Know Everything about Class 5 IEO Syllabus
FAQs on IEO Syllabus for Class 5th English 2024-25
1. What information is included in IEO Results?
Ans. Students who have taken the IEO examinations can view their results on the SOF foundation's official website. Students can view their results by inputting their roll number and school code.
The following are the details highlighted in the IEO findings:
Name of the student
Classification and section
Total points
Marks obtained
Name of the school
International ranks
Zone rankings
International award won by student
Zonal award won by student
A high score on this examination rewards students with cash awards, medals, gifts, certificates, and other prizes.
2. What are the awards offered to the International English Olympiad winners?
Ans. The SOF International English Olympiad, which will take place in the academic year 2024-25, will award IEO Awards to the victors. Students who perform very well in the exam at the school, zonal, and global levels will be recognised. The regulations for granting rewards to students are as follows:
Second-level winners in Classes 3–12 will be recognised at the International, Zonal, and Class topper levels.
Prizes will be awarded to Class 1 and Class 2 winners.
Each winner will only be able to receive one examination reward.
Only the highest level prize will be awarded to the winners.
The top three international rank holders will receive prizes depending on their international placements.
The following rank holders will receive zonal ranking prizes.
The following rank holder will receive the class award of a Zonal award winner.
3. What are the rewards awarded to the zonal level IEO winners?
Ans. 1st rank students get gifts worth Rs 1000/- each, as well as a Zonal Gold Medal* and a Certificate of Zonal Excellence.
Students who place 2nd rank get gifts worth Rs 1000/- each, as well as a Zonal Silver Medal* and a Certificate of Zonal Excellence.
The 3rd student rank receives gifts worth Rs 1000/- each, as well as a Zonal Bronze Medal* and a Certificate of Zonal Excellence.
Students in the 4th to 10th ranks receive gifts of Rs 500/- each. Distinction Medal + Distinction Certificate
Students ranked 11th to 25th get a *Medal of Distinction and a *Certificate of Distinction.
Students who achieve a rank of 26 or above are awarded a Merit Certificate.
4. Is it possible to achieve a decent grade in IEO?
Ans. Simple recommendations to assist you to pass the IEO:
1. Locate research materials and resources: Prepare your study materials ahead of time. Don't squander your valuable time looking for study materials at the last minute.
2. Consistent effort: Achieving success in IEO is not a one-time or two-day event. It takes a lot of effort and patience. If you don't see success right away, don't give up. Continue to push yourself. You will soon begin to notice the consequences. Make a schedule. It must be properly followed. Practice a variety of questions based on the patterns of past year IEO papers. Work on your weaknesses.
3. Consistent Work: Grammatical demands a lot of practice, and you must comprehend uncommon grammar usages. Only by working hard and covering every area of the issue will you be able to grasp the principles. It will boost your confidence and ability to tackle any English question.
4. Get enough sleep before the exam: A calm, collected, and relaxed mind is required for mastering tough English problems. Do not overwork yourself in the run-up to examinations. Get a good night's sleep the night before the exam.
5. Are admit cards required for Class 5 IEO?
Ans. The IEO admit card is one of the most important documents required in the test hall. Students can get their IEO admission cards from their schools. The admission card contains information such as the exam venue, address, time, and instructions. Each Olympiad level will have its own set of admission cards.
However, if students do not receive their admission cards, they can request that their Principal/English Teacher notify the conducting authorities of their non-receipt. The conducting authority will deliver duplicate copies to schools upon request.