Medical termination of pregnancy is a procedure of doing an abortion. This procedure does not need any significant surgery or anesthesia in an office or at home. It is a completely legitimate process and as well as safer during the first quarter period of pregnancy. Reproduction is highly necessary for the carrying-on of the existence of a species, but due to the daunting growth will lead to the minimization of many necessities. Well, let us take a glance at this medical termination procedure.
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What is Medical Termination of Pregnancy?
Abortion or Medical Termination of Pregnancy is the expulsion of the pregnancy tissue, fetus, and placenta from the womb. Generally, these terms placenta and fetus are taken into consideration after the 8th week of pregnancy. Well, the coalescence of an egg and sperm lead to the pregnancy tissue and conception products which occur prior to the eight weeks. The diverse terms of abortion include induced abortion, termination of pregnancy, elective abortion, and therapeutic abortion.
What Is It Used For?
In order to concatenate an unplanned Medical Termination of Pregnancy, abortion is done. It happens when protection such as birth control pills are not taken or may be used incorrectly, or it fails to impede a pregnancy. Apart from that, termination of pregnancy can be done when tests elicit abnormal fetuses. Therapeutic abortion is recommended when the mother’s health is in danger. The maximum of the termination process is done during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
The doctor will examine the patient to confirm the pregnancy. In many cases, ultrasonography is done to ascertain how many weeks are running of pregnancy and also the size of the fetus to ensure it is not an ectopic pregnancy. Thereafter, a blood test will be done to determine the type of blood, such as Rh positive or negative. The pregnant women with Rh-negative blood type are at high risk of functioning against the Rh-positive fetus blood. That is why Rh-negative women receive an injection of Rh immunoglobulin to restrain Rh-associated problems after an abortion.
How Is It Done?
Doctors may use several treatments, surgery, or an amalgamation of both to concatenate a pregnancy. If abortion is done before 9 weeks, then it only requires medications. If it is done in between 9 to 14 weeks, it requires an operation to remove the embryo. The abortions after 14 weeks require labor-inducing treatments.
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP):
The abortion gets finished with a certain treatment is called medical transcription, which can be performed within 70 days of gestation. Many doctors use an amalgamation of misoprostol and mifepristone.
Misoprostol: To induce a medical termination, Misoprostol is used with the combination of mifepristone. It is a prostaglandin-like drug that leads to the contraction of the uterus. There are some ways to assimilate the drug. The effective method is to insert the drug vaginally, but swallowing the pills are less effective and possess higher side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
Mifepristone: It is to be taken orally, and this drug inverses the effect of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. It causes side effects such as nausea, vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, etc. This could be more fruitful if mifepristone is taken with misoprostol after 24 to 45 hours later.
In sparse cases, if pregnancy is going on after the severe medications, there could be a chance of begetting a deformed baby. The danger is higher with misoprostol. A surgical procedure can be needed if the woman bled heavily, or the pregnancy tissue may not completely leave the body within the two weeks of an abortion. A woman should not be going through a medical termination of Pregnancy process (MTP) if she:
Is pregnant for more than 70 days.
Possesses bleeding issues and has taken blood-thinning treatment.
Is unable to attend the medical visits to make sure the abortion is completed.
Possesses unrestrained seizure disorder.
Possesses severe inflammatory bowel disease.
Surgical Abortion:
Menstrual Aspirations: After missing a menstrual period within one to three weeks, menstrual extraction is done by the doctor to dispel the remaining tissue of an unfinished miscarriage. It is to be done by inserting a flexible and small tube to the uterus, and local anesthesia is done to minimize the pain of extending the cervix. This process lasts about only 15 minutes, and all the medications are given intravenously.
Suction Abortion: In this process, an electrical pump is used to suck out the embryo from the uterus. The cervix is widened, and a robust hollow tube is inserted into the uterus. This process takes about 15 minutes, and all the medications are given intravenously to alleviate the pain.
Abdominal Hysterotomy: This is the most vital operation to dispel the fetus from the womb through an excision in the abdomen. Anesthesia is mandatory in this process to keep the patient unconscious.
FAQs on Medical Termination of Pregnancy
1. What are the risks of Medical Termination of Pregnancy?
A: The jeopardies of an abortion process includes bleeding, infection, nausea, incomplete abortion means the incomplete removal of pregnancy issue.
2. What is Methotrexate?
A: Methotrexate is the medication process of abortion, but it is not often prescribed if mifepristone or misoprostol is available.
3. Can abortion be done after 80 days of pregnancy?
A: Generally, abortion should not be done after 70 days of pregnancy. It could be pernicious for your health.