NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 Number System Exercise 1.1- FREE PDF Download
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 Number System Ex 1.1
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 Number System Ex 1.1
1. What does this chapter mainly deals with?
Ans: The chapter mainly focuses on different types of numbers. They are:
Complex Number
Imaginary Number
Real Number
Rational Number
Irrational Numbers
Whole Numbers
Natural Numbers
Natural Numbers - any of the given numbers that are used for counting purpose, starting from one, is considered a natural number.
Whole Numbers - the total union set of all the Natural numbers which includes zero are the set of whole numbers.
Integers - the set of all the whole numbers including their negative terms is called the set of integers.
Rational Numbers - any number which can be written as a ratio of two natural numbers is known as a rational number.
Irrational Numbers - any number which cannot be written in the form of a ratio of two natural numbers is known as an irrational number.
2. Give a brief on decimal and decimal classification.
Ans: Decimal is very interesting and fun part of the Number System. Decimal fractions were first introduced and used by Chinese at the end of the 4th century and then spread to the Middle East and from there to Europe. Decimals are used in our daily life without consciousness. For instance – counting of money, filling fuel into our vehicle or while measuring our weight. Decimals can never be whole numbers. Few example: 1.8, 000.23 etc.
Decimals classifications: Terminating decimal fractions are 17/4= 4.25, 21/5 = 4.2 and so on.
Non- terminating decimal fractions are 16/3 = 5.33333 , 15.35353535 etc.
Integer: All the numbers that does not have decimals in them are known as integers. Thus, -9, 4, 1476 etc. Do you know? All integers are whole numbers including the negative numbers.
3. Give an overview of the chapter Number system.
Ans: In this Chapter, you will get to learn about the different types of numbers along with their varied characteristics. The chapter primarily deals with irrational numbers, real numbers and their decimal expansion. It is followed by representing real numbers on the numbers, operating on real numbers, and lastly laws of exponents for real numbers.
You will also be able to learn about rational numbers and irrational numbers with their properties. The chapter also introduces you to:
Classification of expressions into rational or irrational numbers
Simplification of expressions
Number Line representation
4. How Vedantu will help me in exam preparation?
Our NCERT solutions are prepared by our maths experts with various real-life examples. These examples will make you understand the concept quickly and memorise them for a longer time. Solutions provided to the questions are 100% accurate in the exercises which are crisp and concise to the point.
Our solutions are the best study guides, which help you in smart learning and efficient answering of questions. These solutions will also help you in improving a strong conceptual base with all the important concepts in a very easy and understandable language. You will also enjoy learning from our solutions which are really fun and interactive.
5. Is the Chapter Number System Exercise 1.1 important for Class 9 Maths?
Ans: The Number System is one of the most important aspects of the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths. The mathematical notations produced using numbers and symbols are known as the Number System. Exercise 1.1 is a must-do to get a basic understanding of this chapter and also from the examination point of view. Vedantu will be there for you every step of the way, from comprehending rational and irrational numbers to solving problems with them.
6. Do I need to practice all the questions provided in Chapter 9 Maths Exercise 1.1 NCERT Solutions?
Ans: Yes, you must practise all of the questions in Chapter 9 Maths Exercise 1.1. Each question puts your knowledge to the test, emphasising the need for practising. Students may test themselves by answering all of the questions in this exercise, which will help them resolve their concerns and learn fundamental skills. NCERT answers provide in-depth knowledge in an easy-to-understand format.
7. Why should we refer to NCERT books for chapter 1 exercise 1.1 Maths for class 9?
Ans: The most compelling argument to utilise NCERT books is that they correspond to the CBSE curriculum to the letter. They are quite beneficial to CBSE kids. Books are factual and authored by subject matter specialists. All of the topics are described in simple terms. These answers have been created by professional lecturers to help you prepare for your exams. To boost your confidence and test result, visit the page NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 exercise 1.1 by Vedantu at free of cost on the official website and on the Vedantu app.
8. What are the different types of numbers in the number system of Class 9 Maths?
Ans: There are eight types of numbers to study in class 9:
Complex Number
Imaginary Number
Real Number
Rational number
Irrational number
Whole numbers
Natural numbers
9. What is the difference between a rational number and an irrational number?
Ans: A rational number is a ratio of two integers in which the denominator is not zero. Interestingly, a repeating decimal is also known as a rational number. A rational number is a kind of real number with a non-zero denominator. For eg: ½, 3.4 etc. A real number that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction is called an irrational number. For eg: 4/0