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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 Poem The Road Not Taken


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Get an in-depth understanding of detailed solutions to textbook questions by referring to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 1, ‘The Road Not Taken’. With these solutions, students can access the precise and simplest, ‘The road not Taken’ question answers to all the questions given in the textbook. The solutions ensure a smooth plus effective knowledge of all the advanced concepts discussed in the chapter.

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Glance on Class 9 Chapter 1 English - The Road not Taken

  • "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a poem about the significance of choices in life. It uses the metaphor of a traveller at a fork in the woods to symbolize life's decisions. 

  • The traveller, reflecting on a past choice between two paths, realizes that once a path is chosen, the chance to explore the other is lost. This highlights how decisions shape our future and underscores the importance of making wise choices, as there is no opportunity to go back and change them. 

  • The poem suggests that our lives are defined by the paths we take and those we don't, emphasising that thoughtful decision-making is crucial. 

  • View and Download FREE NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 1 PDF- The Road Not Taken. 

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 1 - Question and Answers

1. Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face?

Ans: The traveler finds himself standing at the fork of the road in a yellow wood. He needs to decide which road to choose, and he stands at the fork analyzing his dilemma.

2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you:

(i) A yellow wood

Ans: Yellowwood symbolizes the autumn season in the forest. Autumn represents the shedding of the old and the dead leaves on the tree withers away. It also refers to the old age in human life where he loses all his physical abilities, preparing to ascend to the next stage.

(ii) It was grassy and wanted wear

Ans: It conveys that the road was full of undisturbed vegetation because it was a less traveled one. The poet personifies the road by saying ‘wanted wear.’ It could imply the road wanted to be explored or traveled by visitors, which it was not.

(iii) The passing there

Ans: The phrase is used to address the other path that is frequently traveled by the visitors. He addressed the road as secondary as he was keener to explore the road with outgrown vegetation.

(iv) Leaves no step had trodden black

Ans: The poet uses the phrase to describe the untouched state of the path. After walking over the leaves their edges turn black which was not the case here. He went on a walk early in the morning, and one had walked on either of the roads, and leaves from the trees lay fresh on them.

(v) How way leads on to way

Ans: The phrase tells us about the poet's desire to try both the roads and see the destination. But he soon realizes how one way will lead to another until one is extremely far from where they started. All the decisions in life pave the way for a new one and help us create our life journey, unique for everyone.

3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them

(i) In stanzas two and three?

Ans: In stanza two, the poet explained the physical difference in the roads. One road was frequently traveled by and had a clear path with less vegetation while the other path was covered with vegetation, was not stepped on, and was used often.

In stanza three, the poet concludes that in the morning since no one had stepped on either of the roads and they were covered with fallen autumn leaves both roads were untravelled.

(ii) In the last two lines of the poem?

Ans: For the poet, in the last line, the difference arose from the fact that he chose the road that was less traveled, and it would embark him on a different journey, different from the one he would have if he chose the first road. It was not the difference in the physical appearance but the destination that it would end at.

4. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it?)

Ans: The last two lines of the poem show the poet's acceptance of reality and his being accountable for his decision. The poet made a daring choice and took the path that was challenging. He took an unexplored path in his life since wanted to do something different. Years ahead in his life, he is not disappointed by his decision. 

For a common person, the phrase reflects the everyday dilemma one must face when presented with choices. No matter how far they take him in life, one should not regret not taking the other path and wondering if life could have been better than what it is.

II. Thinking About the Poem

1. Have you ever had to make a difficult choice (or do you think you will have difficult choices to make)? How will you make the choice (for what reasons)?

Ans: No, till now I have never been presented with such a situation. There are various minor instances in our life too that present us with a choice and decisions are to be made. In such instances, we should be guided by our hearts and make the best possible decision.

In my case after completing my general education, I will have to decide upon the profession I wish to continue. I will have multiple options before me. I will try to choose a path that gives me satisfaction and mental peace. Like the poet in the poem, I would love to choose a challenging and unexplored path in my life.

2. After you have made a choice do you always think about what might have been or do you accept the reality?

Ans: I always believe in taking time and thinking about all the possible consequences before planning. Some decisions can change our life forever and hence we should go with what our heart desires. We should not try our best to not do things and take actions to satisfy others. We should give preference to our desires and wishes and work hard for them.  Therefore; I believe in sticking to my decisions and being accountable for them.

Mastering Chapter 1 Class 9 English The Road not Taken - MCQs, Questions and Answers

Here are 5 questions from the poem of Class 9 The Road Not Taken that were asked in the CBSE board examination in the last 10 years. It is imperative that you go through them for better preparation.

Read the Extract Given Below and Answer the Questions that Follow

Q1. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both 

And be one traveller, long I stood 

And looked down one as far as I could 

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

  1. At which point had the poet reached?

  2. Why was the traveller feeling sorry?

  3. Give the opposite to ‘met at a point’ from the passage? (SA-1,2014-15)

Q2: And both that morning equally lay 

In leaves no step had trodden black 

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted it if I should ever come back.

  1. Which road does the poet choose?

  2. Why was the poet doubtful about the first road?

  3. Find a word from the extract that means ‘crushed’. (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-013)

Q3. I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence;

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- 

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the difference.

  1. How did the poet make his choice about the roads?

  2. What had made a lot of difference in the poet’s life?

  3. What does the term “road” stand for? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-018)

Q4.  Then took the other, just as fair,”

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there 

Had worn them really about the same.

  1. What made the poet choose such a road?

  2. What does the poet mean by “just as fair”?

  3. Find the phrase from the extract that means “had not been used”. (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-019)

Q5. I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence;

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the difference.

  1. Write the name of the poem and the poet.

  2. Why did the poet take the road which was less travelled by?

  3. Why was the poet in dilemma? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-021)

3 Important Literary Devices in the Poem for Class 9 English Chapter 1 : The Road not Taken

Literary devices help to enhance the meaning of a poetic piece and understand the poet’s string of thoughts better. The poem from English Chapter 1 Class 9 in the book Beehive portrays literary devices in a unique and new founding way. Here are three important literary devices used by Robert Frost in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’.

Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that enables direct comparison between two like objects or items. In the second stanza of the poem, a simile can be identified in the phrase ‘as just as fair’. It enumerates how Frost compares the road less taken to the easy way that humans tend to choose in life.

Metaphor: The poetic device metaphor is quite similar to a simile, but unlike a simile, it strikes an indirect comparison between two things. In ‘The Road Not Taken’, the road acts as a metaphor for the journey of life. On the other hand, yellow woods, implying forests full of yellow leaves, are a metaphor for the decisions we make during the tough times of our lives.

Imagery: The richness and essence of every poem is enhanced by the use of imagery. A poem with imagery tends to provoke the senses of the readers and they can visualize the scenes in the poem while reading it. In this poem, Robert Frost triggers the sense of sight through vivid images of leaves, yellow woods, and the road. Readers can perceive these things while reciting the poem.

Benefits of The Road not Taken Class 9 Chapter 1 NCERT Solutions

With 100% reasoning, solutions Beehive The Road Not Taken are completely errorless. Students can get comprehensive knowledge after going through a pattern of attempting questions. Some of the benefits of referring to NCERT Solutions of Class 9 The Road Not Taken include:

  • Answers are written in straightforward language to save time as well as the efforts of students for exam preparation.

  • NCERT Solutions Class 9 English will help students acknowledge the correct presentation for attempting the final exam.

  • Practising these questions help students clear their doubts efficiently. It will enhance their confidence level in attempting the board exam.

  • Students will acknowledge the marking pattern through NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive poem 1.

  • Every major step is taken into consideration by expert teachers so that students get updated and well-formatted answers.


Robert Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’ unlocks a deeper understanding of the importance of the different choices we make in our lives. Our comprehensive solutions provide clarity on the poem's themes, literary devices, and analysis. By practicing with expert-curated answers to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1, ‘The Road Not Taken’, students can enhance their exam preparation and writing skills. Vedantu empowers students to navigate the path of literature confidently, fostering a love for English and securing academic success. Access Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 1 English - The Road Not Taken and embark on a journey of literary exploration today!

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Class 9 The Road Not Taken Important Questions

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive (Poem)

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive

Study Material for NCERT Class 9 English:

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 Poem The Road Not Taken

1. Discuss Phrases Highlighted in Class 9 English The Road Not Taken that Means to People?

In the poem “The Road Not Taken”, the poet comes across different choices to make. One was a yellow wood that denotes the forest with yellow leaves. It resembles the season of autumn to readers. The path represents a world of ageing people. The second road was grassy. The path shows that numerous people had not walked over it. The road had to be worn out by the people who walked on it.

2. What is the Difference Between the Two Roads Described in The Road Not Taken Class 9?

At the beginning of the poem, the poet tells that one of the paths he chose was grassy. When he walked on it for some distance, he realised that it was similar to other roads. In the last stanza, the poet again mentions two paths. One path determines that no one had walked over it as the leaves were still green. The poet chooses the road that had not been walked over by many people.

3. What is Chapter 1 of Class 9 English Beehive about?

The poet of the poem in Class 9 The Road Not Taken is Robert Frost. The main motive of the poem is to make the students aware of the complexities of life and how it provides us options. The roads that the poet is referring to implies to the many opportunities and options that life gives us and it is up to us to decide which options to choose.

4. Who wrote the poem Class 9 English The Road Not Taken?

The poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ is written by the American poet Robert Frost. He is also known for writing poems like “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”, etc. He was born on 26 March, 1874 in California. This poem is one of his best known works. The way he has written and described nature in this poem is remarkable and is what makes it famous. His command over the language was greatly appreciated.

5. What is the summary of the poem The Road Not Taken Class 9 English?

‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost talks about the different choices in life we experience. These choices or decisions are referred to as roads in the poem. Most of the time in life, you are faced with two or more choices. You pick one and move ahead with your choice. The decision not taken is referred to as the road not taken. The choice you make stays with you and decides your present and future.

6. Where can students find the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1?

Students can find Chapter 1 of Class 9 English complete in-depth solutions on Vedantu’s website. Vedantu provides well-articulated and free of cost answers and solutions for all the questions in the NCERT book and summaries for all chapters written by teachers with professional experience. The solutions will provide step-by-step guidance through the chapter in the form of easy-to-understand answers. Questions beyond the NCERT book are also answered. These are available on the Vedantu app as well.

7. Why did the poet have to choose one road?

The roads in the poem ‘The Road Not taken’ by Robert Frost symbolise the choices in life a person usually has to make. Making a choice can be tough or easy for the person. But making a choice or choosing a path takes the person where he/she is meant to be based on the choice they made. You cannot travel on two roads simultaneously. Hence, a choice needs to be made. The road that you do not choose is the choice you did not make when moving forward with the other choice.

8. What is the story of The Road Not Taken Class 9?

The poem doesn't have a specific story with characters and plot.  Instead, it uses the metaphor of two roads to represent a speaker faced with a difficult decision. The speaker comes to a fork in the road and has to choose between two paths, both of which are unknown.

9. What is the theme of The Road Not Taken Class 9?

The central theme of the poem revolves around making choices and the consequences that follow. It explores the human tendency to wonder "what if" when faced with a decision, and the speaker contemplates the impact of the path not chosen.

10. What is the significance of the two roads in the poem The Road Not Taken Class 9?

The two roads symbolize the different paths life can take. They represent the various choices we encounter, each leading to unique experiences and outcomes. The poem doesn't tell us which path is better, highlighting the uncertainty associated with decision-making.

11. What is the key point of The Road Not Taken Class 9?

The key takeaway is that every choice we make has a lasting impact. The speaker, looking back, reflects on the path chosen and ponders the unknown possibilities of the other road. This highlights the importance of considering options carefully and taking responsibility for our decisions.

12. Where can I find the Class 9 English Chapter 1 Question Answer PDF?

You can find the solutions for NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 1 PDF FREE Download here on Vedantu.

13. Is it enough to read the Class 9 English Chapter 1 Summary for my term examinations?

Class 9 English Chapter 1 - ‘The Road Not Taken’ is well summarized in brief, highlighting the important points here in this article. While it is well and good to go through the summary before reading the question answers, it is always recommended to go read and understand the poem itself to get a full understanding as prescribed by NCERT itself.

14. How accurate are these solutions to the Road Not Taken question and answers?

The Road Not Taken Question Answers here on Vedantu are fully curated by experts and top professionals who have over 5 years of experience in the field and are specialised in dealing with NCERT and CBSE content. This ensures that the content and solutions are comprehensive and fully accurate.