Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) has declared the Class 12 results at 4 PM today. The appeared students can check the result online on (upresults.nic.in). In addition, the Class 10 result 2022 has also been released at 2 PM on the board’s website.
This year, 85.33 percent of students have cleared the exams. Girls outshined boys with 90.15 and 81.21 pass percent, respectively. From a total of 22,36,578 appeared students, 9,28,706 girls and 9,80,543 boys have passed the exam.
Leading the toppers list is Divyanshi with 95.40 percent. The second position is shared between Yogesh Pratap Singh and Anshika Yadav with 95 percent.
Step 1: Open upmsp.edu.in
Step 2: Click on the ‘Result Class 12th - 2022’ link
Step 3: Select District and Exam year
Step 4: Enter roll number
Step 5: The result will be available for view & download
Step 2: Send it to 56263