PDF Download JIPMER Syllabus 2025 - Physics, Chemistry & Biology
JIPMER Syllabus 2025 - Physics, Chemistry & Biology PDF Download
FAQs on JIPMER Syllabus 2025 - Physics, Chemistry & Biology PDF Download
1. Where can students get the syllabus of the JIPMER examination?
The online learning platform ‘Vedantu' provides the syllabus for all the subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the form of a PDF file. They can even download these PDF files. These files are free of cost on Vedantu’s mobile app and website and will help students in preparing well for the exam. Vedantu also provides other study materials like question papers with their solutions. If students will be aware of the syllabus then they can easily make their timetable and can give most of their attention to the significant topics.
2. What is the exam pattern of the JIPMER exam?
The JIPMER examination mode is offline. The language used in the paper is English. The question paper contains 200 questions which are MCQs. The time duration given to a candidate to finish their exam is 2 hours and 30 minutes. There are overall 5 sections in the question paper. These are as follows:.
Physics – 60 questions
Chemistry – 60 questions
Biology – 60 questions
Quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning - 10 questions
English language and comprehension – 10 questions
The examination pattern plays an important role during the preparation of the examination.
3. How to score well in the JIPMER examination?
With effective strategies, candidates can easily score qualifying marks in the JIPMER exam. Firstly, students should be thorough with the syllabus and the exam pattern of JIPMER. After that, they should make a perfect schedule so that they can manage their time. They should prefer the NCERT book to understand and learn each topic. Working out on sample papers and mock test papers will help them to make a strong grip over every topic. Besides the NCERT book, they can use other reference books to get the detailed explanation of the concepts.
4. What is the syllabus of Chemistry for the JIPMER exam?
The syllabus of Chemistry for the JIPMER examination includes the topics from the curriculum of Class 11th and Class 12th. The topics are listed below:
Chemistry in everyday life
Chemical kinetics
Solid state
Surface chemistry
P-block elements
D and f block elements
Isolation of elements
Coordination compounds
Haloalkanes and haloarenes
Molecular structure and chemical bonding
Organic compounds with nitrogen
Phenols and ethers
Carboxylic acids and ketones
Students have to study the above-mentioned topics to solve the Chemistry questions.
5. What are the other subjects beside Physics, Chemistry and Biology included in the JIPMER syllabus?
Besides Physics, Chemistry and Biology, the other subjects which are included in the JIPMER syllabus are English language and Mathematical and logical skill. The topics of these subjects are given below:
1. English Proficiency and Comprehension
Unseen passages, writing skills, note-making, literature and paragraph reading.
2. Reasoning Skill and Quantitative Aptitude
Coding-decoding, mathematical questions, theme detection, blood relationships, alphabet and number series, substitution and figure completion test.
As these subjects or topics are very scoring thus, students should practice them so that they can attempt the questions in the examination.