After the successful conclusion of the day one paper for JEE Main 2022, students on day two faced some unexpected issues. As sourced from a number of students, a few Hyderabad centres faced server down issues. The unidentified issue resulted in a distorted display of some questions, reported students.
Also read - JEE Main 2022 Day 2 Shift 1 Exam Analysis
The issue was identified when one of the Moosarambagh centres failed to start the paper by 9 AM. Of 225 candidates, nearly 135 were not allowed to enter the hall. Only after insisting authorities notify the server issues the parents. Officially, candidates are required to report to the centres before 7:30 AM.
Not only display, but even the registration process also had issues. According to students, the scanning and registration steps were interrupted due to server issues. As the shift 1 JEE Main exam started late, the students for shift 2 also had to wait.
As of now, such issues are identified from Hyderabad centres only. No such similar reports have emerged from any other centres so far.