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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Visualising Solid Shapes Ex 13.1


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 (EX 13.1)

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Chapter 13 - Visualising Solid Shapes


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Exercise 13.1

1. Identify the nets which can be used to make cubes (cut out copies of the nets and try it):

Nets to make a cube


  1. To make a perfect cube we needed six planes and 8 corners. Although in this given image there are six plane presents. But when it is joined to make a cube one plane will overlap with another one plane. Thus, it can not be a perfect cube.

  2. To make a perfect cube we needed six planes and 8 corners. Although in this given image there are six plane presents. Through these six planes one can easily make a perfect cube. No plane will overlap upon one another. 

  3. To make a perfect cube we needed six planes and 8 corners. Although in this given image there are six plane presents. Through these six planes one can easily make a perfect cube. No plane will overlap upon one another. 

  4. To make a perfect cube we needed six planes and 8 corners. Although in this given image there are six plane presents. Through these six planes one can easily make a perfect cube. No plane will overlap upon one another. 

  5. To make a perfect cube we needed six planes and 8 corners. Although in this given image there are six plane presents. But when it is joined to make a cube one plane will overlap with another one plane. Thus, it cannot be a perfect cube.

  6. To make a perfect cube we needed six planes and 8 corners. Although in this given image there are six plane presents. Through these six planes one can easily make a perfect cube. No plane will overlap upon one another. 

      Thus, the correct option will be option (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi). 

2. Dice are cubes with dots on each face. Opposite faces of a die always have a total 


of seven dots on them. Here are two nets to make dice (cubes); the numbers inserted in each square indicate the number of dots in that box.

Nets of the dice

Insert suitable numbers in the blanks, remembering that the number on the opposite faces should total to 7.

Ans: To make them a perfect cube we should the numbers like, 

Net to make a cube

For the second diagram the boxes should be named as, 

Net box naming to make a cube

3. Can this be a net for a die? Explain your answer

Given net

Ans: No. Because one pair of opposite faces will have $1$ and $4$ on them and another pair of opposite faces will have $6$ and $3$ on them whose total is not equal to $7$.

4. Here is an incomplete net for making a cube. Complete it in at least two different ways. Remember that a cube has six faces. How many faces are there on the net here? (Give two separate diagrams. If you like, you may use a squared sheet for easy manipulation.)

Incomplete net for making cube

Ans: There three faces are given:

One of the ways to form a cube

Another way is 

Another way to form a cube

5. Match the nets with appropriate solids:

Match the correct options

Ans: To match the shapes with their nets one should have to check the shape of the solid and the number of planes. As the cube has six planes thus its net will be \[\left( {ii} \right)\]Again,the cylinder shape has one rectangle plane with two circles thus its net will be \[\left( {iii} \right)\]. For the tent shape one should have one triangular plane with a circle plane. Thus, its net will be \[\left( {iv} \right)\]. And we know the pyramid has four triangular planes with a square. Thus, its net will be, option\[\left( i \right)\].

Thus, the overall answer will be, 

Correct options for the solids

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Visualising Solid Shapes Exercise 13.1

Opting for the NCERT solutions for Ex 13.1 Class 7 Maths is considered as the best option for the CBSE students when it comes to exam preparation. This chapter consists of many exercises. Out of which we have provided the Exercise 13.1 Class 7 Maths NCERT solutions on this page in PDF format. You can download this solution as per your convenience or you can study it directly from our website/ app online.

Vedantu in-house subject matter experts have solved the problems/ questions from the exercise with the utmost care and by following all the guidelines by CBSE. Class 7 students who are thorough with all the concepts from the Subject Visualising Solid Shapes textbook and quite well-versed with all the problems from the exercises given in it, then any student can easily score the highest possible marks in the final exam. With the help of this Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Exercise 13.1 solutions, students can easily understand the pattern of questions that can be asked in the exam from this chapter and also learn the marks weightage of the chapter. So that they can prepare themselves accordingly for the final exam.

Besides these NCERT solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Exercise 13.1, there are plenty of exercises in this chapter which contain innumerable questions as well. All these questions are solved/answered by our in-house subject experts as mentioned earlier. Hence all of these are bound to be of superior quality and anyone can refer to these during the time of exam preparation. In order to score the best possible marks in the class, it is really important to understand all the concepts of the textbooks and solve the problems from the exercises given next to it.

Do not delay any more. Download the NCERT solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Exercise 13.1 from Vedantu website now for better exam preparation. If you have the Vedantu app in your phone, you can download the same through the app as well. The best part of these solutions is these can be accessed both online and offline as well.

Class 7 Maths Chapter 13: Exercises Breakdown


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Exercise 13.2

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Exercise 13.3

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Exercise 13.4

3 Questions & Solutions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Visualising Solid Shapes Ex 13.1

1. What is Chapter 13 Exercise 13.1 of Class 7 Maths all about and what will students learn here? 

Chapter 13 Exercise 13.1 of Class 7 Maths is Exponents and Powers and this exercise has the fundamental ideas related to exponents and powers. Students are going to learn the properties of exponents, associated formulas, scientific notations, the order of magnitude, and exponential laws along with other basic concepts through this chapter. 

2. What is an exponent?

An exponent refers to the process of repeatedly multiplying the same number keeping in mind the total number of times. 

Eg: 32 = 3 x 3

Thus, the use of exponents raises a given number to a certain power, wherein the exponent is called power. The number, which is raised to the power is known as the base.

Eg: in 32, 3 is base and 2 is the exponent.

3. How are exponents and powers dealt in Mathematics?

If A is any rational number with a non-zero value, and N is any natural number, then, A × A × A × A ×…..× A (N times) is considered to be A^N, where A is the base and N is the value of the exponent. Similarly, A^N is called the power and A^N is read as A to the power of N. This is how exponents and powers are dealt with in mathematics.

4. What is exponential notation?

Exponential notation is the process of the expression of large numbers as one number multiplied by 10 is raised to a power of any given exponent. Powers of exponential notations can be in either of the two forms. 

  • Positive power denoting a large number 

  • Negative power denoting a small number.