ICO 2024-25 Results: Get Complete Details Here
ICO 2024-25 Result
FAQs on ICO 2024-25 Result
1. Who is eligible to compete in the ICO olympiad?
Ans: The Science Olympiad Foundation (S0F) International Commerce Olympiad (ICO) test is open to all students in Classes 11 and 12. The CTF will not accept fewer than 20 submissions from a single class or 10 from Class 11 and 12. (in case one of the classes is participating). The foundation has not established any further ICO test qualifying conditions, such as minimum marks. Students must fulfil the ICO eligibility 2024-25 requirements mentioned below to apply for SOF ICO.
2. My school has already dispatched the registration form. I was left out and I would like to register for the olympiad exam. What should I do?
Ans: International Commerce Olympiad (ICO) is a single-level test. Only students in grades 11 and 12 are eligible to participate in ICO. Students from various academic areas are welcome to compete in the International Commerce Olympiad (ICO). By letting students demonstrate their talents, capabilities, memories, and knowledge, ICO makes learning entertaining and engaging for them. You can ask your school to email SOF your pertinent information and fee right away. They will accept it if it arrives before the registration deadline (usually 30 days before the exam).
3. From where do I get the latest important sample papers?
Ans: You get the latest important sample papers at vedantu.. They have the most recent Important Question Papers for the International Cyber Olympiad (ICO) for classes 11 and 12. Download a free PDF of ICO Important Questions to help you prepare for your test. All of the ICO free Important Question Papers are written by subject specialists and are based on the most recent exam pattern. If you're studying for the International Cyber Olympiad test and want to lay a strong foundation for higher-level competitive exams, these ICO Important Questions free PDFs will help.
You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.
4. Are Olympiad exams compulsory?
Ans: No. Only school children are eligible to take the SOF Olympiad tests. The Olympiad is only open to students in grades 1 through 12. It's also worth noting that there's no requirement for a minimum grade or any other criterion. Participating in an olympiad has several advantages. Olympiads help pupils improve their thinking skills.
They assist pupils in evaluating their talents and gaining a better understanding of their potential. They assist pupils in identifying their deficiencies, which may subsequently be addressed. Olympiads test students' intellects in ways that encourage them to learn more about scientific concepts.
5. Can students apply for the SOF ICO test if their school has less than five students interested?
Ans: Yes, students can apply for the ICO 2024-25 exam even if their schools have less than 5 students interested in taking the SOF ICO test. All students of Classes 11 and 12 are eligible to participate in the SOF ICO 2024-25 exam.