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NCO Olympiad Class 1 Syllabus


The NCO Olympiad Class 1 Syllabus has been announced on the website of SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation). The exam will be conducted following the SOF NCO syllabus for Class 1. The following is a detailed description of the updated NCO syllabus for Class 1. Here, Vedantu offers a quick yet detailed overview of the NCO Syllabus for Class 1. The PDF of the syllabus that the children need for this exam is given here.

NCO Class 1 Syllabus 2024-25

Class 1

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Spatial Understanding

  6. Grouping

  7. Analogy

  8. Ranking Test

  9. Problems based on Figures.

  1. Introduction to Computers

  2. Parts of Computer

  3. Uses of Computer

  4. Keys and Keyboard

  5. Computer Mouse

  6. Starting and Shutting down the Computer

  7. Introduction to MS-Paint

  8. Latest Developments in the field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

NCO Class 1 2024-25 Eligibility

NCO requires no specific eligibility criteria for participation. Students studying in standards 1-10 can appear for the exam.

NCO Class 1 2024-25 Registration Process

All schools that are registered with the Science Olympiad Foundation, receive a prospectus containing the registration forms for students of Class 1. The registration forms are distributed to students. The school then returns all the filled forms within the due date as mentioned in the prospectus.

NCO Important Dates - Exam and Result



  • There are 2 dates schools can choose for the conduction of NCO Exam.

  • The school can select either of these  2 dates - 28th November 2024 & 19th December 2024.

  • NCO Results are expected to be  declared within 8 weeks of each Exam. 

  • The results are sent to schools as well as uploaded on the official website.


NCO Class 1 Exam - Structure and Pattern

Class 1


No of Questions

Marks for Each Question

Total Marks


Logical Reasoning




Computers & IT




Achievers Section




Grand Total




Grand Total



NCO Class 1 Sample Papers

The Science Olympiad Foundation has released NCO Sample Paper - Olympiad  for students of Class 1. These sample papers will aid the participating students in scoring good marks. The students can practice these sample papers to get an idea about the type of questions to be asked. This will also help the students to time themselves efficiently for the test.

NCO Olympiad Class 1 Syllabus was discussed in detail in this content. Hope the students of Class 1 have gained enough knowledge from this discussion. The students are required to download the pdf of syllabus of their respective classes and use them for later use.

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FAQs on NCO Olympiad Class 1 Syllabus

1. What is the duration of the NCO Exam for Class 1?

The NCO Exam for Class 1 is conducted for 1 hour.

2. How many students appear for the NCO Exam?

A total of about 5 million students appear for the NCO Exam annually.

3. How do I prepare for Class 1 Olympiad?

Parents can help with easy preparation through Vedantu’s NCERT  solution which will help the child to be familiar with a variety of questions. The explanation of each topic is very simple and easy to understand.  Getting familiar with the mock test, and solving the papers will polish their preparation.

4. What is the best method for Class 1 children for the preparation of NCO?

Since Class 1 children are young, they should be made familiar with the study timetable and most importantly to follow them. Usually, children easily get distracted and are not able to continuously sit and concentrate. So the timetable will help students in developing focus and concentration At the same time, this has to be a slow process and the kids should not feel pressurized.

5. What is the full form of NCO Exam?

NCO stands for National Cyber Olympiad. This is a single level exam that helps students to develop analytical and problem solving skills.