Honeycomb Class 7 English Chapter 2 Question Answers FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2 A Gift of Chappals
1. How did the music teacher appear to be from the window?
The music teacher had a skinny figure when seen through the window. He seemed to be mostly bald-headed but had an old-fashioned tuft. Also, a fringe of well-oiled black hair fell on his ears. He wore a glittery gold chain around his neck and every time his hands swayed the violin stem, the diamond ring on his hands gleamed. He had a scrawny big toe and beat on the floor with his large foot. English class 7 chapter 2 question answer provides the concise concepts made by the Vedantu experts to crack the exams.
2. Do you think that the beggar had come to Rukku Mani’s house for the first time?
No, the beggar had not come to Rukku Mani’s house for the first time. Paati told Tapi that she had watched the beggar come to their house every day in the previous week. She added that it was time for the beggar to look for some other house to beg from. So, it can be concluded that the beggar had not come to Rukku Mani’s house for the first time Gift of Chappals questions and answers were designed by the Vedantu master teacher.
3. Why did Mridu think that the beggar did not have any money to buy chappals? How did she express her concern about it?
The beggar’s feet had become blistered since he walked around barefoot. Mridu thought that he did not have any money to buy chappals and that was the reason he was walking barefoot even in summer. Mridu and the kids were concerned about this and they wished that the beggar should have a pair of chappals to wear. The suggestion was to give him the old pair of chappals that they had, so he could wear them and walk around comfortably.
4. Are the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter-2 reliable study resources?
Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter-2 on Vedantu are very reliable study resources. These NCERT Solutions are prepared by our subject matter experts, as per the guidelines of CBSE Class 7. These solutions are available in the PDF format and you can download them for free. Referring to these NCERT Solutions, after going through the chapter from your NCERT textbook, will help you to understand the main message and plot of the story. Also, you can follow and incorporate the writing style of these solutions in your own answers, and secure good grades in the examination.
5. How can I download the class 7 English chapter 2 pdf question answer Honeycomb?
The method for downloading the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 2 of Class 7 English Honeycomb is shared below:
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6. How to score well in Chapter 2 of Class 7 English Honeycomb?
If students want to attain good marks in Chapter 2 of Class 7 English Honeycomb, then they have to work hard as it is a language subject and requires lots of practice. Use the NCERT book to read and learn the Chapter. After that, solve the questions which are given at the end of the Chapter. Practice the questions by writing them, as this will give you a hint about how to write answers in the proper format. Also, this will improve your writing skill. Get the solutions for your queries by solving various sample papers.
7. How many questions are in Chapter 2 of Class 7 English Honeycomb?
Chapter 2 of Class 7 English is “A Gift of Chappals.” There are five questions on the topic of “Comprehension Check” after the end of Part I. At the end of Part II, the “Comprehension Check” contains three questions. The section “Working with the Text” includes seven questions. There are three questions in the section named “Working with Language.” The “Speaking and Writing” section consists of two questions. Solve all these questions to understand the story behind the Chapter. Practicing these will let you know about what type of questions are asked in the exam.
8. What is the summary of Chapter 2 of Class 7 English Honeycomb?
A Gift of Chappals" is Chapter 2 of Class 7 English. The author of this lesson is Vasantha Surya. The Chapter is a part of the English book named "Honeycomb." The Chapter is about a girl named Mridu who lives with her grandfather and grandmother. She went to her relative's house with her grandmother named Tapi. Her cousins Ravi and Meena bought her when she arrived at her aunt Rukku Manni's house. When she entered her aunt's house, she kept her slippers aside. But Ravi took her to the backyard to show something secretive.
9. What do you understand by the statement: ‘Children's world is full of imagination and spontaneity, according to Chapter 2 of Class 7 English Honeycomb?
In Chapter 2 “A Gift of Chappals” of Class 7 English, Ravi hid the kitten so that no one could find her. But he told Mridu about the cat. He fed her with the milk which was given to him without letting Patti know about it. He also donated the slippers to the beggar when he saw blisters in his foot. Also, he wanted to give his slippers too. He thought that the kitten had its ancestors from Mahabalipuram Rishi. Through these incidents, we can say that the children have creative minds. Their world is full of spontaneity and imagination. English class 7 chapter 2 question answers prepared by Vedantu experts are best for practice which will help you to score well.