Penicillium is a type of fungus, which is commonly known as green or blue mould. This fungus can be divided into 300 distinct species. Notably, these fungi are essential for a wide range of medicinal purposes. Furthermore, people also use them in the creation of organic acids and cheese. Penicillium belongs to the genus of saprophytes, which are the organisms that feed on the dead and decaying organisms. This fungus helps in producing cheese, organic acids and antibiotics. It can be naturally found in places like dead and decaying matter, moulds, soil, air, etc.
However, before you can appreciate the various characteristics of penicillium fungi, you must know about their classification and division. Read on to understand its life cycle, structure and reproductive traits, which are vital for your NEET curriculum. Without such knowledge, your biology preparation for competitive examinations like NEET may be incomplete. Refer to the official website of Vedantu or download the app for an elaborate and comprehensive explanation.
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The following table outlines the fungus’s classification in detail.
Penicillium Classification
Penicillium Diagram
The diagram above showcases the various structures, namely monoverticillate, biverticillate, terverticillate and quaterverticillate in penicillium.
Characteristics of Penicillium
The fungus exhibits the following characteristics, from which you can also glean its structure.
The cell wall comprises of chitin and glucose polysaccharide.
Multicellular mycelium defines the vegetative penicillium structure.
Thread-like filamentous branched and multinucleated structures make up the mycelium. These are also known as hyphae.
Conidia production occurs in basipetal order, which means that the base holds the youngest conidium.
The cell relies on the septa’s central pore to maintain cytoplasmic continuity.
Food storage occurs in the form of oil globules.
Ascospores represent endogenous sexual spores.
Conidiophores represent asexual spores created exogenously.
A few of the mycelia may form deeper into the cell’s substratum, primarily to derive food.
Penicillium Reproduction
Reproduction can occur by vegetative, sexual or asexual processes. The first form of reproduction is the easiest to understand, while others involve some complex steps.
Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction relies on the formation of ascospores. Here are some salient features of sexual reproduction in penicillium.
Penicillium can be either homothallic (male and female sex organs in the same thallus) or heterothallic (male and female sex organs present on different thallus).
The female sex organ is ascogonium, while the male one is referred to as antheridium.
Cells from vegetative mycelium form a single ascogonium cell, which, in turn, undergoes nuclear division. After division, 32 to 64 nuclei are created.
The antheridium branch under development coils around this ascogonium.
Post maturation, the ascogonial wall touches and fuses with the bending antheridium. Without the presence of cell walls, the cytoplasm from male and female cells mix, undergoing plasmogamy.
The ascogonium walls repeatedly divided, creating several binucleate cells. These cells are positioned one above the other.
The last dikaryotic cell formed through such ascogonium divisions grows large, leading to the creation of an ascus cell.
Diploid zygotes undergo meiosis and mitosis to create 8 distinct ascospores.
As soon as the ascus wall dissolves, these ascospores are released and attached to a suitable substratum.
After germ tube formation, these ascospores develop into branched mycelium.
This completes a sexual reproduction process for penicillium.
Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction is primarily carried out by conidiophores. Here is the process by which such reproduction occurs.
Branched or unbranched conidiophores separate into metulae.
Flask-like phialide cells form at the end of such metulae, which gives rise to conidia.
Through mitosis, these phialide cells form a conidium. Additional mitotic divisions push the first conidium outwards, driving the formation of a second conidium. This process repeats several times.
Such conidia can have a variety of shapes and colors. Possible colors include yellow, blue and green. It can come in elliptical or oval shapes.
Detachment of conidia occurs after maturity, after which it is dispersed by the wind.
They attach to suitable surfaces and undergo germination.
Germination occurs through germ tube formation, after multiple mitotic nucleus divisions. This process eventually gives rise to a branched and mature mycelium.
Lastly, we must learn about the vegetative reproduction process among penicillium species.
Vegetative Reproduction
The simplest form of reproduction, this process occurs accidentally. Accidental fragmentation of the mycelium is responsible for such propagation in penicillium. Each of these fragments grows just like its mother mycelium.
Quick Question
Q. What is the name of the male and female organ in penicillium fungus?
Ans: The male sex organ is antheridium, while the female sex organ is known as ascogonium.
Economic Importance of Penicillium
Now that you know all about penicillium and its propagational methods, let us take a look at some of its real-world usage.
Antibiotics – Alexander Fleming was able to isolate the penicillin antibiotic from penicillium in 1929. This discovery became the cornerstone for the treatment of bacterial infections, so much so that it is still used across the world today.
Making Cheese – Penicillium species are essential additives for the creation of certain cheese, such as Camembert, blue cheese, Roquefort cheese and Brie cheese.
Antifungal Medication – This fungus is a crucial element in many antifungal drugs as well.
Ill- Effects Associated with Penicillium
Penicillium causes health issues in people with weak immune systems
It causes skin issues once the immune system collapses in human beings
Some species of penicillium are carcinogenic which means they have cancer- causing elements in them.
Some species of penicillium causes breathing issues when they are inhaled unknowingly
The marrefenei species cause damage to the lungs, bone marrow spleen and kidneys if they enter our body
It also causes harmful diseases like keratitis which affects the cornea of the human eye, and allergic diseases to people who work in the cheese industry.
People who are badly affected by penicillium show these symptoms: fever, discomfort, weight loss, cough, swollen lymph nodule and diarrhoea rarely.
Common Species of Penicillium
Penicillium notatum is found in many food items, things made of leather, the cheese industry, producing antibiotics and organic acids.
Penicillium chrysogenum is mostly found indoors where there is more humidity, dumped water and wastes etc., it is also found in damp soil, degrading waste etc,
Penicillium camemberti is also used in producing certain cheese types like Camembert and Brie cheeses. Hence, it has huge economic importance.
Penicillium claviforme is also known as “synnema” which means “pillow”. It has huge importance in the economic and medical fields as it has a known advantage in producing penicillium for medical usage.
Penicillium echinulatum is also mostly found in indoor environments and discarded moist places. Similar to the above-mentioned species, this is also used in producing antibiotic penicillium.
Penicillium glaucum
Penicillium roqueforti, unlike the other species, is not harmful to human beings as it does not produce any harmful toxins by itself.
Biology Preparation for the Best Results
Biology is a crucial part of your NEET preparation. Therefore, ensure you focus greatly on learning the characteristics of Penicillium. Memorizing its classification and characteristics can fetch you easy marks in this competitive examination.
However, while studying the life cycle of Penicillium, do not forget about your health. Students often spend an inordinate amount studying, so much so that they neglect necessities like food and sleep. Make sure that you do not make the same mistake. While preparations are important, adequate rest and a balanced diet are also crucial for long-term success.
All the best!
FAQs on Penicillium
1. Where are Penicillium Naturally Found?
Penicillium naturally occurs in decaying soil, vegetation and air. These fungal growths can spoil food items and colonise leather products. Furthermore, they lead to the formation of mould inside houses where adequate moisture is present.
2. How Can You Identify Penicillium by Its Structure?
Identifying penicillium from its structure is simple, as they are characterised by their branching structures. Look for an elongated body, which ends in flask-shaped clusters, known as phialides.
3. What are the Three Reproductive Processes of Penicillium?
Penicillium can propagate in three ways which are sexual, asexual and vegetative. This last procedure only occurs in accidental cases, where the mycelium fragments into two or more parts.
4. What are the benefits and disadvantages of the Penicillium bacteria?
Penicillium is a type of saprophytic fungi that can be found on dead and decaying organisms. It is generally found in soil, air, and decomposing material in our surroundings. We can not strictly delineate whether this fungus is beneficial or harmful. There are advantages of this bacteria:
In the dairy industry to make cheese. Penicillium roqueforti is used to make roqueforti cheese.
In producing many acids like tartaric acid, citric acid etc., and many enzymes like proteases, cellulase
Historically, penicillium moulds were used to treat the soldiers in World War 2
Artificially injected penicillium helps in breaking the protection wall of the bacteria.
It is used to suppress the tumours and also in the mycoremediation process which is nothing but removing wastes from the environment.
Issues with the Penicillium:
Causes allergy and infections to weak people
Makes the immune system weak and prone to skin issues
Some moulds produce carcinogenic agents, they are cancer-causing agents
Some species can cause breathing issues, organ damage when they are inhaled
One species of marneffei causes damage to the lungs, spleen, bone marrow and also kidneys when they are ingested.
5. What is the disease caused by Penicillium?
Penicillium is a type of saprophytic microorganism which feeds on dead and decaying matter. Hence, they are mainly found in such places. They are also found in soil and air. It can cause many diseases in humans like keratitis, otomycosis, urinary tract infections, allergic pulmonary diseases, peritonitis, pneumonia etc.,
Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea which is present in the human eye. It covers the pupil and iris of the eye. Hence, it is an essential part of facilitating vision
Otomycosis is an ear infection. People living in the tropics and subtropics are more prone to this compared to others. Another name for this disease is fungal otitis externa.
Urinary tract infections can affect any part of the urinary system from the bladder to the kidneys. Other reasons for these problems are sexual intercourse, diabetes, poor personal hygiene, bowel incontinence etc.,
Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum which is present in the abdomen. It surrounds the abdomen and protects all its organs. Belly pain, nausea, vomitings, swollen belly, fever are some of its symptoms