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NSO Exam 2024-25 - The National Science Olympiad (NSO)


NSO 2024-25 – All details about the National Science Olympiad

The National Science Olympiad is a national-level science examination conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. The NSO is an annual scholarship exam conducted for students enrolled in Classes 1 to 12. The NSO is a competitive exam aimed to cultivate scientific reasoning and logical ability among students. The SOF NSO is a rigorous test conducted at two levels - Level 1 and level 2. Students participating in the NSO exam get good exposure to participating in a competitive examination, providing them with a window to higher-level competitive examinations. For complete information on SOF NSO, go through the article below. 


NSO - About SOF

The SOF, which conducts the NSO and a host of other competitive exams, is an educational organisation. The organisation aims to popularize academic competition and inculcate a competitive spirit among school children. A group of leading scientists, media personalities, and academicians jointly established the SOF around 25 years ago. The initiative applies several innovative activities that promote critical thinking ability among students and helps them develop an analytical attitude. SOF also encourages the use of IT in the learning process involving students enrolled in schools across the world. 

The key dates of the NSO exam for the year 2024-25 are provided in the table below. Candidates must, however, note that the NSO key dates may change depending on the impact of COVID on the functioning of schools.

The National Science Olympiad (NSO) Exam 2024-25

NSO 2024-25: Key Dates



NSO Exam Date 1

18th Oct 2024

NSO Exam Date 2

12th Nov 2024

NSO Exam Date 3

3rd Dec 2024

NSO Exam Admit Card

Two weeks before the exam

NSO Exam Answer Key 


NSO Exam Stage 1 Result

Last week of January 2025

NSO Exam Cut off

To be announced

NSO Admit Card for stage 2

March 2025 Tentative

NSO Exam Stage 2 Date

March 2025 Tentative

NSO Exam Stage 2 Result

March 2025 Tentative

NSO – Eligibility

The SOF specifies the eligibility criteria for the NSO Level 1 and Level 2 exams. 

NSO Level 1 Eligibility Criteria

As per the NSO eligibility criteria, students enrolled in classes 1st to 12th are eligible to appear for the NSO Level 1 exams and there is no minimum marks requirement.

NSO Level 2 Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for NSO Level 2 exam specify that only students between Classes 3 and 12 need to appear in the exam. Additionally, only certain selected students of these classes who qualify for the Level 1 exam of NSO are eligible to appear for the second level. These students include: 

  • Class-wise top 5% of students, appear for the Level 1 exam.

  • Zone-wise and class-wise top 25 rank holders.

  • Class toppers from each of the participating schools where a minimum of 10 students from a class appear in the exam and obtain 50% qualifying marks. 

  • In case section-wise registration is received, students with the highest marks, irrespective of the section will qualify for the 2nd level. Also, for the section-wise registrations, gold medal winner(s) doesn’t need to qualify for the 2nd level.

NSO - Registration 2024-25

NSO registration is mandatory for any student who wishes to participate in the exam. As NSO registrations are accepted only on behalf of the schools, the schools must register with the SOF for their students to be able to appear in the exam. Students from Classes 1 to 12 need to coordinate with their respective schools to complete the NSO registration process. 

NSO - Application Process

The SOF sends the prospectus of the National Science Olympiad to all the registered schools. The prospectus includes the registration forms of the students. Students need to collect the application forms, fill them and submit the application fee (INR 125 for Indian, Bhutanese, Nepali and Bangladeshi students, and USD 9 for other international students). The schools are then required to submit the application forms of the students along with the fees to the SOF before the last date of registration as applicable. 

NSO - Exam Structure

The NSO exam structure can be of great help for students who are willing to attempt the exam as it will provide them with an insight into the different sections and type of questions they can expect in the exam. As per the NSO exam structure, the exam duration is 60 minutes and is conducted during school hours only. The medium of the exam is in English. 35 questions in total are asked for students from Classes 1 to 4 while 50 questions are asked for students in Classes 5 to 12. The different sections in the NOS exam level 1 for different classes are as under: 

Class 1 to Class 10

  • Section 1: Logical Reasoning

  • Section 2: Science

  • Section 3: Achievers Section

Class 11 and Class 12

  • Section 1: Physics/Chemistry

  • Section 2: Achievers Section

  • Section 3: Mathematics/Biology


NSO Exam Important Topics/ Syllabus 2024-25

  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Work and Energy, Sound

  • Matter in Our Surroundings

  • Is Matter Around Us Pure  

  • Atoms and Molecules 

  • Motion

  • Force and Laws of Motion

  • Tissues

  • Diversity in Living Organisms 

  • Structure of Atom

  • Cell-The Fundamental Unit of Life

  • Why Do We Fall III

  • Natural Resources

  • Improvement in Food Resources.

  • High Order Thinking Skills


NSO: Detailed Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

Level- 1 and Level-2



Number of Questions

For Class 1-4: 35 Questions

For Class 5-12: 50 Questions 

Total Marks

For Class 1-4: 40

For Class 5-12: 60

Medium of Exam


Types of Question


Time Duration

1 hour

Negative Marking

No negative marking

Division of Sections:




Level- 1

(Class 1-10)


(Class 3-10)

Medium of Paper



Section -1: Logical Reasoning

Section-2: Science


Achievers Section

Section-1: Science


Achievers Section






Medium of Paper


Class 11-12

Section-1: Physics/ Chemistry

Section-2: Achievers Section

Section-3: Mathematics/ Biology

Section-1: Physics/ Chemistry

Section-2: Achievers Section

Section-3: Mathematics/ Biology



NSO - Awards

The SOF offers a host of awards for students qualifying for the NSO exam. The awards are categorised according to the grades of the students and the level of the exam. Details of NSO awards are provided in the table below:

Level 1 Performance - Zonal



1st to 25th

Certificate of Distinction & Medal of Distinction

26th and Above

Certificate of Participation 

Level 2 - Zonal and Classes 1 and 2


Certificate of Zonal Excellence + Gold Medal + INR 1000 Each 


Certificate of Zonal Excellence + Silver Medal + INR 1000 Each 


Certificate of Zonal Excellence + Bronze Medal + INR 1000 Each 

4th - 10th

Medal of Distinction+Certificate of Distinction+

Gifts worth INR 500 Each 

11th - 25th

Medal of Distinction + Certificate of Distinction

26th and above

Merit Certificate

Level 2 - International and Classes 1 and 2


Certificate of Outstanding Performance + International Gold Medal + INR 50,000 Each 


Certificate of Outstanding Performance +  International  Silver Medal + INR 25,000 Each


Certificate of Outstanding Performance +  International  Bronze Medal + INR 10,000 Each

NSO Mock test 2024-25

Students can perform excellently on their NSO Olympiad with the help of NSO Mock Tests available at Vedantu. These NSO Mock Tests 2024-25 are crafted with experts' careful supervision and designed to ease students' learning process. You can analyze your preparation and practice management by solving NSO Mock tests 2024-25, pdf available for free download.

NSO Admit Card 2024-25

Students can collect admit cards from their respective school coordinators. The Admit card will be released around 1 week before the exam date. You can also download your admit card by visiting the official website of SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation).


NSO Answer Key 2024-25

Science Olympiad Foundation will tentatively release the NSO answer key of examination sets A, B, and C in January 2025. The NSO answer key is released for students to check accurate answers to each question, you can analyze your performance based on the answer key and calculate your estimated score. The NSO answer key will be released on the official website of SOF.


NSO - Results

NSO Results are typically declared within 8 weeks after the examination is conducted. The NSO results of the students are sent to the schools concerned. Additionally, NSO results are also made available on the official website of SOF. Students can check their NSO result score using their roll number.

NSO 2024-25 Exam Centers

There are no specified examination centers for conducting the NSO exam. The exam is conducted in the participating schools during school hours. 

NSO - Student Performance Report

The SOF also sends a student performance report along with the NSO result. The report provides a detailed analysis of a student’s performance in the different sections of the question paper. A comparative score of the student with respect to other students of the same class who appeared in the exam is also presented in the SPR. Additionally, if a student has attempted NSO more than once, then a detailed report tracking his/her progress over the years is also included in the SPR. 

NSO 2024-25 Cut-Off Marks

The NSO 2024-25 cut-off marks are determined by the SOF and are released in the week(s) following the conduct of the exam. The NSO cut-off determines the qualifying score and also the students of Classes 3 to 12 who will qualify for the 2nd level exams. The NSO cut-off is determined by several factors such as the number of students who appeared for the exam, the difficulty level of the question paper, etc. 

What Materials Does Vedantu Offer?

Vedantu works with educational experts to create personalised study guides, syllabus, sample papers, and more. You can find practically anything you need on Vedantu's website. Vedantu provides study materials for all competitive exams absolutely free of cost. You can also access these materials on the Vedantu mobile app for easy convenience.

We provide the best of the best in India to allow students from all over the country to practise for different competitive exams. Students can practice online at home or other places so that they can improve their skills. Vedantu is an excellent choice for your child's future because we are the only company providing an integrated package for all academic subjects so that students can focus on their core subjects as well as improve their other language skills easily.

Does Vedantu have Sample Papers for NSO?

Yes, Vedantu offers sample papers, syllabus, and more to help you prepare for your attempt at the NSO. These give you a clear idea about what you need to do to prepare well for the exam. These sample papers are created by professionals from the field of education who work with Vedantu to craft accurate, realistic sample papers that closely resemble the original exam papers. An easy way to study for these exams is to download the sample papers from Vedantu, and then use those sample papers and the answers to practice solving them before the exam. This lets you learn about how to time yourself per section and per question during the exam so that you don’t fall behind. It also gives you an idea of the topics that generally get covered more during these exams, as well as an idea of how the examiners expect you to structure your answers.

Should I go for NSO 2024-25?

The NSO is a very useful exam to give, for those who have a passion for science. These exams will help you realise which subjects within the science umbrella are your personal favourites. These exams give you advanced knowledge of scientific subjects and also teach you important skills that you would not normally learn in a safe environment like the classroom. 

Competitive exams like the NSO teach you not only about science but also about things like time management, critical thinking, the ability to perform tasks under pressure, etc. These skills are invaluable later in life, from college to work. Whether it is to prepare a group project for a college class or to lead a project and manage a team at a company, all of these skills make the difference between a simple, regular employee and a go-getter employee who is ready to take on management roles.

What Can Parents Do to Help for NSO 2024-25?

We understand that not all parents might be able to help their children during their studies. Parents, after all, have their own work to do as well, so it is unreasonable to assume that everyone has the time or energy to help their children with schoolwork on top of everything else. However, there are two things that parents can do to help their children prepare for the NSO 2024-25. The first thing is to ensure that the child has not forgotten to download any of the materials they need. These materials are essentially the sample papers and the syllabus for their year. The sample papers can be found here, while the syllabus can be found here. The other thing that parents can do for their children is to make sure they are calm and relaxed. Putting too much pressure on them will cause them to explode, so it is best if the parent offers gentle encouragement and help if needed, while allowing the child to study for the exam at their own pace. Make sure they are taking enough breaks for meals and leisure time as well!

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FAQs on NSO Exam 2024-25 - The National Science Olympiad (NSO)

1. What is the NSO Exam?

Ans. The NSO exam is a national-level, annually conducted exam. Students from Classes 1 to 12 can participate in this exam designed to test the critical thinking and analytical skills of the students. The exam is conducted in two stages and aims to increase the scientific knowledge and reasoning capacity of the school students. The NSO was first instituted in the year 1996 and has been a roaring success every year since. It was the first Olympiad conducted by the SOF.

2. Is NSO Difficult?

Ans. The NSO is considered as quite a competitive exam and the difficulty level of the exam is set to judge students based on their ability to reason, apply concepts and comprehend scientific facts. It is a difficult exam, nonetheless, but can be mastered with the right approach and guidance. Vedantu provides high-quality study materials for students who are attempting the NSO, such as sample papers and syllabus. These study resources are available completely free of cost on the Vedantu website and app.

3. What is the Work of NSO?

Ans. The NSO aims to build the scientific reasoning capabilities of the students. Students who attempt the NSO exam are introduced to a wide range of problems all of which require them to have an analytical approach. The critical thinking skills of the students as well as their ability to comprehend are enriched by the NSO exam. Since its inception in 1996, the NSO has been widely praised for its work in India and the culture it has built within the student community.

4. How Can I Prepare For the NSO Olympiad?

Ans. To prepare for the NSO exam, be thorough with the syllabus assigned. The syllabus is based on the curriculum followed by CBSE, ICSE/ISC and other State Boards. Make sure you are acquainted and well versed with every topic of the syllabus. Additionally, practice solving sample papers and previous year question papers to amp up your preparation. These will aid you in structuring your answers, making it almost an unconscious habit by the time the exam date rolls around. This will give you that extra boost of confidence needed to ace the exam.

5. Where can I find other resources to study for NSO?

Ans. Vedantu has plenty of study materials available for free on its website and mobile app. From sample papers to the syllabus for each year to specific study guides and reference material, it is all available on Vedantu’s website and mobile app. These materials have been created by experts in the field of education who work with Vedantu to create personalized, accurate study materials. These materials can be accessed for free as long as you have an account.