NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle In Good Repair
1. How can a Student Score the Highest Marks Only with the Help of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English a Bicycle in Good Repair?
NCERT Solution for Class 7th English Chapter, a Bicycle in Good Repair, is designed as per the guidelines by CBSE NCERT Syllabus. Every topic from every chapter has been explained in the solution PDF. All previous year questions and exercises are solved by the experienced experts in their respective subjects. So, no doubt if any student prepares for his/her exam from NCERT Solutions Class 7 English a Bicycle in Good Repair, then he/she will score the highest marks.
2. Is There any Alternative Option for NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English Honeycomb Chapter 9?
No, there is no alternative option for Class 7 English Chapter 9 a Bicycle in Good Repair. Vedantu is the first choice of every parent and every teacher suggests to prepare from NCERT Solution For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9. So, we also advise you to go with NCERT Solutions of Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 to score good marks in the examination.
3. What is the moral of the story ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’?
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 is A Bicycle In Good Repair. It talks about how easy it is to dismantle and break things up into several pieces but becomes very difficult to join them back again. The moral of the story is that making is much more difficult than breaking and no matter how easy and simple a task looks, there is always more to it.
4. What special treatment did the chain receive in ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’?
The chain of the author’s bicycle received special treatment at the tool shed by the friend of the author where the friend first tightened the chain so much that it stopped moving at all. And then, to fix it, the friend loosened that chain but much more than required, so it was basically of no use. You can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 for more details. The solutions are free of cost. They are also available on Vedantu Mobile app.
5. What did the boy in the story ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’ go to the tool shed for?
The cycle’s front wheel was wobbling a little and the boy also complained that the cycle became a little stiff. This is why he went to the tool shed to fix his cycle. You can visit the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 for more details. This will help you understand the story better and ensure you score good marks in the examination as well.
6. What did a friend of the author propose to him in ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’?
In the story ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair,’ which is Chapter 9 in Class 7 English Honeycomb, the friend of the author proposed to him that the next day, they should go for a bicycle ride. Since his friend dismantled the bicycle parts and could not finish fixing it by the end of the next day, they could not go on the ride. You can refer to the Vedantu website for more details.
7. In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed? Describe the fight between the man and the machine.
When the author returned from the tool shed, he was taken aback when he saw his cycle all dismantled. He saw that his friend was playing with the front wheel of the cycle with his fingers, and the entire bicycle, with all parts open, was lying on the floor beside him. To fix the bicycle, the man repeatedly had to shift his position, sometimes climbing above the cycle from different directions and sometimes lying under it. This is termed as the ‘fight’ between the man and the machine.
8. Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give reasons to justify your answer.
As mentioned in the story, the author did not feel that the front wheel of his bicycle wobbled enough to be needing a repair. In my opinion, the front wheel did not wobble in reality. The man tried to prove his knowledge regarding bicycles, hence, he forcibly said that the wheel wobbled and needed repair. You can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 for more details. The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost. They are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.