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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 6 Expert Detectives


Class 7 English Chapter 6 Question Answers - FREE PDF Download

"Expert Detective" is the 6th chapter in the Class 7 English Honeycomb reader. In this chapter, titled "The Treasure Within," Maya and Nishad have different views about their mysterious neighbour, Mr. Nath. Their curiosity leads them on a journey filled with suspicion, empathy, and moral questions as they try to discover the truth about his secretive behaviour at Shankar House.

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Vedantu offers complete and comprehensive solutions to Expert Detectives Class 7 Question Answers updated for the latest CBSE Class 7 English Syllabus along with other supplementary study material for NCERT Class English Class 7. Class 7 English NCERT Solutions are readily available on the Vedantu website for easy access for studying anywhere, anytime.

Glance on Class 7 English Chapter 6 Expert Detectives

  • Maya strongly believes Mr. Nath is a criminal due to his secretive behaviour and lack of social interactions.

  • Nishad, Maya's brother, is skeptical about Mr. Nath's guilt, finding him to be ordinary and possibly misunderstood.

  • Nishad meets Mr. Nath and empathizes with his apparent loneliness, questioning Maya's suspicions.

  • Maya gathers evidence to support her theory, including Mr. Nath's alias, isolated lifestyle, and a mysterious Sunday visitor.

  • Maya and Nishad argue passionately about Mr. Nath's true character, reflecting their differing interpretations and emotional responses.

  • Maya proposes various theories about Mr. Nath's potential criminal activities, intensifying their ongoing debate and conflict.

  • Maya and Nishad never find out the truth about the stranger, thus leaving room for thought and ponder.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 6 – Expert Detectives

1. What did Nishad give Mr. Nath? Why?

Ans:  Nishad thought that Mr. Nath was poor and starving because he was very lean-looking, so he gave a chocolate bar to Mr. Nath.

2. What is “strange” about Mr. Nath’s Sundays?

Ans:  Every Sunday, Mr. Nath used to eat lunch with a tall, fair, stout man who wore spectacles and talked a lot, unlike Mr. Nath himself.

3. Why did Nishad and Maya get a holiday?

Ans: As the monsoon broke down, there was heavy rainfall and the streets got flooded and no traffic could move through the roads. Thus Nishad and Maya got an unexpected holiday.

Working with the Text

1. What does Nishad find out about Mr. Nath from Ramesh? Arrange the information as suggested below.

  • What he eats

  • When he eats

  • What he drinks, and when

  • How he pays

Ans: Nishad found out that Mr. Nath ate two meals in a day, one in the morning and the other in the evening. He always ate the same food – two chapatis, dal, and a vegetable. He also drank tea two times a day, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Mr. Nath also paid in cash and tipped well.

2. Why does Maya think Mr. Nath is a crook? Who does she say the Sunday visitor is?

Ans: Maya thinks of Mr. Nath as a crook because he looks strange to her and also he does not work. He has been living at Shankar House for more than a year but he never talks to anyone. Maya thinks that the scars on Mr. Nath’s face burn scars from the time when the police had set fire to his house. Also, he does not have any visitors but just one and he doesn’t even receive any letters. She says that the Sunday visitor must be his accomplice in crime and he comes to visit Mr. Nath to give him his share of the loot.

3. Does Nishad agree with Maya about Mr. Nath? How does he feel about him?

Ans: No, Nishad does not agree with Maya about Mr. Nath. He tells Maya that Mr. Nath cannot be a bad man because he had tipped Ramesh very generously. Nishad thinks that Mr. Nath must feel lonely and wants to make friends. He also thinks that Mr Nath looked really poor and starving because he was so thin and that’s why he cannot be a criminal.

Working With Language

1. The word ‘tip’ has only three letters but many meanings. Match the word with its meanings below.

(i) fingertips – be about to say something

(ii) the tip of your nose – make the boat overturn

(iii) tip the water out of the bucket– the ends of one’s fingers

(iv) have something on the tip of your tongue – give a rupee to him, to thank him

(v) tip the boat over – empty a bucket by tilting it

(vi) tip him a rupee – the pointed end of your nose

(vii) the tip of the bat – if you take my advice

(viii) the police were tipped off – the bat lightly touched the ball

(ix) if you take my tip – the end of the bat

(x) the bat tipped the ball – the police were told or warned


i) Fingertips – the ends of one’s finger

ii) The tip of your nose – the pointed end of your nose

iii) Tip the water out of the bucket – empty a bucket by tilting it

iv) Have something on the tip of your tongue – be about to say something

v) Tip the boat over – make the boat overturn

vi) Tip him a rupee – give a rupee to him, to thank him

vii) The tip of the bat – the end of the bat

viii) The police were tipped off – the police were told, or warned

ix) If you take my tip – if you take my advice

x) The bat tipped the ball – the bat lightly touched the ball

2. The words helper, companion, partner, and accomplice have very similar meanings, but each word is typically used in certain phrases. Can you fill in the blanks below with the most commonly used words? A dictionary may help you.

i) business ______

ii) my ____ on the journey

iii) I’m mother’s little ____.

iv) a faithful____ such as a dog

v) the thief’s ___

vi) find a good ____

vii) tennis/ golf / bridge ____

viii) his ___ in his criminal activities.

Ans : 

i) Partner

ii) Companion

iii) Helper

iv) Companion

v) Accomplice

vi) Helper

vii) Partner

viii) Accomplice

3. Now let us look at the uses of the word break. Match the word with its meanings below. Try to find at least three other ways in which to use the word.

(i) The storm broke – could not speak; was too sad to speak

(ii) daybreak – this kind of weather ended

(iii) His voice is beginning to break – it began or burst into activity

(iv) Her voice broke and – the beginning of daylight she cried

(v) The heatwave broke – changing as he grows up

(vi) broke the bad news – end it by making the workers submit

(vii) break a strike – gently told someone the bad news


i) The storm broke – it began or burst into activity

ii) Daybreak – the beginning of daylight

iii) His voice is beginning to break – changing as he grows up

iv) Her voice broke and she cried – could not speak; was too sad to speak

v) The heatwave broke – this kind of weather ended

vi) Broke the bad news – gently told someone the bad news

vii) Break a strike – end it by making the workers submit

Three other ways to use the word:

i) Break a leg – wishing good luck to someone in the theatre field

ii) Break the ice – saying/doing something to relieve tension

iii) Break the habit – stopping doing something that is a habit

Benefits of NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 6 Question Answers

  • NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 6 Questions and Answers provide clear and concise explanations for the chapter "Expert Detectives," helping students comprehend the story and its themes effectively.

  • The solutions include detailed responses to questions from the chapter, making it easier for students to grasp the key points and concepts of the lesson.

  • By practising with NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 6 Question Answers, students can prepare thoroughly for exams, ensuring they can answer any questions related to "Expert Detectives" confidently.

  • The question-answers encourage students to think critically and analyse the characters and events in the chapter, enhancing their overall analytical abilities.

  • The Class 7 English Lesson 6 Question Answers are available in a structured format and allow students to study at their own pace and revisit difficult sections as needed.

  • Using NCERT Solutions ensures that students cover all aspects of the chapter, from detailed explanations to answering questions, promoting consistent and thorough learning.


"Expert Detectives" highlights the interesting story in the lives of Maya and Nishad and their investigation into Mr. Nath's life, revealing the complexities of judgment and empathy. Despite their differing views, the siblings learn valuable lessons about understanding and compassion, highlighting that appearances can be deceiving and everyone has a story worth knowing. You can find comprehensive NCERT Class 7th English Chapter 6 Question Answers on Vedantu which are checked and compiled by master teachers, thus ensuring that they are 100% accurate and in compliance with the CBSE standard for answering.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 6 Expert Detectives

1. What is ‘strange’ about Mr. Nath’s Sundays? And why did Nishad and Maya get a holiday?

Mr. Nath does not work anywhere and sits in his room for the whole day but faces no problem paying the restaurant for his food. Yet, he has a gaunt appearance. He has scars on his face. He is unfriendly. He never receives any letter. He does not have any visitors except one who comes every Sunday. Nishad and Maya got a holiday because it rained heavily that day. The roads flooded, and traffic could not move that day. For this reason, though the school was scheduled to reopen after the summer holidays, it did not, giving Nishad and Maya an unexpected holiday. 

2. Who are the expert detectives in the story and who is Mr. Nath, according to Chapter 6 of Class 7 English Honeycomb?

Maya and her brother Nishad are the expert detectives in the story. Mr. Nath was the patient of Maya and Nishad's mamma. He lived as a tenant in Shankar's house who considered him mad, strange, and unfriendly. On the other hand, Maya and Nishad's mother thought that he was polite. And according to Maya and Nishad, he was a crook on the run. Refer to the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 of Class 7 English Honeycomb available free of cost on the Vedantu website.

3. Why did Maya call Nishad and who were the expert detectives, according to Chapter 6 of Class 7 English Honeycomb?

Maya called Nishad seven because of two reasons. Firstly, he was seven years old, and secondly, his name means the seventh note of the musical scale. Mr. Nath was the patient of Maya and Nishad's mamma. He lived as a tenant in Shankar's house, who considered him mad, strange, and unfriendly. On the other hand, Maya and Nishad's mother thought that he was polite. And according to Maya and Nishad, he was a crook on the run. 

4. What does Nishad find out about Mr. Nath from Ramesh and what did Nishant give Mr. Nath, according to Chapter 6 of Class 7 English Honeycomb?

Nishad found out from Ramesh that Mr. Nath ate Dal, Chapattis, and vegetables every day twice. He also had tea in the morning and evening. Every Sunday, a tall, fair, stout, and spectacled man came to have lunch with him. Unlike Mr. Nath, his guest was quite talkative. Nishad gave a chocolate bar to Mr. Nath to peek into his room and find out information about him.  

5. What is the full story of expert detectives? When did seven go to his mama's clinic?

Maya and Nishad are two siblings of ten and seven years, respectively. Mr. Nath is their mamma's patient, whom they consider to be a crook on the run. They collect information about him. While Maya writes down all the facts about him, Nishad refuses to accept that he is an escaped criminal. He wants to find the reason for his loneliness and wants to be his friend. The age of the boy is seven in the story.

The age of the boy is seven in expert detectives. Seven went to his mamma's clinic on the following day of her birthday. 

6. Where do I find NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 6 Expert Detectives Question Answer?

The Class 7th English Chapter 6 Question Answers can be found on the Vedantu page and are available for FREE download in PDF format.

7. What are some values depicted in Class 7 English Chapter 6?

The chapter, Expert Detectives Class 7 convey various important values such as empathy, curiosity, critical thinking and compassion. All these values are of utmost important and go beyond the lesson in teaching something important to Class 7 students.

8. Who is the author of ‘Expert Detectives’?

Sharada Dwivedi is the author of the Class 7 English Chapter 6 and is an extract taken from her book, The Broken Flute. She conveys various values and morals as highlighted in the chapter.

9. What is the main theme of the chapter "Expert Detectives"?

The main theme of the chapter is the exploration of judgment and empathy. It delves into how appearances can be deceptive and the importance of understanding people before forming opinions.

10. Who are the main characters in the story?

Maya, Nishad, Mr. Nath, and Ramesh(Nath’s food delivery man) are the main characters in the story. The stout, tall, fair visitor is also a featured character in the story although very little is known about him.