NEET Important Questions Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques
Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques NEET Questions 2025
FAQs on Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques NEET Questions 2025
1. What is present in NEET - Important Questions Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques?
NEET - Important Questions Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques is like a question bank that contains questions from all relevant sections of the chapter. It contains 45 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to the topic. The questions range from easy to difficult such that students get experienced with all types of questions. The pattern of questions is designed based on questions asked in the previous year. Important Questions can help students to prepare well for the NEET Exam.
2. Why should I go through NEET - Important Questions Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques?
All students appearing for the medical entrance exam must go through NEET - Important Questions Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques. The question bank can help the appearing students in multiple ways:
Revise topics studied in the chapter through questions
Assess your memory related to the topics you have covered in the chapter
Analyze which topics are given more attention in the exam.
Get an idea about the pattern of questions framed by NEET.
Revise IUPAC nomenclature and practice it more often.
Try remembering the structure of important compounds.
Remember the order of s-character, bond length, and bond energy order for alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes
3. What are the types of organic reactions mentioned in NEET Organic Chemistry?
The syllabus of Organic Chemistry provided by NEET discusses five major types of organic reactions, that is, substitution reaction, addition reaction, elimination reaction, concerted reaction, and disproportionation. Substitution reactions and addition reactions are further subdivided into nucleophilic, electrophilic, and free-radical reactions. Elimination reactions are also divided into α elimination and β elimination. Questions are asked majorly on substitution reaction, addition reaction, and elimination reaction in medical entrance exams. Students must learn the reactions properly to score high marks in Organic Chemistry.
4. What is the weightage of topics in the NEET Organic Chemistry paper?
Several questions are asked from Organic Chemistry in the NEET Examination. Maximum questions of this part come from the topic of aromatic compounds. Other topics which are also asked in NEET are IUPAC and isomerism, basic concepts of Chemistry, organic compounds containing nitrogen, carbonyl compounds, biomolecules, alkyl halide, alcohol, ether, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, hydrocarbons, haloalkane, and polymer. Therefore, students should go through these topics very religiously to crack NEET.
5. What are the necessary tips that students should follow to ace the Organic Chemistry part of the NEET Examination?
There are certain essential tips and tricks that each student should follow so that they can do well in the Organic Chemistry part of their NEET Examination. Certain tips that we recommend students to follow are:
Don't try to mug up everything. You just need to remember and understand the basic things in Organic Chemistry and the rest of the course will become easy for you.
Keep atomic and chemical properties of nitrogen and halogen groups in mind.
Be clear with IUPAC nomenclature.
Also, go through NCERT books once, so that you are clear with the basics of Organic Chemistry.