NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 4 - Chandni - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 4 Chandni
1. Why did the Goat Hate the Rope?
Ans: Chandni was a small goat tied by its owner with a rope. Chandni wanted to go up the hill; she wanted to roam free in the hills. The owner of the goat was preventing her from going to the hills because a wolf lived on the hills. The wolf used to hunt goats, the old man loved the goat and the old man tied the goat with a rope to save the goat's life, but the goat hated the rope.
2. What do we Learn From Class 7 English Chapter 4?
Ans: Through this chapter, we get to learn that no matter how many problems arise in life, we should not lose courage, we should always face trouble with courage and restraint. Just as the little goat in this chapter faces a wolf without fear, in the same way, we should also face the troubles in our life, because the real winner in the battle of life is the one who does not give up.
3. Who is Abbu Khan in Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary?
Ans: In Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary, Abbu Khan was an old man from Almora. He lived with his goats in a small hut and treated his goats and spoke to them as if they were his children. Students can read the chapter thoroughly and understand the storyline, which will help them answer the questions well and improve their writing skills. The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost. They are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.
4. Why did Abbu Khan’s goats leave him one by one as mentioned in Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary?
Ans: In Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary, Abbu Khan goats left him one by one because the goats wanted to go towards the hills and enjoy their freedom. No matter Abbu Khan gave them good food, loved them and treated them as his children, but freedom is what everyone wants. Nothing is more or better than freedom.
5. Who was Chandni according to the syllabus of Class 7?
Ans: In Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary when all the goats left Abbu Khan one by one, he was very sad and decided he would stay alone and won't be getting any pets. He was very lonely and thought that he could not do without pets. So, he got a young goat thinking that the goat will stay with him for a longer time. The young goat was white as snow and pretty. It had two horns and gleaming red eyes. Abbu Khan called her Chandini.
6. What is the theme of the story Chandni?
Ans: The theme of the story Chandini tells us the importance of freedom. No matter what you get, freedom is everything. In this story Chandini, a brave goat overcame her fears and fought for her freedom. The longing for freedom made her come out of the fear and fight bravely.
7. What are the extra questions in the chapter?
Ans: The extra questions are 7 in the chapter which is very important where the students will learn to write the answers appropriately. Answering in a proper way and with proper content is very important. This can be attained with the practice of writing. Students can refer to Vedantu for the right format of answers. Practising will make the students have a proper grasp of the language skills.
8. What did Chandni look like?
Ans: Chandini was very pretty and was white as snow with gleaming red eyes and two horns. She was loved and taken care of by Abbu Khan. The story of Chandini is very interesting. Students reading this will be able to understand and answer the questions provided in the exercise. This story tells us the importance of freedom.