

the five marked points are on exactly one of the line segments


Segments of lines: LM, MP, PQ, and QR

Only one line segment contains the points L and R. M, P, and Q are on two segments of a line.

3. Name the rays shown in Fig. 2.5. Is T the starting point of each of these rays?

T the starting point of each of these rays


Ray $\vec{TB}$ and Ray $\vec{TA}$ (also known as Ray $\vec{TN}$). Indeed, T is the origin of both rays:  $\vec{TB}$ and $\vec{TA}$.

4. Draw a rough figure and write labels appropriately to illustrate each of the following:

a. $\overleftrightarrow{OP}$ and $\overleftrightarrow{OQ}$ meet at O.

b. $\overleftrightarrow{XY}$ and $\overleftrightarrow{PQ}$ intersect at point M.

c. Line I contains points E and F but not point D.

d. Point P lies on AB.



Line I contains points E and F but not point D.


intersect at point M.


E and F but not point D.


Point P lies on AB.

5. In Fig. 2.6, name:

a. Five points 

b. A line 

c. Four rays 

d. Five line segments

Five line segments.


  1. Points B, C, D, E and O.

  2. Line: DB

  3. Rays: $\vec{OB}$, $\vec{OC}$, $\vec{OD}$, $\vec{OE}$.

  4. Line segments: DE, EO, OB, DC, DO.

6. Here is a ray $\vec{OA}$ (Fig. 2.7). It starts at O and passes through the point A. It also passes through the point B. 

a. Can you also name it as $\vec{OB}$? Why? 

b. Can we write $\vec{OA}$ as $\vec{AO}$? Why or why not?

t starts at O and passes through the point A. It also passes through the point B.


(a) Since the starting point and direction stay the same, Ray $\vec{OA}$ can alternatively be referred to as Ray $\vec{OB}$

(b) Ray $\vec{OA}$ cannot be designated as ray $\vec{AO}$ since the ray's starting point is O rather than A.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.4 Lines and Angles

  • The solutions explain basic geometry concepts like points, lines, rays, and angles in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

  • Each problem is solved with detailed steps, making it easier for students to follow and learn the methods.

  • By practising these exercises, students can strengthen their ability to identify and solve geometry-related questions.

  • The solutions cover all topics in the NCERT textbook, helping students revise efficiently for their exams.

  • This chapter lays the groundwork for more advanced geometry concepts in higher classes, and these solutions help students grasp the basics well.

Class 6 Maths Chapter 2: Exercises Breakdown



Exercise 2.1


Exercise 2.2

Line Segment

Exercise 2.3


Exercise 2.5


Exercise 2.6

Comparing Angles

Exercise 2.7

Making Rotating Arms

Exercise 2.8

Special Types of Angles

Exercise 2.9

Measuring Angles

Exercise 2.10

Drawing Angles

Exercise 2.11

Types of Angles and their Measures

Important Study Material Links for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 - Lines and Angles


Study Material Links for Chapter 2 Lines and Angles


Class 6 Maths Lines and Angles Important Questions


Class 6 Maths Lines and Angles Revision Notes


Class 6 Maths Lines and Angles Worksheets


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.4 on Lines and Angles provides students with a clear understanding of basic geometric concepts. By practising these step-by-step solutions, students can strengthen their problem-solving skills and prepare effectively for exams. The solutions not only help in grasping fundamental concepts like lines, rays, and angles but also build a strong foundation for future geometry topics. 

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 6 Maths

The chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths are given below. Go through these chapter-wise solutions to be thoroughly familiar with the concepts.

Related Important Links for Class 6  Maths 

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for Maths Class 6.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Lines And Angles Ex 2.4

1. What is the main focus of Exercise 2.4 in Chapter 2?

Exercise 2.4 focuses on basic geometric concepts such as points, lines, rays, line segments, and angles.

2. What is a point in geometry?

A point represents a location in space. It has no size, length, or width and is denoted by a capital letter.

3. How is a line different from a line segment?

A line extends infinitely in both directions, while a line segment has two definite endpoints.

4. What is a ray in geometry?

A ray starts from a fixed point and extends infinitely in one direction.

5. How do you name a line segment?

A line segment is named using its two endpoints, for example, $ \overline{AB}$.

6. What are angles, and how are they formed?

Angles are formed when two rays or line segments meet at a common point, called the vertex.

7. Can a line be named using three points?

No, a line is named using any two distinct points on it, such as $\overleftrightarrow{AB}$.

8. What are the types of angles introduced in Exercise 2.4?

Exercise 2.4 covers basic concepts of angles but does not focus on specific types like acute, obtuse, or right angles.

9. How can I improve my understanding of lines and angles?

Practising NCERT Solutions for Exercise 2.4 helps improve understanding by providing detailed, step-by-step explanations of each concept.

10. Why is learning about lines and angles important?

Understanding lines and angles is important as it forms the foundation for more advanced geometry in higher classes.

11. Are diagrams included in the NCERT Solutions for Maths Class 6 Lines and Angles chapter 2, Exercise 2.4?

Yes, diagrams are included where necessary to help students visualize the concepts and solutions clearly.

12. What is the importance of NCERT Solutions for Maths Class 6 chapter 2, Exercise 2.4 in understanding lines and angles?

Exercise 2.4 helps students gain a fundamental understanding of different types of angles, which is essential for future geometry topics in higher classes.