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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 8 Raheem Ke Dohe


Class 7 Chapter 8 Hindi (Vasant) NCERT Solutions - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu offers NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 8 "Raheem Ke Dohe," which provides a clear and simple explanation of the meaningful couplets by Raheem. These solutions help students understand the teachings and moral values conveyed through the dohas, while also assisting with textbook exercises. The solutions are useful for exam preparation and ensure a better grasp of the chapter's content.

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Students can refer to these solutions for a thorough understanding of the poem. Students can also check the CBSE Class 7 Hindi Syllabus and the CBSE Class 7 Hindi NCERT Solutions for a detailed look at what topics will be covered throughout the year. Download the FREE PDF of these solutions to help with your study and revision.

Glance on Class 7 Hindi (Vasant)  Chapter 8 - Raheem Ke Dohe

  • Class 7 Chapter 8 Raheem Ke Dohe presents timeless couplets written by the poet Rahim, who was known for his wisdom and moral teachings. These doshas are short yet impactful, making them easy to remember and understand.

  • Each doha in this chapter carries a profound message about values like humility, generosity, patience, and the importance of human relationships. The teachings are practical and relatable to everyday life.

  • The dohas, although written in an old style of Hindi, are explained in simple terms to ensure students grasp their meanings. The explanations focus on the essence of each couplet, making them easy to interpret.

  • The chapter urges students to think about how these moral lessons apply to their own lives. It fosters a deeper understanding of human behaviour and encourages students to practice these values.

  • The textbook provides various exercises and questions that help students dive deeper into the meaning of each doha. These activities promote critical thinking and enhance comprehension of Rahim’s wisdom.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 8 – रहीम के दोहे दोहे से

(1.) पाठ में दिए गए दोहों की कुछ पंक्तियाँ कथन है और कुछ पंक्तियाँ कथन को स्पष्ट करने वाली उदाहरण। इन दोनों प्रकार की पंक्तियों को पहचान कर अलग-अलग लिखिए।

उत्तर: कथन वाले दोहे

(1) जाल परे जल जात बहि, तजि मीनन को मोह।

रहिमन मछरी नीर को, तऊन छाँड़ति छोह||

(2) कहि रहीम संपति सगे, बनत बहुत बहु रीत।

बिपति कसौटी जे कसे, तेई साँचे मीत||

उदाहरण वाले दोहे

(i) थोथे बादर क्वार के, ज्यों रहीम घहरात।

धनी पुरूष निर्धन भए, करें पाछिली बात|| 

(ii) धरती की-सी रीत है, सीत घाम औ मेह।

जैसी परे सो सहि रहे, त्यों रहीम यह देह||

(2.) रहीम ने क्वार के मास में गरजने वाले बादलों की तुलना ऐसे निर्धन व्यक्तियों से क्यों की है, जो पहले कभी धनी थे और अब बीती बातों को बताकर दूसरों को प्रभावित करना चाहते हैं? दोहे के आधार पर आप सावन के बरसने और गरजने वाले बादलों के विषय में क्या कहना चाहेंगे?

उत्तर: आश्विन(क्वार) के महीने में आसमान में जो बादल रहते हैं वें जितना गरजते हैं, उतना बरसते नही है। कवि द्वारा इन पंक्तियों में उन व्यक्तियों की तुलना गरजते हुये बादलों से की गई है जो पहले धनी थे किन्तु आज वो निर्धन हैं परंतु फिर भी आज वें अपने मुख से घमंड युक्त पुरानी बातें करते हैं।

दोहों से आगे

(1.) नीचे दिए गए दोहों में बताई गई सच्चाइयों को यदि हम अपने जीवन में उतार लें तो उनके क्या लाभ होंगे? सोचिए और लिखिए। 

(क) तरुवर फल....सचहिं सुजान।। 

(ख) धरती की-सी. ..यह देह।।


(क) इस दोहें के द्वारा रहीम कहना चाहते है कि जैसे सरोवर अपना पानी नही पीता है और वृक्ष अपना फल नहीं खाता है, उसी तरह सज्जन व्यक्ति द्वारा एकत्रित किया गया धन अपने लाभ के लिए नही बल्कि  दुसरो के भलाई के लिए खर्च होता है। 

(ख) इस दोहे से रहीम हमें धरती के जैसे सहनशील होने के उपदेश दे रहे है। कवि कहते हैं कि अगर हम सच को स्वीकार कर लें ,तो हम जीवन की सुख - दुख की स्तिथि में एक समान व्यवहार कर पाएंगे।

भाषा की बात 

(1.) निम्नलिखित शब्दों के प्रचलित हिंदी रूप लिखिए

(जैसे-परे-पड़े रे, ड़े) 

बिपति - बादर 

मछरी - सीत


बिपति -  विपत्ति 

बादर -   बादल 

मछरी -  मछली

सीत-       शीत

(2.) नीचे दिए उदाहरण पढ़िए। 

(क) बनत बहुत बहु रीत। 

(ख) जाल परे जल जात बहि। 

उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों की पहली पंक्ति में 'ब' का प्रयोग कई बार किया गया है और दूसरी में 'ज' का प्रयोग। इस प्रकार बार-बार एक ध्वनि के आने से भाषा की सुंदरता बढ़ जाती है। वाक्य रचना की इस विशेषता के अन्य उदाहरण खोजकर लिखिए।


(1) चंदू के चाचू ने चांदी के चम्मच से चंदू को खिलाया ।(यहाँ 'च' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है) 

(2) मुदित महिपति मंदिर आए।(यहाँ 'म' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है) 

(3) तरनि तनूजा तट तमाल तरुवर बहु छाए( यहाँ 'त' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बारबार किया गया है) 

(4) हमारे हरि हारिल की लकरी(यहाँ 'ह' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है) 

(5) रघुपति राघव राजा राम (यहाँ र'शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है)

Benefits of Referring to Raheem Ke Dohe CBSE Class 7 NCERT Solutions

  • With these NCERT Solutions, students get an overview of the summary and other important topics covered in the chapter.

  • The answers are provided in simple and easy-to-understand language with a detailed explanation. Hence students can easily understand them without taking anyone’s help.

  • The pdf covers precise answers to all the chapter exercise questions in sequence, so students don’t have to waste their precious time searching for solutions. 

  • Students can download these NCERT solutions in PDF format without paying any amount and doing the registration and refer to it at their own pace.


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 8 - "Raheem Ke Dohe" provided by Vedantu offer a valuable resource for students. This chapter explores the timeless wisdom of the poet Raheem, encapsulating life's profound lessons in simple verses. Vedantu's solutions assist students in comprehending and interpreting these dohas effectively. They offer clarity on the meaning, context, and language used in Raheem's dohas, aiding students in understanding the deeper messages. By using these solutions, students can enhance their Hindi language skills and gain insights into the rich cultural heritage of India. Vedantu's NCERT solutions for "Raheem Ke Dohe" are a beneficial tool for Class 7 students to excel in their Hindi studies.

Important Study Material Links for Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 8 Class 7 - Raheem Ke Dohe


Important Study Material Links for Chapter 8 Raheem Ke Dohe


Class 7 Raheem Ke Dohe Important Questions


Class 7  Raheem Ke Dohe Revision Notes

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant - All Chapterwise Solutions

These NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant provide detailed, chapter-wise answers to all questions. They are designed to help students understand key concepts and themes, ensuring effective exam preparation.

Important Related Links for NCERT Class 7 Hindi

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 8 Raheem Ke Dohe

1. What is the main theme of Raheem's dohe in Chapter 8?

The main theme of Raheem's dohas is to impart moral lessons on humility, kindness, patience, and the importance of maintaining good relationships. Each doha carries a valuable life lesson that encourages students to reflect on their behaviour and interactions.

2. How do NCERT Solutions help in understanding Chapter 8 "Raheem Ke Dohe"?

The NCERT Solutions provide clear explanations of each Doha and its meaning. They break down the complex language and give easy-to-understand interpretations, helping students grasp the wisdom behind Rahim's words.

3. Are the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 "Raheem Ke Dohe" useful for exam preparation?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions are designed to cover all important questions related to the chapter. They help students prepare well for exams by offering detailed answers and clarifying any doubts regarding the meanings of the dohas.

4. How are the exercises in the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 beneficial?

The exercises help students understand the deeper meanings of the dohas through question-based learning. They enhance critical thinking and ensure students can apply the moral lessons in real-life situations.

5. Where can I find the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 "Raheem Ke Dohe"?

The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 are available online on educational platforms like Vedantu, where students can access and download them for free, making it easy for reference and study.

6. Are NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 8 would be enough to prepare and score great in the examination?

Yes, NCERT solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 8 would be enough to prepare and score great in the forthcoming examination. Vedantu provides a proper study module for determined students that are motivated to give their best in the examination. Vedantu provides the best resources for the NCERT revised syllabus for the year 2024-25 Class 7 Hindi examination in PDF format for free of cost. Students are advised to visit Vedantu’s website for the links of free PDFs and other study material. With Vedantu study material’s help, students must be assured to achieve good marks in the examination.

7. What did Raheem describe in his third Doha in Chapter 8 of Class 7 Hindi?

Raheem compares humanity to a tree and a sea in his third Doha. A tree does not eat its fruits, and a sea does not drink its water, therefore, Raheem compares humans to a tree and a sea. On the other hand, people are constantly willing to serve others by sacrificing their wealth in exchange for good deeds. He talks about the nature of mankind and real things that happen in the world in the rest of Dohe. So that was a quick rundown of NCERT Chapter 8 - Raheem ke Dohe for Class 7 Hindi Vasant. Students are suggested to browse Vedantu's study material in PDF format and includes related questions to better comprehend and obtain NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi free of cost.

8. What did Raheem describe in his first Doha?

In his first doha chapter, he mentions when you are wealthy, different types of people chase you and want to form a link with you, but when your situation is bad, and people keep the bond with you, those people are your actual friends, according to Rahim.

9. If we apply the truths mentioned in the following couplets in our lives, what will be its benefits? Think and write.

(a) Taruvar fal ……..

……………. Save Suzanne.

(b) Earth's ………….

……. this body

(a) Through this couplet, Raheem says that the tree does not eat its fruit, and the sea does not drink its water. Similarly, you do not use your accumulated wealth for your benefit. This money is used for others. If we imbibe and introduce this truth in our lives, then the nation in which the nature of social welfare has appeared before us will surely develop beautifully.

(b) With this, Raheem couple tries to say that one person should be saved. You have to be patient with the earth. Accepting the truth makes it easier to accept the joys and sorrows of life. You never get out of the way. We are happy in any situation. We have contentment.

10. What do we learn from Raheem's couplets?

We learn to bear our friends' happiness and sorrow from Raheem's couplets. We should have a feeling of love. We should help others just as nature always benefits us. Raheem teaches you to use your accumulated wealth for public good such as trees and lakes. In the last 22 chapters, Raheem has tried to teach us to give pleasure and happiness to the earth and life. For more questions and explanations, visit Vedantu's official website, where you will get all the material for your examination.