NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 2 - Diversity and Discrimination - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Chapter 2 - Diversity And Discrimination
1. Why is it Necessary to Give Equal Rights to All People?
In our society, discrimination has been done based on religion, gender, caste, etc. since earlier times. Due to this discrimination, people of religion, caste, gender and different economic backward have to struggle to fulfil their basic needs. Due to discrimination, such people are subjected to great injustice by society and they are separated from society. Equal rights are necessary for the respect of people and their economic development. This is why the right of equality has been given to all the citizens by the Constitution.
2. How to Prepare for Class 6 Social Science Civics for Good Performance in the Exam?
You can take help of experienced teachers of Vedantu to prepare for NCERT. Vedantu is the best online platform. Vedantu will also provide excellent study material along with online classes. All online classes and study materials will be made available by teachers who have high knowledge in every subject. Important questions related to each chapter will also be made available to you. After solving all the questions, your preparation will be sound and you will get good marks in the exam.
3. What does the NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 teach us? Explain in brief.
NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 'Diversity and Discrimination,' of the NCERT Class 6 Civics Textbook is critical reading for students in this grade. This chapter discusses India's diverse cultures. It illustrates how different our society is in terms of aspects like language, religion, caste, etc. Because the country is so diverse, there is a chance that discrimination may exist in some areas. Students learn about how certain people are discriminated against and about the laws that prohibit such treatment from taking place.
4. What do you understand by the term ‘Prejudice’?
Prejudice is defined as a negative judgement of others or viewing them as inferior. Prejudice is a negative attitude toward someone because of their membership in a certain social group. When we insist that our way is the only way to do anything, we often fail to respect those who choose to go about things in a different way. Often a lot of people among us show this biased nature towards others related to the language they speak, colour of their skin and many more.
5. In terms of equality, what does the constitution say?
The government of India, in no way ever encourages any act of discrimination or prejudice. It understands the scars that discrimination can give to any individual or a group of people. Because of this, our country's constitution declares that everyone is entitled to equal rights and opportunities. Everyone has the same opportunity to compete for government positions, and people have the freedom to work in any field they desire. Untouchability is a crime that has been declared illegal.
6. What are the topics covered in Class 6 Civics Chapter 2?
The following are the major points covered in Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics:
Differences and Prejudices
Creating stereotypes
Inequality and Discrimination
Being discriminated against the caste system
Striving for equality,
The NCERT Solutions for this chapter can be obtained from the online website of Vedantu or the Vedantu app. India’s best teachers have prepared these solutions based on their years of experience and expertise. These answers were prepared after thorough study of the chapter and are based on the latest CBSE guidelines and exam patterns.
7. Which online website is best to study Class 6 Civics Chapter 2?
Looking for the best way to enhance your learning process and ace the exams? You are exactly at the right place. Vedantu is currently a massive online learning platform with a family of great professors and students. Students at Vedantu have access to all of the NCERT Solutions, revision notes, important questions, and sample papers, and yet Vedantu ensures that there is no shortage of materials for great learning. If you’re a sixth grader looking for study materials for Class 6 Civics Chapter 2, then this is your destination. Visit the vedantu website ( to download the best NCERT solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 free of cost.