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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle In Good Repair


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair - Free PDF Download

Students who are searching NCERT Solutions Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 should download PDF available on this page. Vedantu is the best place to get accurate study material to make study simple and interesting. The experts working for Vedantu solve all questions given in the exercise as they have lots of experience in their respective subject.


NCERT Solutions for Class 7


Class 7 English

Subject Part:

English Part 1 - Honeycomb

Chapter Name:

Chapter 9 - A Bicycle In Good Repair


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

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The solutions regarding every chapter and subject follow CBSE book guidelines. So, students don’t need to go anywhere once they have downloaded the NCERT solutions PDF from here. It is one of the best keys for all those students who want to score the highest marks in the examination. With the help of NCERT Solution Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9, you can revise the entire syllabus and practice more and more questions. Subjects like Science, Maths, English will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 7 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 9 – A Bicycle in Good Repair

1. “I got up early, for me.” It implies that
(i) he was an early riser.
(ii) he was a late riser.
(iii) he got up late that morning.
Ans: It implies that (ii) he was a late riser.

2. The bicycle “goes easily enough in the morning and a little stiffly after lunch.” The remark is
(i) Humorous
(ii) Inaccurate
(iii) Sarcastic
(iv) Enjoyable
(v) Meaningless
Mark your choice(s).
Ans: The remark is (i) Humorous, (iii) Sarcastic and (iv) Enjoyable.

3. The friend shook the bicycle violently. Find two or three sentences in the text which express the author’s disapproval of it.
Ans: The following sentences express the author’s disapproval:
(i) “Don’t do that; you’ll hurt it.”
(ii) I did not see why he should shake it; it had not done anything to him.
(iii) I felt as if I should have started whacking my dog.

4. “...if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine.” What does ‘it’ refer to?
Ans: ‘It' refers to those little ball bearings of the wheel that had rolled all over the path and were lost due to this. This event occurred when the man unscrewed something on the front wheel.
Working With The Text
Answer The Following Questions.
1. Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans: No, the front wheel didn't really wobble. My opinion is similar to the author who himself says that the wheel didn’t wobble. The man said so as he wanted to prove his knowledge about bicycles and create a good impression of him.

2. In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed?
Ans: When the author returned from the tool shed, he found his bicycle in parts. The front wheel of the bicycle was removed by the man and he was turning it around between his fingers. The rest of the machinery was lying on the gravel path beside him. 

3. “Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.” Comment on or continue this sentence in the light of what actually happens.
Ans: This line was said by the man when he was trying to boast of his knowledge about bicycle repair. It was said to show his confidence in his ability to repair bicycles. The man was adamant about repairing the gearcase despite the fact that the narrator’s friend had told him never to try and repair a bicycle when the problem is in the gearcase. The narrator’s friend told him that buying a new bicycle will be cheaper than repairing the old one. But the man still went ahead for repair, mocking the narrator's friend's abilities and understanding about bicycles. In the end, the man finally splits the gearcase into two and continues to mess with the narrator's bicycle.

4. What special treatment did the chain receive?
Ans: The man interferes with the working of the chain. First, he tightens the chain to such an extent that it does not move and after that, he loosens it so much that it becomes twice as loose as it was before. 

5. The friend has two qualities — he knows what he is doing and is absolutely sure it is good. Find the two phrases in the text which mean the same.
Ans: The two phrases from the text are- cheery confidence and inexplicable hopefulness.

6. Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the machine. Find the relevant sentences in the text and write them.
Ans: The constant struggle that man has with the bicycle has been described as a ‘fight’. He tries to put all the removed parts of the bicycle back to their original position. To do so he sometimes would climb the bicycle from any of possible directions and sometimes he would go under it and lie there to repair it. This continuous change in the position of a man with respect to the bicycle has been appropriately described as 'the fight'. The sentences that describe 'the fight' are - One moment the bicycle would be on the gravel path, and he was on top of it. The next moment, the position would be reversed, he was on the gravel path, the bicycle on him. Now he would be standing flushed with victory, the bicycle firmly fixed between his legs. But his triumph would be short-lived. After being dirty and dishevelled, cut and bleeding 'the fight between the man and the machine was over. The bicycle looked as if it also had had enough of it.

Working with Language
1. Read the following sentences.

  • We should go for a long bicycle ride.

  • I ought to have been firm.

  • We mustn’t lose any of them.

  • I suggested that he should hold the fork and that I should handle the wheel. 

The words in italics are modal auxiliaries. Modal auxiliaries are used with verbs to express notions such as possibility, permission, willingness, obligation, necessity, etc. ‘Should,’ ‘must’ and ‘ought to’ generally express moral obligation, necessity and desirability.

Look at the following.

  • We should go on a holiday. (Suggestion: It is a good idea for us to go on a holiday.)

  • He is not too well these days. He must see a doctor before he becomes worse. (Compulsion or necessity: It is absolutely essential or necessary for him to see a doctor.)

  • You ought to listen to me. I am well over a decade older than you. (More empathic than ‘should’: Since I am older than you, it is advisable that you listen to me.)
    Note: ‘Should’ and ‘ought to’ are often used interchangeably.

Rewrite each of the following sentences using should/ought to/must in place of the italicized words. Make other changes wherever necessary.
(i) You are obliged to do your duty irrespective of the consequences.
Ans: You must do your duty irrespective of the consequences.
(ii) You will do well to study at least for an hour every day.
Ans: You should study at least for an hour every day. 

(iii) The doctor says it is necessary for her to sleep eight hours every night.
Ans: The doctor says she must sleep eight hours every night. 

(iv) It is right that you show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters. Ans: You should show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters. 

(v) If you want to stay healthy, exercise regularly.
Ans:You ought to exercise regularly to stay fit. 

(vi) It is good for you to take a walk every morning.
Ans: You should take a walk every morning. 

(vii) It is strongly advised that you don’t stand on your head.
Ans: You ought not to stand on your head.

(viii) As he has a cold, it is better for him to go to bed.
Ans: As he has a cold, he should go to bed. 

2. Use should/must/ought to appropriately in the following sentences.
(i) People who live in glass houses ...... not throw stones.
Ans: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

(ii) You ...... wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains. Ans: You should wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains.

(iii) You ......... do what the teacher tells you.
Ans: You ought to do what the teacher tells you.

(iv) The pupils were told that they ....... write more neatly.
Ans: The pupils were told that they should write more neatly.

(v) Sign in front of a park: You ....... not walk on the grass.
Ans: Sign in front of a park: You must not walk on the grass.

(vi) You ...... be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.
Ans: You should be ashamed of yourself for having made such a remark.

(vii) He ...... left home at 9 o’clock. He will be here any minute.
Ans: He left home at 9 o'clock. He should be here any minute.

(viii) “Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?” “How ...... I know? I have just arrived.”
“Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?” “How should I know? I have just arrived.”

3. Two or more single sentences can be combined to form a single sentence. Read the following.
I made an effort and was pleased with myself.
This sentence is in fact a combination of two sentences. 

  • I made an effort.

  • I was pleased with myself. 

Now read this sentence.
I did not see why he should shake it.
This is also a combination of two sentences. 

  • I did not see (it).

  • Why should he shake it? 

Divide each of the following sentences into its parts. Write meaningful parts. If necessary, supply a word or two to make each part meaningful.
(i) I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. (3 parts)
Ans: (a) I went to the tool shed.
(b) I went (there) to see (the tools).
(c) What (tool) I could find?

(ii) When I came back, he was sitting on the ground. (2 parts)
Ans: (a) I came back.
(b) He was sitting on the ground.

(iii) We may as well see what’s the matter with it, now it is out. (3 parts)
Ans: (a) We may as well see (it).
(b) What (is) the matter with it?
(c) It is out now.

(iv) He said he hoped we had got them all. (3 parts)
Ans: (a) He said (these words).
(b) He hoped.
(c) We had got them all.

(v) I had to confess he was right. (2 parts)
Ans: (a) I had to confess (it).
(b) He was right.

4. ‘en’ acts as a prefix (put at the beginning) or as a suffix (put at the end) to form new words.
en + courage = encourage weak + en = weaken
‘en’ at the beginning or at the end of a word is not always a prefix or a suffix. It is then an integral part of the word.
Ending, barren
(i) Now arrange the words given in the box under the three headings — prefix, suffix and part of the word.










en (prefix)

en (suffix)








Know The Summary From Here - NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9

In Class 7 English Chapter a Bicycle in Good Repair, the Author has explained the struggle between him and his well-repaired cycle. His cycle’s front wheel was wobbling but not too much. The wheel didn’t need any attention. The bicycle was in good condition, but when the Author went to the tool shed because of an important work then his friend was playing with the front wheel, and the rest of the bicycle was lying on the floor beside him.

Moreover, the chain of the bicycle receives a special treatment in which the Author’s friend tightens the chain to an extent too much that it doesn't even move. After that, he loosened it until it was twice as loose as it was before. But his friend was very confident about his work that he knows what he is doing and it is good for sure. Finally, the bicycle fixed between the legs of the Author’s friend.

The complete story is written in simple, understandable language. It is very interesting and easy to understand. At the last of the chapter, the author has asked some questions in the exercise. Firstly, four questions in Comprehension Check are related to a one-word answer. After that, working with the next section, including six questions that are easy to solve.

Then, working with the language section comes in which the first question is quite simple, the second question is to fill in the blanks, the third question is assembling words, and the fourth question is prefix and suffix. Now, five questions are asked in very short answer type questions, three questions are in short answer type questions, and two questions are in long answer type questions. You will get all answers easily in NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter a Bicycle in Good Repair.

Important MCQs from Chapter 9 of Class 7 English

1. The author and the friend had decided:

(a) to go for hunting.

(b) to go for a long drive.

(c) to go for a long bicycle ride.

(d) to go for a bus journey.

Answer: (c) The author and the friend had decided to go for a long bicycle ride

2. How did the author feel when his friend shook the bicycle violently?

(a) The author did not approve of it.

(b) The author could hardly believe it.

(c) The author did not like it.

(d) both (a) and (b).

Answer: (c) The author did not like it.

3. What were the differences of opinion regarding the wobbling of the front wheel?

(a) The friend said It wobbled.

(b) The author said that It did not wobble.

(c) The author commented on the smooth ride.

(d) both (a) and (b).

Answer: (d) both (a) and (b)

4. The friend started playing with:

(a) The friend started playing with the back wheel.

(b) The friend started playing with the front wheel.

(c) The friend started playing with the handle.

(d) The friend started playing with the seat cover.

Answer: (b) The friend started playing with the front wheel.

5. The unscrewing resulted in:

(a) The unscrewing resulted in the rolling of some dozen or so.

(b) The unscrewing resulted in the settling of some dozen or so little little balls balls.

(c) The unscrewing resulted in the sucking of balls with one another.

(d) the unscrewing resulted in both (a) and (b).

Answer: (a) the unscrewing resulted in the rolling of some dozen or so.

NCERT Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapterwise Solutions


Get the Entire Syllabus of NCERT Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9

As you all know, English is one of the compulsory subjects in the CBSE education system. If any student wants to score high percentage in their annual exam, then he/she has to score high marks in English subject too.

So, it has become imperative for all students to have a good fundamental knowledge of the English language and grammar as well. By keeping all these points in mind, we have provided the entire NCERT Class 7 English Syllabus. A student should prepare as per NCERT CBSE English Syllabus to score good marks.

The English Syllabus for Class 7 has been divided into three parts based on:

  1. CBSE Class 7 English Textbook (Honey Comb).

  2. CBSE Class 7 English Supplementary Reader (An Alien Hand).

  3. CBSE Class 7 English Grammar.

The Honeycomb Textbook Includes These Following Chapters:

  • Three Questions

  • A Gift of Chappals

  • Gopal and the Hilsa Fish

  • The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom

  • Quality

  • Expert Detectives

  • The invention of Vita – Wonk

  • Fire Friend and Foe

  • A Bicycle in Good Repair

  • The Story of Cricket

The Poems in Honey Comb are Given Below:

  • The Squirrel

  • The Rebel

  • The Shed

  • Chivvy

  • Trees

  • Mystery of the Talking Fan

  • Dad and the Cat and the Tree

  • Meadow Surprises

  • Garden Snake

The Chapters are in An Alien Hand:

  • The Tiny Teacher

  • Bringing Up Kari

  • The Desert

  • The Cop and the Anthem

  • Golu Grows A Nose

  • I Want something in The Cage

  • Chandni

  • The Bear Story

  • A Tiger in The House

  • An Alien Hand

Grammar Comprised these Following Subjects:

  • Determiners

  • Linking Words

  • Adverbs (place and type)

  • Tense forms

  • Clauses

  • Passivisation

  • Adjectives (Comparative and Superlative)

  • Modal Auxiliaries

  • Word order in sentence types

  • Reported speech


Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9

The students are provided with the NCERT questions and answers of the chapter Honeycomb which will help the students to know the important questions and also give them an idea how to frame their answers. Let us check some benefits which NCERT solutions of the Chapter Honeycomb will provide the students:

  1. The students will understand how to answer the questions. They will get a fair glimpse on how the board expects the students to answer the questions in the exam paper.

  2. They will know which are the important questions from this chapter.

  3. This NCERT solution of the chapter Honeycomb will also serve as a revision guide for the students. 

  4. By reading these NCERT solutions, the students will be able to draw a basic understanding of the chapter as well. 


Why Should I Choose Vedantu?

Vedantu is the best option for all those students who don’t want to collect huge study material of different authors. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter, a Bicycle in Good Repair, covers all topics and chapters that are necessary to read for every student. We advised all the students to go download the PDF for NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb a Bicycle in Good Repair as the experts solve it.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle In Good Repair

1. How can a Student Score the Highest Marks Only with the Help of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English a Bicycle in Good Repair?

NCERT Solution for Class 7th English Chapter, a Bicycle in Good Repair, is designed as per the guidelines by CBSE NCERT Syllabus. Every topic from every chapter has been explained in the solution PDF. All previous year questions and exercises are solved by the experienced experts in their respective subjects. So, no doubt if any student prepares for his/her exam from NCERT Solutions Class 7 English a Bicycle in Good Repair, then he/she will score the highest marks.

2. Is There any Alternative Option for NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English Honeycomb Chapter 9?

No, there is no alternative option for Class 7 English Chapter 9 a Bicycle in Good Repair. Vedantu is the first choice of every parent and every teacher suggests to prepare from NCERT Solution For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9. So, we also advise you to go with NCERT Solutions of Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 to score good marks in the examination.

3. What is the moral of the story ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’?

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 is A Bicycle In Good Repair. It talks about how easy it is to dismantle and break things up into several pieces but becomes very difficult to join them back again. The moral of the story is that making is much more difficult than breaking and no matter how easy and simple a task looks, there is always more to it.

4. What special treatment did the chain receive in  ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’?

The chain of the author’s bicycle received special treatment at the tool shed by the friend of the author where the friend first tightened the chain so much that it stopped moving at all. And then, to fix it, the friend loosened that chain but much more than required, so it was basically of no use. You can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 for more details. The solutions are free of cost. They are also available on Vedantu Mobile app.

5. What did the boy in the story ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’ go to the tool shed for?

The cycle’s front wheel was wobbling a little and the boy also complained that the cycle became a little stiff. This is why he went to the tool shed to fix his cycle. You can visit the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 for more details. This will help you understand the story better and ensure you score good marks in the examination as well.

6. What did a friend of the author propose to him in ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair’?

In the story ‘A Bicycle In Good Repair,’ which is Chapter 9 in Class 7 English Honeycomb, the friend of the author proposed to him that the next day, they should go for a bicycle ride. Since his friend dismantled the bicycle parts and could not finish fixing it by the end of the next day, they could not go on the ride. You can refer to the Vedantu website for more details.

7. In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed? Describe the fight between the man and the machine.

When the author returned from the tool shed, he was taken aback when he saw his cycle all dismantled. He saw that his friend was playing with the front wheel of the cycle with his fingers, and the entire bicycle, with all parts open, was lying on the floor beside him. To fix the bicycle, the man repeatedly had to shift his position, sometimes climbing above the cycle from different directions and sometimes lying under it. This is termed as the ‘fight’ between the man and the machine.

8. Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give reasons to justify your answer.

As mentioned in the story, the author did not feel that the front wheel of his bicycle wobbled enough to be needing a repair. In my opinion, the front wheel did not wobble in reality. The man tried to prove his knowledge regarding bicycles, hence, he forcibly said that the wheel wobbled and needed repair. You can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 for more details. The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost. They are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.