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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Hindi Chapter 3 Fibre To Fabric


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric In Hindi PDF Download

Download the Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions in Hindi medium and English medium as well offered by the leading e-learning platform Vedantu. If you are a student of Class 7, you have reached the right platform. The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science in Hindi provided by us are designed in a simple, straightforward language, which are easy to memorise.

You will also be able to download the PDF file for NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science in English and Hindi from our website at absolutely free of cost. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

NCERT, which stands for The National Council of Educational Research and Training, is responsible for designing and publishing textbooks for all the classes and subjects. NCERT textbooks covered all the topics and are applicable to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and various state boards. 

We, at Vedantu, offer free NCERT Solutions in English medium and Hindi medium for all the classes as well. Created by subject matter experts, these NCERT Solutions in Hindi are very helpful to the students of all classes.


NCERT Solutions for Class 7


Class 7 Science

Chapter Name:

Chapter 3 - Fiber To Fabric


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Science Chapter 3 – रेशों से वस्त्र तक

1. संभवत: आपने नर्सरी कक्षा में निम्नलिखित पंक्तियाँ पढ़ी होंगी:

(क) 'बा बा ब्लेक शीप हेव यू एनी वूल'

(ख) 'मेरी हेड ए लिट्ल लैम्ब, हूज़ फ्लीस वास व्हाइट एस स्नो'

ऊपर लिखी पंक्तियों के अधार पर यह बताइए कि

(i) ब्लेक शीप (काली भेड़) के किन भागों में ऊन होती है?

(ii) मेमने (लैम्ब) के सफ़ेद रोमों का क्या तात्पर्य है?


(i) ऊन हमें काली भेड़ के बछड़े के शरीर के बालों से प्रयाप्त होता है।

(ii) मेमने के सफेद रोमों का मतलब है मेमने की त्वचा के सफेद बाल होता है।

2. रेशम कीट (अ) कैटरपिलर, (ब) लार्वा है। सही विकल्प चुनिए।

(क) केवल (अ)

(ख) केवल (ब)

(ग) (अ) और (ब)

(घ) न ही (अ) और न (ब)

उत्तर: (ग) (अ) और (ब)

3.निम्नलिखित में से किससे ऊन प्राप्त नहीं होती?

(क) याक

ख) ऊँट

(ग) बकरी

(घ) घने बालों वाला कुत्ता

उत्तर: (घ) घने बालों वाला कुत्ता

4.निम्नलिखित शब्दों का क्या अर्थ है?

(i) पालन

(ii) ऊन कटाई

(iii) रेशम कीट पालन


(i) पालन का मतलब है किसी की देख रेख करना, उसके खान पान का ध्यान रखना और उसे अच्छे से बड़ा करना होता है।

(ii) भेड़ के बालों को त्वचा की पतली के साथ उतार लिया जाता है। यह प्रक्रिया को उन कटाई कहा जाता हैं।

(iii) रेशम प्राप्त करने के लिए रेशम के कीड़ों को पालना रेशम कीट पालन कहलाता है।

5.ऊन के संसाधन के विभिन्न चरणों के क्रम कुछ चरण नीचे दिए गए हैं। शेष चरणों को उनके सही क्रम

में लिखिए।

ऊन कटाई , __ , __ , छंटाई , __ , ___ ।

उत्तर: ऊन कटाई, अभिमार्जन, छंटाई, बर की छटाई, रेशों की रंगाई

6. रेशम कीट के जीवनचक्र की उन दो अवस्थाओं के चित्र बनाइए जो प्रत्यक्ष रूप से रेशम के उत्पादन से संबंधित हैं।


रेशम कीट

रेशम कीट के जीवनचक्र की उन दो अवस्थाओं के चित्र

7. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-से दो शब्द रेशम उत्पाद संबंधित हैं?

रेशम कीट पालन, पुष्प कृषि, शहतूत कृषि, मधुमक्षि पालन, वनवर्धन।

संकेतः (i) रेशम उत्पादन में शहतूत की पत्तियों की खेती और रेशम कीटों को पालना सम्मिलित हैं।

(ii) शहतूत का वैज्ञानिक नाम मोरस एल्बा है।

उत्तर: रेशम कीट पालन और शहतूत कृषि

8. कॉलम A में दिए शब्दों का कॉलम B दिए गए वाक्यों से

        कॉलम A

कॉलम B

(क) अभिमार्जन

( i ) रेशम फाइबर उत्पन्न करता    है

(ख) शेह्तुत की पत्तिया 

(ii )   ऊन देने वाला जंतु 

(ग) याक

(iii )  रेशम कीट का भोजन

(घ) कोकुन

(iv)  रीलिंग 


(v ) काटी गई ऊन की सफाई


        कॉलम A

कॉलम B

(क) अभिमार्जन

( i ) काटी गई ऊन की सफाई

(ख) शेह्तुत की पत्तिया 

(ii)   रेशम कीट का भोजन

(ग) याक

(iii) ऊन देने वाला जंतु

(घ) कोकुन

(iv)  रेशम फाइबर उत्पन्न करता    है

9. इस पाठ पर आधारित एक वर्ग पहेली दी गई है। रिक्त स्थानों को उन अक्षरों से भरने के लिए संकेतों का उपयोग करिए, जो अक्षर को पूरा करते हैं।


ऊपर से नीचे

(2) कातीत ऊन को अच्छी तरह से धोने का प्रक्रम

(1) इससे बुने वस्त्र शरीर को गर्म रखते हैं।

(3) एक प्रकार का जातव रेशा

(4) इसकी पत्तियों को रेशम कीट खाते है।

(6) लंबी धागे जैसी सरंचना जिससे बुनकर वस्त्र बनाते हैi 

(5) रेशम कीट के अंडे से निकलते है।

एक वर्ग पहेली

उत्तर:   सीधे                                             ऊपर से नीचे

2. परिमार्जन                                              1. ऊन 

3. रेशम                                                      4. शहतूत                                              

6. फाइबर                                                   5. कैटरपिलर                                                              

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric In Hindi

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions are provided everywhere on the internet with an aim to help the students to gain a comprehensive understanding. Class 7 Science Chapter 3 solution Hindi mediums are created by our in-house experts keeping the understanding ability of all types of candidates in mind. NCERT textbooks and solutions are built to give a strong foundation to every concept. These NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 3 in Hindi ensure a smooth understanding of all the concepts including the advanced concepts covered in the textbook.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 3 in Hindi medium PDF download are easily available on our official website ( Upon visiting the website, you have to register on the website with your phone number and email address. Then you will be able to download all the study materials of your preference in a click. You can also download the Class 7 Science Fibre to Fabric solution Hindi medium from Vedantu app as well by following the similar procedures, but you have to download the app from Google play store before doing that. 

NCERT Solutions in Hindi medium have been created keeping those students in mind who are studying in a Hindi medium school. These NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Fibre to Fabric in Hindi medium pdf download have innumerable benefits as these are created in simple and easy-to-understand language. The best feature of these solutions is a free download option. Students of Class 7 can download these solutions at any time as per their convenience for self-study purpose. 

These solutions are nothing but a compilation of all the answers to the questions of the textbook exercises. The answers/ solutions are given in a stepwise format and very well researched by the subject matter experts who have relevant experience in this field. Relevant diagrams, graphs, illustrations are provided along with the answers wherever required. In nutshell, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science in Hindi come really handy in exam preparation and quick revision as well prior to the final examinations. 

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Hindi Chapter 3 Fibre To Fabric

1. What are the important topics covered in Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science?

The important topics covered in Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science are the fabrics obtained from various parts of an animal, various methods like rearing, shearing, sericulture, etc and terms related to the production of silk. The life history of a silk moth in terms of the production of silk is also discussed. The NCERT questions are aptly answered on Vedantu in a way that they best cater to what is specifically asked.

2. How many questions are present in Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science?

There are a total of nine questions, out of which the first question has two subparts, the second, third and fourth questions are multiple choice questions, the fifth question is a fill in the blanks type question, the seventh question asks one to pick relevant terms, the eighth question is of match the following type and the ninth question is in the form of a crossword. You can find all the details on Vedantu.

3. Are NCERT Solutions of Chapter 3 of Class 7 Science free?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 3 of Class 7 Science are absolutely free of cost. The Fibre to Fabric Class 7 PDF has been provided by Vedantu experts for students to download and study. Students will gain a firm grasp of the subject topic with such a solution-based approach. All of the questions in Chapter 3 of Class 7 Science are designed and organised in a systematic way so that students may gradually comprehend the chapter's topics.

4. What are the benefits of NCERT Solutions of Chapter 3 of Class 7 Science?

NCERT Solutions of Chapter 3 of Class 7 Science have numerous benefits. The whole Chapter 3 of Class 7 Science has been simplified, with an emphasis on the most significant elements. This will provide the learner with a general idea of the subject. Before every examination, every student wants to review all of the chapters. Having a condensed version of Chapter 3 of Class 7 science will allow them to cover all of the subtopics in a short amount of time. In addition, the student will have extra time to cover additional chapters.

5. How are silkworms reared according to Chapter 3 of Class 7 Science?

A mother silk moth typically lays approximately a hundred eggs at a time. The silkworm growers buy these eggs, which are carefully preserved on paper or fabric strips. For the eggs to hatch, the farmers maintain an appropriate temperature, humidity, and sanitary environment. The larvae grow in size by eating fresh mulberry leaves throughout the day. The farmers maintain the larvae with the mulberry leaves on bamboo trays with clean, small chambers. After 25-30 days, the larvae stop feeding and enter the small chambers to weave the cocoon. Farmers occasionally supply tiny twigs or racks to such chambers. The pupa grows into the silk moth within the cocoon.