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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Diversity In The Living World


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Chapter 2 Class 6 Science Diversity in the Living World introduces the vast variety of life forms on Earth, exploring the classification of living organisms into groups based on their characteristics. This chapter emphasises understanding the diversity of plants and animals, how they are classified, and the importance of studying different species. By learning about the diversity of life, students gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world and the complexity of biological classification.

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Our Class 6 Science NCERT Solutions breaks down the lesson into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning fun and interactive. Students will develop essential language skills with engaging activities and exercises. Check out the revised CBSE Class 6 Science Syllabus and start practising Science Class 6 Chapter 2. 

Glance on Class 6 Science (Curiosity) Chapter 2 Diversity in the Living World

  1. Importance of Grouping:

  • Simplifies the study of plants and animals by organising them based on characteristics.

  • Helps in understanding similarities and differences among organisms.

  1. Grouping Plants:

  • Plants are grouped based on features such as stems, leaves, and flowers.

  • Classification into herbs, shrubs, and trees based on height and stem type.

  1. Observations: Observing plant heights, stem characteristics (colour, flexibility), and branching patterns.

  1. Differences Among Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees:

  • Herbs: Short plants with soft stems.

  • Shrubs: Medium-height plants with woody stems.

  • Trees: Tall plants with thick, hard, woody stems and branches starting higher up.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2

Question 1: Here are two types of seeds. What differences do you find among the roots and leaf venation of their plants?


Answer 1: Differences in Roots and Leaf Venation

(a) Wheat

Roots: Wheat has fibrous roots. This type of root system consists of many thin, branched roots that spread out from the base of the stem.

Leaf Venation: Wheat leaves exhibit parallel venation. In this pattern, the veins run parallel to each other along the length of the leaf.

(b) Kidney Beans

Roots: Kidney beans have a taproot system. This consists of one main root that grows vertically downward with smaller side roots branching off from it.

Leaf Venation: Kidney bean leaves exhibit reticulate venation. This pattern forms a network of veins that branch out from a central midrib and spread across the leaf.

Question 2: Names of some animals are given below. Group them based on their habitats. Write the names of aquatic animals in the area marked and terrestrial animals in the area marked 'B'. Enter the names of animals living in both habitats in part 'C'.

Horse, Dolphin, Frog, Sheep, Crocodile, Squirrel, Whale, Earthworm, Pigeon, Tortoise


Answer 2: Grouping Animals based on their Habitats Aquatic Animals (Area A):

  • Dolphin

  • Whale

Terrestrial Animals (Area B):

  • Horse

  • Sheep

  • Squirrel

  • Pigeon

  •  Earthworm

Animals Living in Both Habitats (Area C):

  • Frog

  • Crocodile

  • Tortoise


Question 3: Manu's mother maintains a kitchen garden. One day, she was digging out radish from the soil. She told Manu that radish is a kind of root. Examine a radish and write what type of root it is. What type of venation would you observe in the leaves of radish plants?

Answer 3: A radish is an example of a taproot system, which is characterised by a main root that grows vertically downward and is larger than the other roots. This type of root stores food and nutrients for the plant.

The leaves of a radish plant exhibit reticulate venation. In this type of venation, the veins form a network-like pattern on the leaf, with smaller veins branching off from the main vein.

Question 4: Look at the image of a mountain goat and a goat found in the plains. Point out the similarities and differences between them. What are the reasons for these differences?

(a) Mountain Goat

(b) Goat found in the plains


Answer 4: Similarities and differences between Mountain Goats and Plains Goats


  • Species: Both are goats and belong to the same family.

  • Diet: Both are herbivores and eat plants.

  • Body Structure: Both have hooves and horns.

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Mountain Goat

Plains Goat


Has thick, long fur to protect against cold mountain temperatures.

Has shorter fur suited for warmer climates.


Generally stockier and more muscular, adapted for climbing rocky terrains.

The leaner build is suitable for flat, open areas.


Specialised hooves with a rough texture for better grip on rocky surfaces.

Hooves more suited for walking on flat, grassy lands.


Often have curved, sharp horns for defence.

Horns can vary but are usually less pronounced than those of mountain goats.


Needs thick fur and strong muscles to live in cold, rocky mountains. Specialised hooves help in climbing.

Lives in warmer, flat areas, so it has shorter fur and a body shape good for walking on grass.


Uses its strong build and sharp horns to defend against predators in the mountains.

Relies on being fast and agile to escape from predators on the plains.

Question 5: Group the following animals into two groups based on any feature other than those discussed in the chapter - cow, cockroach, pigeon, bat, tortoise, whale, fish, grasshopper, lizard.

Answer 5: These animals are based on their habitat - animals that live on land (terrestrial) and animals that live in water (aquatic).

Terrestrial Animals:

  • Cow

  • Cockroach

  • Pigeon

  • Bat

  • Tortoise

  • Grasshopper

  • Lizard

  • Aquatic Animals:

  • Whale

  • Fish

Question 6: As the population grows and people want more comfortable lives, forests are being cut down to meet various needs. How can this affect our surroundings? How do you think we can address this challenge?

Answer 6:

Impact of Deforestation

  • Loss of Biodiversity: Many species lose their habitats, leading to a decrease in biodiversity.

  • Climate Change: Trees absorb carbon dioxide. Cutting them down increases the concentration of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.

  • Soil Erosion: Trees help in holding the soil together. Without them, the soil becomes loose and prone to erosion.

  • Disruption of Water Cycles: Trees play a significant role in the water cycle. Deforestation can lead to changes in rainfall patterns.

  • Loss of Livelihoods: Many communities depend on forests for their livelihood. Deforestation can disrupt their way of life.

Addressing the Challenge

  • Reforestation and Afforestation: Planting new trees to replace those that have been cut down.

  • Sustainable Logging Practices: Ensuring that logging is done in a way that does not harm the ecosystem.

  • Protected Areas: Establishing more national parks and wildlife sanctuaries to protect existing forests.

  • Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in forest conservation efforts.

  • Legislation: Implementing and enforcing laws that prevent illegal logging and deforestation.

  • Education and Awareness: Educating people about the importance of forests and how they can help in conservation efforts.

Question 7: Analyse the flowchart. What can be examples of 'A' and 'B'?


Answer 7: Examples of 'A'

These are plants that have reticulate venation in their leaves.

Examples: Mango, Hibiscus, Rose.

Examples of 'B'

These are plants that do not have reticulate venation (i.e., they have parallel venation).

Examples: Wheat, Maize, Grass.

Question 8: Raj argues with his friend Sanjay that the "Gudhal (hibiscus) plant is a shrub". What questions can Sanjay ask for clarification? 

Answer 8: Questions that Sanjay can ask for Clarification

What is the height of the Gudhal (hibiscus) plant? (Shrubs are typically medium-sized plants)

What is the nature of its stem? (Shrubs have hard but not very thick stems)

How do the branches of the Gudhal plant appear? (Shrubs typically have branches that arise close to the ground)

Is the stem of the Gudhal plant woody? (Shrubs often have woody stems)

Question 9: Based on the information in the table, find out examples of these plants for each group.


Type of Seed

Type of Root








Fibrous roots


(a) What other similarities do plants of group A have?

(b) What other similarity do plants of group B have?

Answer 9: Group A (Dicot, Taproot)

Examples: Mango, Rose, Hibiscus

Group B (Monocot, Fibrous roots)

Examples: Wheat, Maize, Rice

(a) Similarity of Plants in Group A:

Plants in Group A (dicots) typically have leaves with reticulate venation.

(b) Similarity of Plants in Group B:

Plants in Group B (monocots) generally have leaves with parallel venation.

Question 10: Observe the labelled part of a duck in the picture given below. What differences do you observe in the feet of the duck compared to the other birds? Which activity would the duck be able to perform using this part?

Duck and Piegon

Answer 10: Differences in the Feet

(a) Duck

(b) Pigeon

Has webbed feet.

Does not have webbed feet; has regular bird feet with separate toes.

Activities the Duck Can Perform with Webbed Feet

  • Swimming: The webbed feet help the duck to paddle through water efficiently.

  • Walking on Muddy or Wet Surfaces: Webbed feet stabilise and prevent the duck from sinking.

  • The webbed feet of a duck are specially adapted for swimming, allowing it to move smoothly in water.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Diversity in the Living World

  1. Detailed Understanding of Biological Diversity: NCERT Solutions provides in-depth explanations of the variety of living organisms and their classification, helping students comprehend the vast diversity present in the natural world.

  2. Step-by-Step Clarification of Concepts: The solutions guide students through complex topics such as the classification of plants, animals, and microorganisms with a clear, step-by-step approach.

  3. Simplified Presentation of Complex Topics: Complex biological terms and classifications are explained in simple language, making it easier for students to understand and remember key concepts.

  4. Helps in Exam Preparation: The solutions focus on important questions likely to appear in exams, making them an essential tool for effective revision and exam preparation.

  5. Promotes Critical Thinking: By explaining the relationship between different species and their environments, the solutions help students develop analytical and critical thinking skills.

Important Study Material Links for Science Chapter 2 Class 6 

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Class 6 Diversity in the Living World Important Questions


Class 6 Diversity in the Living World Revision Notes


Class 6 Diversity in the Living World Worksheet


The chapter "Diversity in the Living World" for Class 6 Science teaches students about the wide variety of living organisms on Earth. It explains how living beings are classified based on their characteristics and how each group plays a vital role in the environment. Through this chapter, students learn about the differences in plants, animals, and microorganisms, highlighting the importance of biodiversity. Vedantu’s notes provide a clear understanding of these concepts, making it easier to prepare for exams. Students are encouraged to use these notes for effective revision and better retention.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Diversity In The Living World

1. What is the importance of grouping plants and animals in Chapter 2 Diversity in the Living World?

Grouping helps in organising and studying living organisms by their similarities and differences, making it easier to understand biodiversity. Vedantu NCERT Solutions guides students in mastering these grouping concepts effectively.

2. What are the main features used to classify plants in Chapter 2 of Class 6 Science?

Plants are classified based on features like stem structure, leaf venation, root type, and seed type. With Vedantu NCERT Solutions, students can explore these features with detailed explanations and examples.

3. What are herbs, shrubs, and trees according to Diversity in the Living World?

Herbs: Small plants with soft stems.

Shrubs: Medium-height plants with woody stems.

Trees: Tall plants with hard, woody stems and branches. Vedantu NCERT Solutions simplifies these classifications for better understanding.

4. What is the difference between taproots and fibrous roots in Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Diversity in the Living World?

Taproots are single main roots that grow deep into the soil, while fibrous roots consist of many small roots spreading out from the base. Vedantu's solutions help students learn the distinction with clear diagrams.

5. What are reticulate venation and parallel venation in Science Class 6 Chapter 2?

Reticulate venation: Veins form a network, commonly found in dicots.

Parallel venation: Veins run parallel, common in monocots. Vedantu NCERT Solutions offers visual aids to understand these patterns effectively.

6. What is the relation between leaf venation and root type in Chapter 2 Science Class 6?

Plants with reticulate venation generally have taproots, while plants with parallel venation have fibrous roots. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions explain these relationships clearly, aiding in easier learning.

7. How are dicots and monocots different in Diversity in the Living World?

Dicots have seeds with two cotyledons, reticulate venation, and taproots. Monocots have one cotyledon, parallel venation, and fibrous roots. Vedantu’s detailed NCERT Solutions help students identify the differences with ease.

8. What adaptations help animals survive in their habitats according to Chapter 2?

Adaptations like streamlined bodies for swimming or long legs for walking on sand help animals survive in specific habitats. Vedantu’s interactive NCERT Solutions make these concepts simple and engaging.

9. What is the role of biodiversity in ecosystems in Diversity in the Living World?

Biodiversity ensures the stability of ecosystems by providing food, shelter, and maintaining environmental balance. Vedantu NCERT Solutions provides an in-depth look into the importance of biodiversity.

10. How can Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions help in learning Chapter 2 Diversity in the Living World?

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions provides detailed explanations, easy-to-understand answers, and practice questions to help students master key concepts from this chapter and perform well in their exams.